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Dammit Sup Forums what have you done

Massive disinfo campaign. Nobody is sure who published an unverified, inflammatory story about Trump.
Speculation has it that shills are encouraging some useful idiot Sup Forums users to take credit for duping the media (a tempting victory to claim). Unfortunately, that means we'll get bruised when the "fake news" legislation inevitably comes around.

All it is is people freaking out, did Sup Forums troll someone again?

Memetic warfare is the new meta, and we are the best at it. We've become so influential and our memes have become so powerful that the elites cannot beat us. We outsmart them at every turn and inevitably they're just going to try to shut us down because they're frightened by the fact they can't control us anymore.

We are pioneers in a new information age. Memes are changing reality

Some Russian shill is pretending that he was the one to leak this fake info

The rest of pol being retarded are running with it

>Russian internet army is currently shilling hard to spin this as fake news and prevent Putin from having anything over Trump

Sup Forums isn't a news website. There's no consequence we could actual face. Buzzfeed is going to be destroyed for this because they actually published it

>tfw you never took part in any of this
I'm just a shitty worthless poster that exists to provide a buffer for the actually talented people.

That's totally untrue. We're the so-called perpetrators of the pizzagate "fake news," but they dare not push that narrative thanks to the Streisand effect.

They're looking for a target they can actually engage.

It's true but it's a containment board.

Here, and in life.

worthlessfag reporting

Why would trump run for presidency or Putin had this kind of meh leverage against him? He could have just dropped from the race and if Putin discloses the information well who gives a fuck.
Come on user.

The whole thing is a lie and the media jumped onto it because that's what they do constantly they pick up any made up story that seems credible, and they repeat and repeat it and spin it until it becomes "truth" for the goyims

Irrelevant. Still a vehicle for intelligent discussion, even if it is loaded with Blacked.com ads and shills out the ass.
Sup Forums has made significant contributions to the world of international politics.

This is what's going around the rumor mill - more or less debunked now

Here's the quickie:

>Obama stays in Russian hotel
>Trump later stays in same hotel
>Trump hires a bunch of hookers to take pee-pee on bed where obamas slept cuz "who fuckin knows"
>Russia held onto this info to blackmail Trump

That's #peepeegate. Apparantely started as a hoax by Sup Forumsack and fed to buzzfeed. Buzzfeed published story and now shit has gone wild. Welcome to 2017

Does it ever get better?

MSM grasping at straws..... basically.

What I mean is that it's better preserved than taken down. I can't imagine how'd that fly in today's climate. Probably horribly.

Here's the state of play:

1. Earlier this week officials from several intelligence agencies briefed Trump on Russian efforts to influence the election.

2. Major Media outlets began claiming today that sources were telling them one of the things CIA briefed Trump on was efforts by the Russians to compromise him and people close to him.

3. Earlier tonight Buzzfeed published a briefing document which made extreme claims about Russian blackmail material on Trump and Russian contacts with people close to Trump. Buzzfeed admitted they were unable to verify this document, but it may be the source inspiring the claims in #2 above.

4. Wikileaks took one look at the doc and pronounced it a likely fake, as it looked nothing like documents leaked to them from the CIA in the past.

5. Commenters on Sup Forums have been aggressively pushing the claim the document originated as a hoax foisted on Risk Wilson last year in the hopes he would publish it and be discredited.

The current Sup Forums narrative is that Wilson passed it on to others, and that it ended up in the hands of several anti-Trump senators who passed on to CIA and FBI for verification/investigation. A Sup Forums user may have trolled Wilson, several senators, and the mainstream media, with the hoax now exploding into the public consciousness via Buzzfeed.

We aren't a news website. No fake news legislation could ever effect us because we don't publish anything, we're an image board. Only news websites who publish things can face any kind of consequence. There's literally nothing they can do to an anonymous image board

russia's blackmailing trump with a piss tape and Sup Forums is pretending they're behind it as damage control

news reports document here documentcloud.org/documents/3259984-Trump-Intelligence-Allegations.html
Sup Forums man in nov in the archives claims to have sold some sort of sex orgy story to Rick Wilson, using a sockpuppet acc he worked on to seem legitimate
Sup Forums people are claiming the part in the report about the hookers and the pissing on Obama's favorite bed was from the Sup Forums man.

