Why does everyone on here hate him? There is nothing wrong with wanting healthcare for everyone.
Bernie Sanders
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He's a commie jew, that's more than enough.
>Healthcare is a human right
Sure, as long as I am not paying for it.
he is the SJW candidate
Retarded commie-cuck shilling for Soros.
>human right
stealing my money to give shanequa and her 8 children by 5 dads health insurance is not legal and most certainly not a right inherent from God
Everything in the world costs money someone has to pay for it.
Why should someone else have to pay for some fatties heart surgery or some smokers lung transplant?
Healthcare being a human right forces doctors into indentured servitude.
Doesn't sound much like liberty or freedom when an entire industry can be forced to take patients they don't want, work at a facility they don't want, with people they don't want in an area of medicine that might not be their specialty or preference.
Doctors don't spend half a million dollars and 15 years to be hostages in the middle of some piss-ant gang dispute in Chicongo just because niggers and liberal faggots think it's their right to have healthcare.
But who pays the Doctors and Nurses?
When the wages become to depressed, will the government force some people to become Doctors and Nurses with force?
>wanting to force everyone to pay for inefficient healthcare from my comrades in the healthcare industry. Great idea great leader!
>health care is a human right
>doctors forced to diagnose anybody that shows them a mole
I'm pretty conservative, but the stealing my money problem seems more like a welfare problem, and less of a healthcare problem. They are connected however.
Controlled opposition.
He could have fought Clinton on rigging election, but chose to empower her.
So Bernie Sanders thinks that healthcare workers should be slaves. How about fuck off faggot.
guess who else wanted universal healthcare?
check mate, fucking bigot.
Except it's not. The only thing you have a right to is dying in a ditch.
Is this man even economically literate?
quick reminder:
he endorsed hillary even after it was revealed she and kikeface conspired against him
Well, doctors and nurses are some who are arguing for socialized medicine. How do you equate the cost of medical care solely to doctors and nurses and not the pharmaceutical and insurance conglomerates staffed by paper pushers and CEO's?
I watched sanders last night on cnn and is solution to everything is tax the rich. He is retarded and cant do math, you could liquidize thousands of billionares and still not pay the national debt, much ive give free school AND healthy. Guy is rucking retarded
CEO's what?
I do believe we should all have opportunities for Healthcare. I am for taking down big pharmacy, I don't believe we should all be jewed by insurance companies.
And I would even go so far with the radical idea that if we should have "free" healthcare, it should only be for children, up to 18.
Beyond that, if you continue to make terrible choices with your life. Sucks to suck.
Bernie is the inevitable downfall of democracy. Once the people realize they can vote the government to give them the treasury they become entirely dependent on the government, at which point we no longer have freedom or democracy, but despotism.
It makes perfect sense. A bank can give you a lower rate for a house because if you don't pay they just take your house. If you don't pay a student loan they can't take your "education".
'tis called 'collateral', nigger.
Healthcare is not a right
If Bernie had any real chance at any real power, anyone with any real money would leave the jurisdiction.
Can't redistribute nothing.
Because the "all I want is healthcare for all" is a blatant misrepresentation of what actually happens.
>What the hell Lincoln, aren't we all entitled to cheaper cotton?
The problem with lefties is that for every good idea they have like 5 bad ones
>Privatized health care is a racket where insurance companies gamble against the health of the nation
Good point, please direct me to the voting booth so I may cast me vo-
>btw white people are evil and responsible for all of the misfortune of people of color. Cops shouldn't be allowed to shoot feral niggers who are attacking them and you shouldn't be able to own weapons at all. We must end white privilege by taking away what whites have that they have unfairly been rewarded until their have repaid their debt to the world (which I will define at a later date). Borders are racist and we should let anyone in regardless of how low class, criminal, culturally incompatible or dangerous they are. Women are equal to men in all facets despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary and if they don't make exactly as much wealth and prestige as men do, equality of outcome must be enforced by law. Also women have penises and you are a transpohbic bigot if you think otherwise.
