Queen of the World

Can we just take a minute to remember that the current political landscape started because a woman slept with a bunch of journalists so that her text-based game about overcoming depression would get media coverage.


Other urls found in this thread:


I wonder if she regrets it?

And because shitty video game journalist hacks shilling shitty indie ""games"" because of relationships was speculated for years but finally confirmed and Sup Forums went apeshit.



In part she is to blame.

Thats attention whores for ya!

>text-based game
It wasn't a game, it was a short e-book. Games require a person to interact with it, not just click next.

i dont know why autistic video game faggots freaked out over that or why anybody thinks that has so much to do with politics in general just because it happened on the same site as lots of other political stuff

half of Sup Forumss posters are still screeching that Sup Forums needs to leave everytime people dont mindlessly swallow cuck shit

Third wave feminism will be known as the greatest mistake of the 21st century.

so, a visual novel?

Well, one could bring it full-circle by tying Zoe Quinn to this whole sordid affair, somehow. Perhaps she was one of the "Russian piss prostitutes"?

She really was the Archduke Ferdinand of the meme wars.

>Can we just take a minute


Ferdy was an innocent victim. Quinn had it coming.

Think of all the cucks who have fallen to prop up the crumbling edifice of MSM

J00t related


no it didn't, fuck off sargon


Something between a visual novel and text document

honestly I didn't care about politics till they starting making a mess with video games, now I almost dont play games and can't stop thinking the world is going to shit and see conspiracies everywhere, you guys ruined me

>Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian and John Walker Flynt help get the greatest leader in the history of the world elected

And we were hating them, all this time! I feel many apologies are in order. So very many apologies.

visual novels have dialogue options not to mention the visual part

DP puts a line through the other dialogue options which is described as a deep metaphor for depression but in reality just turns it into the shittiest book ever written

Isn't "The Whore of Babylon" suppose to be adorned in purple? Interesting stuff

I miss his smile.

Anyone still have her nudes?

Fuck that. She was Gravillo Princep.

Heard she got some plastic surgery and/or a tit job recently.

press 5 to thank Zoe

It wasn't even a comfy Choose Your Own Adventure?

Nah, distrust in game journalism had been growing for at least a decade prior to this. This ordeal happened, tensions grew to a peak and exploded, and the msm just used it to finally silence that prior growing opinion once and for all. Much of the community, like Sup Forums, fell for it. The general gaming community doesn't really criticise games journalists as much as they once did, as a whole.

i'd just like to post here. i dont post often on Sup Forums
history is being made



this still triggers me.

Don't forget she was literally tied to DARPA and other alphabet agencies. That was the real Red Pill behind the massive MSM shilling and her getting an audience with the UN.

Duobs of truth

Wonder if Mike Judge is sending a message by having one of the characters in Silicon Valley dress like Vivian James.

Yeah. VNs at least have artwork. Depression Quest is just a sea of beige.

you can't say that and not give links, that sounds really interesting, real or not

The GamerGate controversy. Basically every gamer-oriented publication was rife with journalists who both slept with this girl and wrote positive pieces about her bad game.

The MSM chalked it up to mindless sexism and tossed it in the bin.


It was eye-opening for me to watch journalists lie in real time. And lie in lockstep.

Butterfly effect.

Shes a fucking dime these days tho desu

Still on day of rope guest list

Actually it was about ethics in game journalism

gamergate ya fucking numbnut.

I'm pretty sure he's misremebering the specifics.

Zoe wasn't involved with DARPA, but DARPA was holding Indie game summits that were essentially about brainwashing new potential developers.

I wish I still had all those images but I never had a chance to back them up before my laptop died. The Holly Hell post is probably my all time favorite GamerGate event. It highlights hypocrisy so well.

This is pretty much what happened to me too. I had already been annoyed by the PC and strong womyn character culture that was being pushed in my vidya, the whole GGate debacle opened my eyes all the way. Now I hardly play vidya.

Zoe Quinn is the reason a bunch of weeaboo nerds even give single shit about politics. She got trump elected in the long run.