There should be more evidence considering the trump general people seem to know what he was talking about.

Yeah this is obviously totally real and legit am I rite drumpf is finished this time

It's not the piss the problem.
It's the tentacle hentai.

I hope you're right. Only time will tell. I think we're either a utility or an enemy of TPTB.




OP is a faggot

This on the surface.

There are other facts that are probably more damaging in the real world. The sheep will hear all about hookers and piss though.

if it were anyone but trump i'd agree but i'm sure that weirdo is into some sick shit


Watch the mark dice video

the number of times this image has been posted since things kicked off is slightly concerning.


Why contain it?

It really resonates with the audience here. I'm thinking of making it a personal fantasy.

I sense the neck-beard is strong in you.

Sup Forums is trying to discredit very real and very damning allegations against our retarded new president

>the presents were Japanimation (anime)
Who is actually retarded enough to buy this shit?

Scenario 5 - check

salty cuck detected

American liberals. They will believe anything published by Buzzfeed or CNN

we didnt publish shit

trump hired russian prostitutes to watch anime with and the fbi found out ;_;

Can someone please say what page of the document this is, or post more than just this screenshot? I want to verify that this is real tbqh family.

Sup Forums is trying to push this ridiculous image to discredit this story. It isn't, and never was, in the leaked memo.

Take a look for yourself:

It's true. All of it.

but if it was really a rushin, doesnt that make it real info?


Trump literally commited treason and apparently has a piss fetish, all explained in a 34 page document.
Sup Forums is scrambling to create fake additional pages to this document to try and discredit the actual document.

Basically Buzzfeed is Over.

Me too son. At least we're aware of how mediocre I am.

that isn't from the report tho.
someone took the time to think it, type it, print it, highlight it, photograph it and post it on this board. after which dozens(?) of copies of it have been posted on this board in a matter of hours.

make of that what you will.

I guess the ability to write and the ability to read are not mutually inclusive.

Yeah and if he ran why would he run pissing everyone off and running a skeleton crew campaign while getting everyone to call him a nazi. Wouldn't Putin want him to actually win? Or maybe he really is a super genius playing 10d chess.

HAHAHAHAHAHA i've never seen you trumpfags so triggered
how long did you spend putting together that pile of crap?



Haven't seen a single one lately!

Everything there is real, buttmad canuck



happening thread..


Good post. Any Russian posters about?

We have changed from the alt right to the alt-jews nao.

apparently, Dems thought they were going to get Trump impeached because of a shitpost that Buzzfeed wrote an article on, which the CIA used in their report, which John McCain handed out to everyone and said was proof of Trumps ties to Russia
?? I think thats whats going on. Hard to tell for sure

News outlets are reporting Sup Forums fanfic as fact. archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/95123242/#95125670

Shows that this whole thing has been fed to the dude for months (different link than you expect).

He was without doubt played.

>Trump sitting in a theater in his pajamas, surrounded by prostitutes and presents, watching hentai
We're only 11 days into 2017

I'm a liberal all of this is good for me right? Trump won't be president right?

bad bait, and even if so who care's?

I'm only 20 and already into some sick shit.
A politicians fetish isn't going to sway my vote.

He could take it up the ass dressed as a pink cat for all I care. It's the policies that matter.
What people do after hours isn't my business.

Kek and checked

He's probably spending the rest of his life in jail.

Even if it were proven that the document originated on Sup Forums, it doesn't make anyone here, or the website itself, responsible for this fiasco, that responsibility lies with the people who chose to publish it as fact without verifying it. If CNN went to fanfiction.net and pulled a story to publish, the fault is with CNN, not the fucker who wrote Abe Lincoln/Yu Gi Oh crossover fics.

Watch this for 1 minute.

Look at the ceiling.

