Even if it isn't true, it may as well be. I've already deemed him guilty

>even if it isn't true, it may as well be. I've already deemed him guilty.

Other urls found in this thread:


this white guy doesn't know what he's talking about

this advertisement brought you by liberals for america

>it may not be true, but the fact that I am inclined to believe it means that it is likely to be true
absolute circular logic

>A leftist is willing to believe any sordid and unsavory accusation against political opponents, even without a whiff of fact.
I never would have imagined that.

i really REALLY hate this guy

None of you guys are rebutting his observation in any convincing way though. Do you believe that Trump is the type of character who would laugh as he forced prostitutes to piss on each other?

Yeah. I do.

The point of whether or not he actually did it is not at issue here. It's merely being pointed out how pathetic it is that no one can honestly say "Mr. Trump is above such behaviors" and dismiss it with a character argument. No one could possibly do that! He's such an asshole that it's believable.

You guys do the same thing with pizzagate on here every day, only you're the only people stupid enough to believe Hillary could actually be involved with a pedo ring. In the real world it's viewed as laughably absurd. Unlike this, which is believable for nearly everyone.

That's the point though. People are so brainwashed by liberal propaganda that they would actually believe this is true.

hes (you)r (you) for (you) to (you) with

>None of you guys are rebutting his observation in any convincing way though.

Why give a shit about the observations of a con man?

Would you ever to hear what someone who is basically a professional liar has to say? Literally anything they spew can be a lie.

"I don't think it is within Trump's character to pay prostitutes to piss on eachother"

im pretty sure most people here dont even think its worth their time to talk about because its such retarded bait and everyone fell for it

if digits shaun king aka talcum faggot will die in 2017

>caring about the opinion of a white guy faking being a black guy
>2017 in the year of trump

His observation is based on his own distorted worldview fed to him by the same media that is feeding the public this story. There is no need to rebut his opinion because it's blatantly retarded. Like i could say a story about Hillary Clinton sucking the Devils cock doesn't need to be verified because i believe it's not below her character and that somehow excuses the story.

What crack are you guys smoking? Shaun King is obviously black, he just hides it behind white presenting makeup to avoid racial discrimination.

It's believable to some people just like some people thought Hillary would win, Obama was a good president, etc. The media told you what to believe.

This. The only people that believed it right away were the ones that want it to be true or those that are brainwashed by the media

If I had that kind of money, even a sliver of it, I'd being paying whores to piss on each other every night.

Still not addressing the statement about Trumps totally abysmal character. Attempting to deflect it by calling someone else names.

Why not? What has he ever done that you consider upstanding?

Not addressing the larger issue that virtually no one holds Trump in high enough regard to overtly reject this. Attempting to deflect by calling someone else names.

Still not addressing the issue that virtually no one holds Trump in high enough regard to overtly reject this. Attempting to deflect by calling someone else names.

Wow. You guys are really struggling with this.


this is human nature, this is american's problem. this is why we're fucked

>even though it's demonstrably bullshit it *sounds* like something he'd do based on our year+ of 24/7 character assassination

Lmfao it's like they've totally given up. We'll tear up our journalism degrees and burn down our Manhattan offices just to spite Trump one more time.

>rich+powerful dude who likes women might've bought some (legal) prostitutes and done some kinky shit in a hotel once.

Literally nothing. If he checked out of the hotel without paying to replace the sheets it'd be 100x a bigger deal than it is right now.

Anyway, no one believes it because holy shit are you fucking serious? People who hatee Trump anyway will pretend to because it's pretty much the perfect story and spend a few days making jokes. Maybe it will even spawn the next HILARIOUS nickname to replace 'Drumpf'. Meanwhile Trump doesn't give a shit because he's at open war with the media anyway, and public opinion is irrelevant now that the election is long over.

What are you talking about, we have addressed it ten times over. No Trump voter thought it was true, just liberals. They are predisposed to believing it because they think he is Hitler and they want a reason to impeach him.

I thought white liberals were all in favour of this kind of fetishistic sexual diversity? What one man does with a jar of piss in his bedroom is of no concern to others, as long as he's hurting no one else. #lovewinsall #pissesforkisses

Stop kink shaming!
If 2 consenting adults want to take turns pissing on each other who are we to say no.