Dude, just lol. My education has collateral, the bank can send someone my whom I can impart knowledge too if I default
His problem is that he sees it as a positive right (something owed to you) rather than a negative right (something that can't be taken should you find a legitimate way to procure it). Healthcare is a negative right, since the government can't deny one the basic right to look after one's own health, but healthcare as a positive right is slavery for the healthcare provider.
someone my way*
We have universal healthcare except for dental. Dentistry is expensive as fuck here and almost no insurance policies are available to cover it.
you could all make similar arguments against police or fire safety. but the reality is we can make these things work.
naive libtards think a utopia is possible or they despise hummanity so much they work towards its collapse
they ALL fall into one of these camps
In 30 years I've not once seen anyone make the argument that cops or firefighters are a human right.
>there's nothing wrong with making someone else pay for your healthcare
neck yourself
They're pushing for socialized medicine because they're spending way too much fucking time sorting through papers and making sure people are insured and giving valid medical reasons for prescribing this or that drug because if they don't write a 2-page commentary about the prescribing rationale the patient can't get it covered.
TL;DR shitty coverage, lack of medical staffing throughout US.
Now imagine Cuba's old medical workforce and efficiency combined with the US' medical tech capacity. But no, muh trillions in profits.
people on pol not knowing the difference between socialism and communism. who would of thought?
he's a commie jewe. point made
Paramedic here, you have no idea what this entails and how badly it will end. That said, our current healthcare system is abused enough as is by the lower class.
I never understood why some countries have free health but not dental. I mean they know having shitty rotten teeth is the biggest health hazard there is, right?
I know it's bait but.
>Healthcare is a human right
What about the doctor? What rights does he have? He is not a public servant like a police officer, he is a private individual running a private practice. You are figuratively putting a gun to his head and saying "if you don't waste your time on these people who don't really need your expertise but demand it anyways we will punish you." That's oppression.
>If you don't help dying people, and get punished for it, that's oppression.
Bernie Sanders is a white devil who tricked Amerikkka into thinking they could attain socialism without swearing total fealty and obedience to Allah.
>((((((((((human rights))))))))))
Wow what a surprise.
Retard the argument is that it should be
>says a guy that's never paid a dime in taxes
Those are shared externalities, while healthcare is almost entirely not shared. Learn about the tragedy of the commons and you'll realize that they're totally different, pleb.
happening thread
Hitler also supported killing disabled people because they were a drain on society.
Lard asses that stuff their face with soda and corn syrup enriched food would probably fit into that category you degenerate.
I pay taxes for police and firemen, among other things, and I get something in return - someone comes and puts out the grease fire my girlfriend started in the kitchen, and someone hauls Oranjelo off to jail for breaking in to my shed. I get roads paved and cleared of snow, someone makes sure the sewers are clear so I don't have toxic waste regurgitating up my utility sink in the basement, and my empty dragon dildo boxes and empty lube bottles get collected once a week.
What do I get in return for paying for other people's healthcare, groceries and rent? A warm fuzzy feeling? Pass.
>If you don't help dying people, and get punished for it, that's oppression.
Yeah, that's the definition of opression.
In theory you'd be right, but span a lifetime of medical ailments out and compare that to just dental.
Then consider that according to almost every health agency in the west, senior citizens will statistically spend the last decade of their life in a hospital or care facility of some kind.
Our biggest demographic right now is retired baby boomers. They got way more shit wrong with them collectively than some busted teeth. You can fit them all with dentures and it's a one time only expense. Just wait until they break a hip, get pneumonia or bronchitis, get cancer or develop complications to diabetes or an auto immune deficiency of some sort. That shit is beyond expensive.
>Cops and Firefighters are oppressive
Someone's autistic
socialism is literally the first step towards communism as designated by Karl Marx dipshit
He's never done a hard days work in his life.
Shared extremeties? You're acting like you've never been to the fucking hospital before
One fucking major illness will bankrupt your ass
Get a clue. The expansion of medicaid is the primary reason for all of these government mandated hoops to jump through.