>he thinks this is about piss

Maybe go read the document before commenting.

fake news? the cia planted this story in an intel briefing so it could be leaked as "newsworthy"?

this is clearly some democratic deep state shit that is about to explode all over chucky-cheeze shumer's face.

At this point, I don't anyone has a clear, calculated answer on what is actually going on.

Some outlets are reporting it as if it's 100% true, others are saying it's a Sup Forums hoax, and someone are just pretty much straight up "we dunno".

Clues are all pointing to this being perhaps the biggest troll we will ever see in our lifetimes. Whatever the outcome, history is being made.

This, it's the biggest shilling campaign I've seen since the election. Something this size undoubtedly has the funding of a government behind it.

Russian sockpuppet accounts are trying to push the narrative that Sup Forums was responsible to discredit the report.

twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=#goldenshowers 4chan&src=rela

you missed the point - - the cia planted it in the briefin so it could be leacked as newsworthy...

all of the media have know about this (clearly BS) dossier since several months ago

they couldn't publish it without legal exposure until the dems/cia plotted to make it "newsworthy" which provides a shield of legal cover to regurgitate "fake news" to the lemming shills on facebook.

this is hillary-esque clown behaviour.

Shills and leftist cucks are raiding the board currently and pushing false narratives alongside this fake news, not realizing the effect it will have on public trust with media

posts like this one:daily reminder leftists believe lying is OK if it is for a "purpose"

link then

People keep saying that, but neglect to consider the MSM wouldn't throw Sup Forums under the bus before their own journalists.
Besides, this wasn't posted to Sup Forums as a joke. This was sent to a journalist disguised as fact and then Sup Forums was flooded with posters bragging about how we spread disinfo. There isn't even compelling evidence that it's from a Sup Forums poster. (Yes, I've seen the 4plebs archives)
In short, hundreds of posters are praising the creation and distribution of "fake news". Even if we're not a news website, we're going to be pegged as part of the problem.
Again, they almost took this angle with PizzaGate but didn't want to encourage the public to look towards ol' Jimmy Comet.

As subtle as a hurricane trajectory in a meteorological report.

I am a true believer in chaos now. And i used to laugh at Ian Malcolm.

Trump is a psychopath just like most of the elites/establishment. I totally believe it happened and not even once.

This reeks of jewish lawyers shceming with democrats....

Wair for russia to start tweeting and shitposting when london wakes up in a couple hours.

The denial is agressive and coordinated. Russian trolls hard at work earning those pickled beets

document isn't anywhere online, you probably didn't even read it you nigger

Here is your key information. This is all you need to know.

Glad I'm not the only one who sees this.
Somebody else pointed out that Russians aren't posting on Sup Forums. Any Russian bros in the house?



I miss when Sup Forums was small enough to be ignored by propaganda campaigns

Russia must have the nastiest most degrading video of Trump doing grotesque things. They need to release it and FINISH HIM

I finally found it like 10 secs after posting that lmao but thanks

Russian on vacation here, AMA.

how did they know it was the same bed? where would trump get the information about which specific bed that Obama slept in?

If it was the Russians that had cameras in that room, so they knew it was Obama who slept in it, wouldn't Trump be able to simply just not have the hookers pee in the bed?

If Trump is somehow so smart to be able to craft his 2016 presidential win from well before 2015, why would he go through the effort of having someone pee in a random bed that the russians said Obama slept in?

I feel like I'm complaining about a bad deleted scene from Suicide Squad.

Why are the Russians considered the bad guys?

Also can't anyone in the world use a Russian IP address? Can't the Russians use an American proxy?

The problem is, this Trump and piss story is so darn believable.

Fits like a fucking glove.

It is the fanciest suite in the hotel, it is where everyone important stays

>Can't the Russians use an American proxy?

They're all using American proxies right now.

This truly is the best timeline

Don't forget in Trump's own book, he talks about shaking people's hands after he got piss on them.

Trump loves piss.

Trump originally rented a different hotel room, but when he heard that Obama had slept in the other he rented that one just to have hookers piss in it. The Donald does not sleep in piss.