>Well see even though we lied, it is still true because Trump is bad
Saying "Trump is too good a person for this" wouldn't disprove this bullshit, disproving this bullshit does. Shaun Kang is a stupid wigger once again.

> some retard says trump had a golden shower party?

Did it happen

>probably not but it makes you think

So because half the country doesn't like trump and therefore would say that he had a golden shower party, it's just as bad as if he actually had one.

Liberalism, not even once. Smh

Your rant was hilarious. I guarantee you Trump gives a shit. In the morning there's going to be a maximum-autism twitter response. He's such a thin-skinned little bitch that he'd never take this sitting down.

Trump voters didn't think it was true because Trump has trained them to disregard all information that doesn't serve him. Not because they think he's an upstanding fellow.

They don't want to impeach him by the way. They want to kill him.

Because you are a moron that believes anything MSNBC says. The first thing I thought when I read the actual report was "absolutely nobody would do this what the fuck?" But just saying "Trump is above that" means nothing. You are literally saying that using evidence is bad, and instead we should only make appeals to character.

This is the funniest thing about Trump haters. Not only do they hate the guy, they've convinced themselves that everyone else must hate him as well.

And I wouldn't be shocked to hear Hillary drunks blood. So what

>having a piss fetish is on the same moral level as brazenly disregarding the law and getting people killed with your mishandling of classified material

Libs never cease to amaze me

Wait, I get it now. This is why BLM always has to push the he wuz a good boy dindu nuffin meme. They genuinely believe that appealing to a person's character is more important than actually evaluating the facts.

>trump spends 10 seconds writing a tweet
>you spend the next 6 hours on Sup Forums talking about how assblasted Trump is
>someone who posts something in all caps is actually screaming irl

lmfao it's like you have no idea what twitter is.

I seem to remember a lot of predictions last summer about how Trump was inevitably going to go apeshit in public at some point because people kept calling his hands small. How'd that go?

>I don't want to impeach him by the way. I want to kill him.

So? Guy's a cutthroat businessman who takes no prisoners. That's partly why he won.

Even if false or true. Whats actually wrong with having a water sports fetish though? Liberals are sounding every day more like old conservatives deeming rock satanic or blaming school shooting on videogames.

I though they were all for sexual liberty, so criticizing a fetish between two consenting adults only because they don't who is doing it seems kinda hypocrital.

There is nothing to argue because that's his personal feelings, there is no argument there.

They are a buncha virtue signalling fucks
Nothing a liberal says is sincere

>We think he could do this so it means the same thing emotionally to us as him doing it

This is why the left lost. Replaces facts with feelings and demands attention regardless of content.

>Whats actually wrong with having a water sports fetish though?

>Trump does thing
>add fictional Russia angle
>rinse and repeat for 8 years and watch as your viewership numbers fall into single digits.

This is great. You have the reading comprehension of an autistic child. We are having a totally different conversation here. This conversation is not "Did Trump make prostitutes piss in the bed?" it's "Would you believe that Trump would make prostitutes piss in the bed?" The answer is yes. Most people would. You have no defense against that.

I don't think everyone hates him bro. But no one thinks he's an upstanding guy. Or at least that he's upstanding enough that he wouldn't jack his tiny wiener to prostitutes pissing on Obamas pillows. There's a difference. That's the funny thing about Trump supporters. They think "Everyone who doesn't think like me is full of hate." I don't hate him, I'm just aware that he's got several very serious psychological disorders.

Lol. Look how defensive you got! Did I hurt your feelings? His autistic rant is going to be so wonderful.

The CIA doesn't have time for me because they're too busy dealing with Trump piss fan fiction.

It's the majority of the country's person feelings.

>A man is capable of a crime therefore we are all murderers.

>a nigger shoots shaun king
>You won't BELIEVE what happens next!

>piss fiction

Why are liberals so against golden showers with prostitutes? Prostitutes do what you pay them for.

What's even the drama here? They're just shaming someone for their sexual preferences.

Reminder that a group offered to donate $25,000 to BLM if Shaun King would take a DNA test showing his ancestry but he refuses to this day.

>Trump has trained them

but seriously what are you smoking, most Trump voters aren't devoted worshippers they just think he's less corrupt, he's not a politician and so isn't owned by lobbyists and doesn't owe favours. Clinton lost because of her lies and corruption, as well as the fact that the population is tired of career politicians.