She wasn't the very beginning, but surely one of the many catalysts. Remember we had Anita before and she gave feminism an even worse image. Plus everything else that happened afterwards. GamerGate was a fun to see unfold.

> Sup Forums went apeshit
There were a lot of us.

Yes but if you say it in a mocking tone it negates the reality of the statement.

Same senpai

The butterfly farting in africa that starts a hurricane

I also remember hearing a lot about the gamification of school, politics and everything. Obviously it would be souless NPCs like Quinn and co. that would be helping but the irony is they suck at making games

Shes old news though

>you can't say that and not give links, that sounds really interesting, real or not

see the MSM had to toss the story into the bin with as little noise as possible, because they've been doing the *exact* same shit with politicians for decades.

the plot goes like this:

> be a journalist
> want to scoop other journalists' stories, because that means your publications get more attention
> to get a scoop you need access
> you have the choice of: working very hard and needing actual snitches inside the system to deliver you those scoops of reality often at great personal risk (whistle blower voicing conerns)
> or selling your integrity for "access" when the politicians offer "access" to you but (((some conditions may apply)))

> one condition is if you badmouth the politicians, you'll be out of a job because they'll revoke your "access" to them

guess which choice is made by most "journalists" especially videogame reviewers.
guess what choice zoe quinn made.
> use vagina

guess what choice "journalists" make, on the daily
> politician mouth-piece

>In August 2014 a former boyfriend posted a lengthy blog post detailing his relationship with Quinn. Based on the contents of the post, Quinn was falsely accused of receiving positive coverage from a journalist with whom she was in a relationship.

From Wikipedia. It sounds like the butthurt Sup Forums fags and neckbeards fabricated their own narrative to lynch this girl. Unless there is a more objective account of what actually happened somewhere that isn't reddit?

Gamergate caused me to ditch my 2 poly gender studies feminist girlfriends, my old liberal position and my crazy ass mother. I deleted all my games last week.

You did this to me Sup Forums. I read philosophy, train my body for the upcoming hard times and make and save more money than before.

Whenever I discuss politics, I'm 5 steps ahead.

Soon I'll snap up a nice slightly out of date white girl and start breeding some kids.

Thank you for waking me up.

>a more objective account
> wikipedia

> objective

> a fucking leaf
you make be ashamed to have the same flag as you

if you want to talk about a "fabricated narrative" how about you fucking go back to the start of 2016 and notice the distinct lack of the term

it exposed liberisms posion

Why is it always a fucking leaf?

you have gone further than any of us. god speed, future ubermensch, god speed.

For more details, refer to the image.

>Video games are relatively expensive
>gamers tend to be young men with not a lot of money for their expensive hobby
>they rely on game review sites to give valid reviews on upcoming games so you know what is good and what is shit
>gamergate revealed what people suspected long before
>payed reviews were a thing and in this case, you could suck dicks until your game was a 10 out of 10 from big name publications that all worked together

Think of it as consumer protection in literally any other product. Would you be pissed if every review for a new car said it was the greatest car ever and you bought it only to find out its a pile of shit and the only reason it got those reviews was because the CEO fucked the reviewer?

>Without Judas, Jesus would not have been executed.
>Judas is hold high by some christian groups.

herby i press my msot formal


to this twisted feminazi cunts.

Yeah wikipedia version is 100% written by gamejourno patsies.

She created false flags, blaming wizardchan a virgin chan of raiding her, each time for coverage and donation money.

The media used 3 literally who's to misdirect the topic, they used the media for coverage to get rich, milo used the controversy to get a new breitbart audience and parlay his way into editor position and a large group of gamers woke up to how fucked media is, did a lot of meaningless shit and 12 hour discussion streams and became a constant source of meming and spreading facts about media lies corruption and coverups.

Same. I'm getting back in but it honestly was a while now that I think about it.

I'm seeing a lot of talk and no actual facts. Enjoy staying ignorant. And fucking kek at my fellow leaf calling me out for being a leaf. You sound like a Trucuck.

You're still not confirming OP's premise that she slept with gaming journalists to get media coverage. All the evidence points to that being false therefore OP being a shit. Seems par for the course for the typical drone who is on Sup Forums though. Thanks for shitting up my board senpai.

