>tfw NSA agents start monitoring here
>tfw a lot of them begin to lurk here more and more
>tfw they eventually become shitposters like the rest of us
Tfw NSA agents start monitoring here
nsa here btw
They have been here for years user
This is literally what Sup Forums is tho
Dear NSA Agent,
You might not think its going to happen. You think we're just a bunch of weirdo loner extremists who have no idea what we're talking about. You'll think your job will be easy and you'll just spend your time laughing at us and our stupidity.
That's what I thought.
That's what a lot of people thought.
It's going to happen to you the same way it did to me and all the other people on this board.
Get ready to lose your mind.
>implying we haven't been here for a while already.
Welcome to the nightmare boys.
>mfw they have to categorize our threads and provide a brief summary of their contents for their superiors
everyone on Sup Forums is a member of an intelligence agency
Low alch yourself, leaf.
This so much
chill out bruh, ive been here since 2009
By that logic then the snake is eating its own tail
Australian intelligence here.
We also lurk here. You guys are great.
The nsa are all Sup Forumstards user, it's the fbi who monitor pollacks.
Pretty much guaranteed to have red pilled more than a few of them.
>stare too long into the abyss and it will stare back
I consider Sup Forums to be a great source for OSINT
CIAanon checking in
Make it stop user, please I can't take it snymore
Only normies don't browse Sup Forums.
Everyone on Sup Forums is either
>overweight NEET collecting SS
>/fit/ NEET with 8/6 penis, 6 fig income, 10/10 fuckbuddy, and >130 IQ
>Member of the highest political/intelligence offices
>threat matrix
>what does sprudo say about the restlessness of the kurdish minority in Turkey
This x100000
I've been on the chins since 07, way before I started working at the big glass building.
Also I play a game where I try to count the amount of lurkers I find when walking around outside my office. We all have that look.
>fuggin' ebbil durgggy DDDD:
this is now a LARP thread
>they've been infiltrated for years
>Sup Forums has the best cutting edge intel
>all the alphabet agencies lurk here
>current and former
Also, the NSA is complicit in child sex crimes, human trafficking, drug importation, and operates outside the Constitution, which means they're an enemy if the USA
>LARP'ing as the guy in every thread who points out people that might be LARP'ing
Get out LARPer
Repeat after me newfag
>Everything I post here is purely a work of fiction and any resemblance to actual events, places or people, living or dead is purely coincidental.
Welcome to the board of peace mallshart
get a brotha a job there. Or tell me how.
>Sup Forums will soon have lots of undercover agents
checkmate, jews
1.) Get Bachelors
2.) Get internship while in school
3.) Network while interning
4.) Apply for entry level govvie or contractor job.
5.) ???
6.) Profit
Or...Join Military as Intel, do Intel stuff for exp. Get stationed there. Get out apply for contractor or govvie job. Whichever floats your boat. Depending on how much exp you have you can waive certain degree requirements. All of this info you can get with some searching on their career page or looking at clearance jobs or even monster.
>implying the NSA didn't start this place
fucking underrated
I bet they will start collecting Pepe's.
Don't divulge too much (or any) info. We don't want them to find out, before it goes into effect.
We are like a counter-ops, meme warfare army.
We will save the world.
Don't let these spooks learn about ongoing operations.
In KEK we trust.
Tbh, i wish i worked for MI5 / MI6.
And posting them on the official NSA twitter.
yee or even high level secret new age area 51, obviously they sold that already but where ever that operation is now... :( rip groom
Do you roo fuckers use wired up trained koalas to listen in on people?
>Australian intelligence
and think, you NIGGERS. this is just the BEGINNING
WTF happened to you three letter agencies?
You used to be feared, you used to be bad asses!
Now you are the fucking joke of Sup Forums
Trump was right, our three letter agencies have turned into little cuck bitches under Hussein Obama.
The chans, godlike productions, elements of twitter, reddit and a few others are rapid fast.
Ive heard about shit here within 20 mins of it actually happening on the other side of the world hours before the AP and MSM pick it up.
Pift, implying we need academic degrees, half of us learned our shitposting chops on the interwebs because we are autists.
Like bane said, bruce wayne mearly adopted the web, we were born in it, molded by it.
Nah brah, ayy lmaos can fuck off, shits scary yo. Normies really dont need to see that shit.
im NSA, you shut you mouth before i fuck it
Remember that poster who always did the "Canadian Cuckoldry" posts? I miss that fucker.
>We co opt the NSA and turn into the Patriots from MGS2
shouldnt that be the other way round
Company Ghouls
Everyone fake.
Everything true.
Thoughts on the peaceful emu species? Why do you guys have to oppress them so?
oh shit waddup fellow nsa bros!
Our fucking Kangaroos will sell your private information you n o r m i e
Sup Forums
Here for your safety!
>oh shit waddup
That's an odd choice of words. When I saw people forcing the dat boi whaddup meme I
instantly thought it was the work of a letter agency.
Stop fueling my suspicions
Canadian Security Intelligence Service here. We agree, candian posters are shit.