>None of you guys are rebutting his observation in any convincing way though. Do you believe that Trump is the type of character who would laugh as he forced prostitutes to piss on each other?


There, I just rebutted his observation. His observation is purely subjective, there is no need to "rebut" it, because his evidence his entirely subjective opinion. Stupid.

>left go fucking schizo and think Trump is a russian pervert Hitler
>leak that may have been concocted by some Sup Forums faggot plays on those delusions and produce lulz on a unprecedented scale.
My almonds have departed and will cross the CMB is 5 minutes.

Again you are a complete moron that failed to understand the argument. Nobody is going to disprove a claim with an appeal to character, that is not what you do you fucking mong. You are saying that it is a problem that they didn't respond with an appeal to character.
>This document is just unsubstantiated
>"W-well you didn't say that this is off the table for Trump, so he must be terrible"
You are a fucking dipshit.

> Shawn King judging character, ethics and morals

The only thing more moronic is his logic. But libtards and blm fuckwads will eat it up.

Actually, my first thought was that this is out of character
For one, Trump is a huge germophobe


King Nigger deserves to have his bed pissed on by Russian hookers. If it was true, I would respect Trump even more than I already did. Sadly, it's not true, Sup Forums made it up and intelligence agencies bought it. That's pretty much just as funny.

With all my depend sincerity, I humbly request that you kill yourself. And give your mother a slap, too.

>Even if it isn't true that I'm black, it may as well be, I've already deemed myself a nigger.

Wow really makes me think.

It says a lot about you that you don't deny wanting to murder Trump while trying to posture about moral authority

To these people voting for someone means complete cultlike devotion.
I really dont like trumps pledge to remove the red tape for pharmaceutical companies and promises to railroad the keystone pipeline. But I still think hes a MUCH better choice than hillary, and I think if he has power or support enough he can win the trade war with china.

>They're just shaming someone for their sexual preferences.
Holyshit, can this be spun to attack liberals for their lack of diversity and acceptance of people's fetishes?

this is so true

I know m8 it's crazy. It's like they won't acknowledge it's a two party system.

>The answer is yes. Most people would. You have no defense against that.
>you can't defend against completely unsubstantiated conjecture based on my own prejudice projected on society as a whole

I haven't seen him deny wanting to murder anyone.. or everyone. He must be in favor of genocide.

>Do you believe that Trump is the type of character who would laugh as he forced prostitutes to piss on each other?
>Do you believe that Trump is the type of character who would forced prostitutes to piss on each other?
>Do you believe that Trump is the type of character who would pay prostitutes to piss on each other?
>Do you believe that Trump is the type of character who would pay prostitutes to piss on a mattress because Obama slept on it before?

The idea is just silly. It's the picture of juvenile which his opponents have tried to push for ages.

>Still not addressing the statement about Trumps totally abysmal character.

Look, nothing they've spun or lied about or attempted to show so far even hints that he has a 'totally abysmal' character.

This man has been in the public eye for almost 40 years. He's been lauded and awarded by celebrity and pundit alike. He's received humanitarian and equality awards. He's been close friends with icons like Michael Jackson, and a far-reaching philanthropist.

IT IS ONLY since he announced his candidacy that anyone has tried to smear him. Whatever they've thrown at him has failed, because everyone BUT democrats and leftists know who he is. He's been out front and in front for 4 fucking decades. And they want to try to lie about him in the last 2 years? Nobody's buying this new spin about 'abysmal character' EXCEPT the far left.

See all that red? Those are the people who have watched TRUMP for the last 30+ years and know NEW, desperate bullshit when they see it. All that red area knows the left is desperate, and can't really assassinate him (though they might try) and character assassination is all they have left. And it isn't working because
FORTY FUCKING YEARS OF BEING GREAT can't be undone by two years of increasingly desperate and increasingly outrageous lies.

It's amusing that he would make that argument. It'd the same argument Sup Forums makes everytime a Muslim blows something up or a nigger shoots someone.

>make up a rumor
>say that the rumor is plausible
>therefore... uhhh... checkmate drumpftards


"So what if he's into scat! What if he identifies as a toilet? You racist!"


They literally have nothing better to bitch about anymore than Trump's sex life. It's completely fucking pathetic. Especially coming from the people who are all about sex positivity and body positivity and normalizing pedophilia and all that shit.

Now you know the liberal paradigm; its all feigned indignation to get what they want. If they didn't have double standards they'd have no standards at all.

