Hey there 4channers

Hey there 4channers,

I'm a reporter for The New York Times. I've heard a recent story may have originated on this forum about the President Elect going to Russia and engaging in perverted sexual acts, as well as being blackmailed by Putin.

I would like a few comments from the community here to be used in an upcoming article.



Other urls found in this thread:


do you have any spicy memes?

if not thn fuck off

i will only give you a comment if you swear to god this picture is included in the article

i have some very good information on who wrote the story (its me)

post ur cock dude

Quote me. "I dunno" user.

tits or gtfo

plese add this gif to the article

Rick wilson says he wasn't the source of buzzfeed.




Shitposting is becoming dangerous

this is but a humble maple leaf raking forum, you won't find anything here

Hitler did nothing wrong

Beer bash at the ritz Carlton

Hardly anything else really

Well hello there New York Times, the leader of Sup Forums reporting in.

I'm a Jew, I can't leave this place, send help.

We wuz Egyptian frog gods n shiet

Hey Chris nice to meet you i'm the ruler of 4changag please make yourself at home

hes not the supreme gentleman...

Chris, what's up fag?

Nothing happened.

everything is real

source: me

>"I wasn't part of the source"
>wasnt part

>1 post by this ID
Guys this is totally legit

>leader of Sup Forums
>not Ben "walking holocaust" Garrison


Kek that damage control.

genuienly made me laugh

L2 meme or get fucked faggot


Fuck you, your newspaper, your god damn lies and fuck your yankee mother.

Jews orchestrated 9/11 and the holocaust is a lie generated to promote white genocide

include that in (((your))) article

Well I happened to see him on his way to a debate, he told me "I just got done raping a married woman" after that he snorted some coke and went on stage.


Tits or GTFO

proof or gtfo

Trump is definitely being blackmailed by Putin. The US has elected a Russian stooge reality-TV hack to be its leader. It's pretty fucking hilarious, especially the jubilation small-dicked permavirgins who are about to be anally raped by Russian soldiers.

tits or fuck off.

Faggot nigger dicks

Some legend wrote up a good false story to give Buzzfeed in order to strike a blow into the credibility of mainstream media. We can tell you that it worked. Buzzfeed is cancerous for not checking the sources of their information just to find a reason to damage Trump's character.

People need to understand not to trust all mainstream media all the time. There will always be political agendas that someone wants to make look good, and they will either do that though lying or through showing skewed information.
Honestly I expect nothing to come out of saying that though. A lot of LARPers have come through recently.

I was in the threads.

I can give you all the info you need, BUT i need a proof of good will.

I want you to go Strobe Kurt Eichenwald and put the picture in this thread. Then, i will explain everything about yiddel

Read this.


Nearly half of their goals are complete.
Under Trump Russia will finish the remainder.

>1 post by this id



Me too

8+ years of communication between him and Kremlin, and 5+ year relationship of cultivating/supporting/assisting Trump by Russia. They offered him real estate deals IN RUSSIA to further ensnare him, but he declined.
Russia has dirt on Trump watching Russian prostitutes give golden showers.
Detailed claims of bilateral intelligence sharing back and forth between Trump and Putin. Trump had DNC moles and used US as well as foreign hackers. Trump got info on his opponents, Putin got info on Russian oligarchs + families living in US.
They used the pension system that Russian diplomats used to transfer information back and forth to/from each other as well. It mentions tens of thousands of dollars were sent in addition to the money.
Russia's main goal appears to be driving wedges to cause divisions in the West. They aided Jill Stein, Carter Page and Michael Flynn (the latter two being members of Trump's team) in doing so. Main goal of DNC emails appeared to be swinging Sanders voters to Trump.
Russia and Trump had a mutual agreement on the DNC hack. Russia released the emails to Wikileaks in return for Trump removing mention of Russian invasion of Crimea in favor of talking about NATO financial commitments in Eastern Europe and the Baltics. Putin wanted people to stop talking Ukraine while also undermining NATO. Trump's most damning financial commitments are actually in China and other emerging markets. He's paid large bribes and kickbacks there that would've destroyed his campaign if made public. Hilariously, when Trump said he had few Russian financial investments, that was true, but he has actively sought them out only to be denied. He apparently settled for extensive sexual favors there instead

Hey Chris ! Guess what ! Your an idiot !

Bye Chris

>1 post by this ID

fuck off cunt

Nobody can verify shit on anonymous image sharing sites such as this one. None of us know who each other are. This is the hive mind that Ayn Rand envisioned in _Anthem_. We don't have identities. If you want to know what's happened on this site in the past, click the archives link, faggot.

tits or gtfo


no the Jews did 9/11?
no BBC?
no syrup wars?
no feral niggers threads?
no porn?
no gore?

a literal bait me bitch i'm ready thread and no one, not a single one of you sub downs IQ fucks have done anything to make this thread worthwhile

This is a forum of peace. We are simply a holocaust aficionado forum. Kindly gas yourself, kike.

also, 1 post by this ID

post time stamp or GTFO

There are few things in this world which it is worth while to get angry about; and they are just the things anger will not improve.

It is fake news

Tfw someone been watching me drink from toilet again


What is their endgame?

HELP ME OUT Sup Forums ,,.


>jew york times

Fuck you pedophile supporting bastards. Burn.

I was at work all day, wtf is happening?

Fuck off, space niggers - we're full.

Enjoy being binned next to the National Enquirer toots

there's dozens of us