Hey there 4channers

Hey there 4channers,

I'm a reporter for The Huffington Post. I've heard a recent story may have originated on this forum about the President Elect going to Russia and engaging in perverted sexual acts, as well as being blackmailed by Putin.

I would like a few comments from the community here to be used in an upcoming article.



Other urls found in this thread:


Niggers tongue my anus

Libtard BTFO

Drumpf peepee on Obama bed


Hi Mark,
I have a report that I received from a friend at an investigation agency, here's an excerpt, as you can tell it's a very serious report as it has highlighter all over it.

Hitler did nothing wrong except losing the war and now Sweden is dead because of it

death to globalism

wanna press wee wee on milkies

Tits or GTFO

gas the kikes, race war now