This is why people voted Trump; liberals make themselves ever more ridiculous.



I believe everything in this video

>These fuckers still can't grasp their own hypocrisy

Would you be surprised to learn Obama had a 12 year Malaysian teen boy shit on his chest?

>some may not believe the source
Thats because there is no source

>falling for Sup Forums memes

Just when I think 4chans power has capped out.....they go and fool the CIA.

zerohedge.com/news/2017-01-10/Sup Forums-claims-have-fabricated-anti-trump-report-hoax

most people believe it so it might as well be true


I honestly wouldn't care if they were true. Isn't sexual shaming against (((their))) agenda usually?

mostly the people who are eating this shit up whole hog with no secondary verification of the source are the same bitter as fuck liberals who couldn't stop crying on election night, they are far more vocal and active on social media then any trump supporter besides milo, and so their voices are heard much more in the new age, its disgusting but its true, I've also seen tons of people doubt this on the fact that trump is a well known germaphobe who washes his hands non stop and doesn't touch his food with his fingers (ala the kfc with knife and fork debacle)

They're not going to dispel it with a character appeal because he has no character.

I'll do it if you do it first.

I never said I wanted to murder him, so there's no need to deny anything. I will always have moral authority over anyone who voted for Trump.

You can. Provide any reasonable character argument for Trump. Literally anything that isn't motivated by greed, perversion, autism, nepotism, ignorance, or blatant narcissism. Go on, I'll wait.

Why not?


>fetishes are okay as long people I don't like supposedly did them

Trumps above pissing fetishes that's for Liberals and cucks.
Donald Trump is powerful and comfortable with it.
Only liberals have enough self hatred to want to revel in human waste.

You are assuming that people don't outright reject the allegations against Trump, and building a narrative around the premise of how you think they react to this allegations.

You and the white nigger from TyT are building a narrative and stating it as facts, that's intellectually dishonest.

>They're not going to dispel it with a character appeal because he has no character.
Or is it perhaps because that is the definition of a logical fallacy and that is not how you are supposed to disprove claims? You are a complete moron once again.

And what exactly is wrong with having some piss play with hookers?

It's a bit gross to normies but it's ultimately an extremely vanilla sexual act, many people have perversions that they act upon in private.

Even if this was true, which it is not, I would ask why do they care? These liberals support all kinds of fucked up shit, such as parents brainwashing their children into destroying their genitals merely to appeal to popular movements.

And yet one vanilla fetish is now being demonized for no reason other than Donald Trump was falsely accused of participating in it.

>I'll do it if you do it first.

That's because you're always a follower and never thinking for yourself. For once, you could kill yourself and lead the way, but no. You need to ride someone's coattails. You're pathetic.

I will, however, slap your mom.

>he might not have done it
>he totally could have tho
>like you could totally imagine him doing shit like this right?
>even tho he probably didn't, but still
>that's pretty bad, huh?

About the level of journalism I've come to expect from Shaun King.

>Literally anything that isn't motivated by greed, perversion, autism, nepotism, ignorance, or blatant narcissism
In other words anything I say you'll just attribute to one of these things because of your deep-seated prejudice for Trump. Thanks for proving me right

>implying most people haven't done this.

>I've heard so many (unconfirmed) allegations towards X that it MUST be true!

who wouldn't?

It's funny how you don't respond to the people that have valid counter-points to your stupid shit.
Probably to protect your ego, because this argument is completely SJW-tier retarded.
Just for the record the fact that you would believe something about someone isn't so much to do with them as it is to do with your opinion of them, all this proves about Trump is that half the country don't like him.
>Mostly because he's obnoxious, outspoken and self-confident unlike you losers

what a moron he is

i agree with him but he seems to think trump is the only one who fits that description. I think all rich and powerful people would do some shit like pissgate and pizzagate. especially mr obama and mr biden.


There's people who would be considered the epitome of morality, or holiness, that have gone on to rape kids behind closed doors.

It's not that someone is "Upstanding", it's that people are only guilty if they are proven guilty, with evidence.

Everyone is human. There is only guilt, or innocence, there is to be made no presumption on a person, because humans are good at maintaining a facade.

Shouldn't you be starving right now?

No really. There is literally no proof that someone from Sup Forums made up the story. The scandal could be true. Someone wanna prove me wrong?