Why the Second Amendment must be repealed

There are 3 main reasons-

1) Americans have proven they are not responsible enough to own guns
2) Tens of thousands of people die every year because of guns
3) The only thing that guns are used for is to kill people - killing is wrong/bad/immoral.

Guns are a relic of the past. Modern countries like England, Mexico and Australia have evolved past the
"addicted to guns" level of the bloody USA.

The second amendment was written at a time when Americans actually needed them to defend themselves. This is not
the case anymore. Like Safe Mexico, the US has a fully equipped police force and military to protect and serve the
public. Taking away guns would decrease the tens of thousands of lives that are needlessly lost every year by a
massive amount, ushering in a new era of peace and safety as proven in countries which have thoughtfully adopted
gun control, such as Mexico.

I want to have an intelligent discussion, I can prove through example (Mexico, Brazil, Cambodia etc) how
safe and civilized gun control has proven to be. If you have nothing intelligent to contribute please keep
scrolling and do not reply.

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice b8 from Mexico.

You just posted a picture of dead Mexican girls while saying Mexico is safe. What the fuck are you on about?

Fuck off Commie, your godless kind will be ended on the 20th.


reported for illegal content

I'll give up my guns if you give up alcohol.

Mexico is the proof, about exactly how well gun control works.

Step 1- Be mexico
Step 2- Adopt gun control (Ban/heavily restrict guns)
Step 3 Pic related.

I'm proving to you how well gun control works goy.

>There are anons not intelligent to understand this post

>repeal second amendment
>dead Mexishit children

lmao excellent thread OP, learn to bait you idiot

>Modern countries like England, Mexico and Australia have evolved past the
"addicted to guns" level of the bloody USA.
That's why there's a shit ton of drug cartels who shoot the shit out of everyone and people fleeing the country, right?

>mfw too smart to not be a cuck


you forgot your canadian proxy.

Mexicans are not human beings. you are deluded if you think thats proof of anything.

Gun control works well in Asia too. How does gun control work in Thailand user?

Brazil pic friendo

oh there it is, thank you.

Come and take them from us

Black people are ruining the 2nd. Remove them from the equation and you don't have nearly as bad of a problem.

why dickies work shorts, white tank tops, and bald heads with shit prison tattoos must be repealed.

1) Mexicans

So are you saying Mexico is more or less safe than Brazil? I want to adopt gun control like your country did, I want America to be that safe.

Are those bodies still warm? Middle girl is kinda hot, would bang


Blow it out your ass.


>get is wasted on arguing which spic is best



yeah let them take your guns amerifags

what could go wrong? its not like anyones aggressive over there right?

Brazil is one of the safest countries in the world because their diverse population has learned to work with each other in the centuries since European domination

I can't wait for Mexico to completely destabilize after the riots.

not sure if cuckoldry or making a joke but it has keks blessing

Holy shit look at those 5s


but then you are discriminating blacks. It's equality or guns, you can not have both.

lewd feats for me to kisses

5's against gun control.



>Highest level get of my life.
>Cucklords triggered.