Cuba is horribly inefficient in healthcare like every other socialized system.
I never said that. I said if they don't require a doctor, the doctor should have the right to refuse service.
There is a difference between refusing life saving treatment for cancer and refusing to give antibiotics to someone who has a viral head cold.
The only difference is the wording. There is no substantial difference. Socialism is like being a little bit pregnant. It's all just communism by degrees.
I'd rather have a fatass need my tax dollars than have some really messed up downie or whatever those Hartley hooligans have using it. Fatasses can work jobs that benefit society that aren't combat roles or enforcement or even redpilled.
Never seen a burger cop?
Have a (you). This nigger gets it.
Free healthcare is a neet idea but it needs to be DEEPLY embedded into the government, meaning all hospitals are government owned, government regulates medicine, external developments are circled back into the healthcare system etc, countries with good, functioning healthcare do not really tax its citizens that much for it and it still covers situations an average, healthy guy might encounter(needing an ambulance, medicine for a cold, bandages etc)
When you try to create a free healthcare system out of a privately owned care system it is going to cost a RIDICULOUS amount of money, it's just too late for the states to do it(not to mention corporate backlash, someone is making mighty shekels out of all of this)
Sorry bernie, nice try bud
Racism. Sup Forums would rather have 20 white families go without health insurance than let one black abuse the system.
The Jew gets it.
I don't hate him. I just don't agree with him politically. I wish him no trouble.
I would like to have seen him run against Trump. I don't think he could have beat Trump, but at least he would have been the right and fair candidate.
It's a shame Hillary stole the nomination from him. He did earn it.
You should definitely try this! We'll follow.
This guy is a special kind of pathetic
I'd be okay with national healthcare (not calling it free) of alcohol, tobacco, sugar, and prescription drugs, were much more tightly regulated.
Why should I pay for fat alcoholic smokers health self-induced problems? I mean, for every innocent person with some expensive genetic disorder, there are fifty fat cunts destroying their own bodies willingly.
Not just an illness - which might require ongoing care. An ER visit will cost tens of thousands.
My dad had a heart attack while in NC and it cost $63,000 AFTER world class health insurance.
No, just made an assertion, not an argument.
An argument would be stating *WHY* it should be. Try it.
>a person is entitled to have others going into a medical school and study for 10 years to take care of his health
>a person is entitle to have other people researching and fabricating medicine, that they somehow have to give him
>a person is entitled to have other paying those previous people so he can have all that for free
Actually cops aren't a right. Per the supreme court, they aren't obligated to respond in a timely manner when you call 911.
>What do I get in return for paying for other people's healthcare, groceries and rent? A warm fuzzy feeling? Pass.
You get a safety net that'll be there for you when the Republicans crash the economy.
I don't even know who Take The Wok Ayy is
At any rate we had shabby immigration laws(refuge seekers especially) and now we're stuck with a bunch of niggers turning tel aviv into mogadishu
Positive rights are bullshit and create poor economic policy.
He looks jewish. Can anyone confirm?
he is a hideous, ranting socialist. his persona is as off putting as any liberal rant. he reeks of new england insular thought. white people who refuse to watch reality.
>Human right
This is why we hate that old faggot jew dummy, he doesn't even understand what a "right" is, how could anyone be dumb enough to think he's capable of any form of leadership when simple concepts elude him?
Dental insurance is just a scam.
I remember some study mentioned by a press that dental insurance is only really good for the yearly dental cleaning and for people who have serious teeth problems, they find out their dental insurance either barely covers the procedure or doesn't cover it at all and the patient has to pay it out of pocket then.
For example, most dental insurance does not cover Dental Implants.
This is why even though a dentist says to a patient, a dental implant might be better for you, the patient decides to remove the infected tooth instead since his or her insurance doesn't cover it since they consider dental implants as cosmetic.
Kinda sucks if you ask me.