It's better to wakeup feel the pain and start fixing it than die a slow death in your sleep.

I remember when gamergate first broke out a shitload of forums across the net just straight up went "shut it down" mode on gamergate discussions. That shit was insane. The amount of flamewars and bannings throughout the net was something to watch.

Gamergate is gay faggot step aside and let men do work. You were a stepping stone. An important piece but don't embellish your role.

Yeah, they really fucked up by constantly fucking with everyone's escapism hobbies
Dumb move if you want people to ignore the awful shit you do
All they had to do was nothing and they couldn't even manage to get that right

I'm with this guy When I was younger I didn't like these social justice warrior types especially when Sarkeesian got all the media rounds in 2011 or whenever it was and as I got older I could see the same tactics being played out by the left so I always kind of aligned myself to the right. Also I disliked government spying so that also placed me over there with the whole small government thing. But it wasn't until gamergate that I really started paying attention to how much the media outright lied and how there was a deliberate effort to malign men and white men in particular.

I well and truly believe that gamergate had a lasting impact politically and the trajectory from it to both brexit and Trump. I don't think you'd have seen such a concerted effort on Sup Forums for Trump if it hadn't happened.

But Gamergate was pretty impactful enough, from there on every fucking controversy had to have gate attached to the name which I'm already getting tired of but oh well.

>Sup Forums is vivian's uncle.
Never forget GG Sup Forums.


I think the point is that Gamergate gave birth to SJW hysteria. After Gamergate SJWs took over literally everything. Politics, journalism, entertainment, academia, etc. The cultural aspect of Trump is absolutely reactionary to SJWs taking PC a big step to far.

I ignored gamergate when it was going on because I thought it was annoying but in hindsight it was really the Arch Duke Assassination of this culture war. Sure something else could have triggered everything that has happened considering that the PC/Anti-PC fight has been brewing for decades, but Gamergate really seems to have been the trigger

>All the evidence points to that being false

Back to rebdit cuck/\/\oot. Gamergate is over. You won wikipedia and lost the rest.

Of course the whore fucked 5.

I would say Anita really was the one who sent us into this climate. Her abuse took the SJW mindset from tumblr to the press and showed how profitable it could be for them.

Now this stuff has always existed, but Anita's hate really kickstarted negative narratives being profitable. It lead to sites like The Mary Sue gaining rapid popularity, and sites like Jezebel not being viewed as a laughing stock by the majority of the press. There was a time where liberal media called Jezebel and Gawker out on sensationalized clickbait media. They're now doing the same fucking thing.

Zoe just cemented things so much deeper though. And Obama didn't really help political divide either.

It's this trifecta that caused Trump to be elected though. Without a doubt.

Not Wu though. Wu isn't relevant enough to matter.


Gamergate wasn't that impactful outside of US, according to the trends I followed.

It did catapult SJW into common parlance.

kek nobody wants to say butterfly effect because she is a moth



That whore was talking shit about H.P. Lovecraft. Should be fucking shot.


Remember when she went to the UN with links to the C drive?

>Gamergate really seems to have been the trigger

They instuled a big but silent group, wich is connected like no other and brings up the worst autists and neets with endless time. A grouß of people laught upon for years. Attacked them on a field (((they))) knew as much as nothing about.

>hindsight it was really the Arch Duke Assassination

I like the way you put this.

>Perhaps she was one of the "Russian piss prostitutes"?
I just woke up, am i missing something?

That's what 1/3 of the women in the Bay Area look like.


The videos that blasted it into popularity.

From his comments it sounded like jim was also involved in the pissgate. Good riddance if that's true.

wew lad, was that written before mainstream media began to call for censoring "fake news"?

If so that man is a genius

Oh, we have such sights to show you.

>current political landscape
Literally don't even know the bitches name nor do i give a shit, she looks like a douchebag with hubris syndrome. Or some kind of syndrome anyways.. since she has to dye her hair in some shit color to hide the fact how ugly she is.

Ivan, get ready for 2017, because this timeline has more revolutionary chaos to offer than 100 years ago.


wheres her nudes

This is why i love you foreign fucker's.