I think dentists should fight harder to get rid of the Cosmetic label attached to them so insurance companies take dentists more seriously and therefore, stuff like Dental Implants will start being covered.
hes right though. just dont give it to your illegals.
Fuck outta here
coverage is not healthcare
Check my flag. Our 5-0 are bretty gud tbqh senpai. Not a boot licker, but I'm proud of our folks in blue.
They get re-tested annually to stay in the field. Got pulled over during a RIDE check once and got free hockey tickets.
I will happily pay a tax that looks after these people's medical needs. God forbid some basketball Americans invade my area, I want to make sure enforcement has what they need to keep a blue line between me and the hoard of Jamals.
Would be epic if this actually got implemented. Part of collateral for loans is assessing a value on the collateral, and I'm fairly sure 95% of what US colleges are selling has negative actual worth, meaning the loans would never be issued. Seriously, who's gonna issue a loan so Tareeq and Sharayay can take African American History 201 classes for their gender studies degree, knowing they may have to resell that degree later after a sham degree market crash?
You must be another mongoloid who thinks that policies put in place by the government immediately affect the economy in a major way.
him nor his supporters live in the real world.
The establishment wants GLOBAL COMMUNISM.
So the few families of WorldBankers at the Top control everything for THE FUCKING WORLD.
Taxing the middle class so your tax money can go to the world bank would never fucking work.
The establishment is more afraid of Bernie than Trump and with the current atmosphere, it was never possible for Bernie to win.
Human rights literally don't exist. It's a made up concept
Did you pay for all those roads you drive on ?
Do you benefit from them ?
But we aren't discussing a ratio of 20:1, and it isn't even as simple as blacks and whites.
When a nation of actual citizens has to pay exorbitant fees BECAUSE undocumented beaners hop the border and use Emergency Rooms as family doctor visits without paying, I have a problem.
He's a fucking moron, but I don't really hate him to be honest family. He does seem to truly and sincerely care, it's just that all of his ideas are retarded and would destroy the country. Hillary's an evil pile of shit, but Sanders is just like a good-natured autistic toddler. I can't hate him, really.
His supporters are fucking intolerable, though.
>Beyond that, if you continue to make terrible choices with your life. Sucks to suck.
>Thinks all illness is through choice.
It is not. But if you know you have an illness, and stopping the jewing of insurance companies...
If you still do nothing...you face consequences
Cosmetic medicine is a problem everywhere and it isn't limited to dental.
Hookers in the UK can get boob jobs from their NHS and now American prisons and military bases pay for sex reassignment surgeries. If some mentally ill snowflake faggot wants to cross dress to live out some misguided notion that they were 'born in the wrong body', let them. But a $200k surgery and a lifetime of synthetic hormones and pills? Nope.
>morals don't exist, it's a made up concept
>laws don't exist, it's a made up concept
>mathematics doesn't exist, it's a made up concept
How about this: if you're obese you don't get shit for healthcare unless you can prove you have some fucking magic condition that makes you able to break the law of conservation of energy (you don't)
> TFW you can't even vaguely conceptualize an organized healthcare system so you blame it on muh half-baked & eroded policies
>A simplified financing system in the U.S. could result in cost savings exceeding $350 billion annually, nearly 15% of health care spending.
Government freebies only work in a society that isn't being massively taken advantage of by unproductive people and forcing those who actually do produce to pay for everyone else. The more leeches you have sucking from the system and contributing nothing in return, the worse your socialist system becomes.
Libs can't have it both ways where they want to import more and more migrants and look the other way when it comes to illegals, and then also promise everyone more free shit allowing these same migrants and illegals and just lazy people in general to suck from the system.
The fact is that if there were a high enough percentage of productive people in America to make this socialist utopia work, they'd vote the liberals out of office because they're better with their own money than the government. With that being the case, libs only chance of enacting their policies is by populating the country with poor fucks who will fuck over the system so badly that their system collapses.
Socialized health care has been wonders for Canada. No complaints.