Or is it just an endless circlejerk about their meme of the day?
Does Sup Forums actually care about anything?
Yeah we care about shit. This is just the way Sup Forums is and always has been. What the fuck is wrong with you? Get the fuck out if you don't like it, newfag.
Occasionally Sup Forums does some good. Other times, it's memes. This place is filled with The_Donald ducks right now. They weren't here prior to the good stuff we did.
Yup... it's how we spend our time in between happenings
what do you think bro
for every serious post there are 20 memes. the mods do not actively try to improve the situation. they delete the occasional off-topic thread and move on.
hiroshimoot does not care, as long as Sup Forums stays on Sup Forums and the ad revenue keeps coming.
Just wondering, everyone was a newfag at a time.
Pol is not a single entity
Pol is chaos
Deleted this and kys
Praise Kek
Sup Forums was never good
this place was always a cesspool of memery and racism
nah I'm happy talking about it
this board used to have class
Well you're a newfag right now. So deal with it or go to fucking reddit nigger
Yeah, try not to let your newfag show again. It's a little gross
Sup Forums only cares about being right.
I'm not complaining, just asking questions. People can talk about what they like
Some men just want to see the world burn, OP.
They say truth is the greatest virtue so you bet I wanna be right.
This one is still pretty accurate despite the newfound worship of an ancient chaos frog god.
>amanda marcotte
not worth the kb
I care about securing the existence of white people and a future for white children.
my wife and two kids. Brother and mother as well
You have a lot of Red Pilled fucks who just masturbate to anything and praise kek or you have the dumb fucks that are associated with chairs and use it as a gender...
Choose a side
Why the tribalism? Shouldn't securing the future off all people be important?
they don't get revenue from me lmao
Sup Forums is 80% irony.
I actually hate Trump and think he's a self serving retard who doesn't give a fuck about America or anyone but his business. I am curious to see how long/pol/ will support him.
Lurk Moar post less
In the last few years we have had a huge influx of permanently triggered normies here on Sup Forums so I just post w/e will trigger them the most, generally SJW or hardcore neo-nazi shit so they freak out about secret conspiracies to undermine their political movements. Easiest way to get replies.
Jews. They mention them quite frequently
taytay is the only thing I care about
the rest is just banter and fun
We tried the multicultural thing, other races aren't interested in equality and justice in the same way white people are, they just want their time at the top. How come you don't question it when other races exhibit in-group preference? How come it's only bad when white people do it?
Hey if the same people post all the time you'll just get the same recycled shit all the time, always nice to shake things up a bit
>He hasn't swallowed the absurdist pill yet to be able to realize that none of this matters
Someday, you may catch on, OP.
Who says I don't? I try to take the high road. And I definitely am an absurdist at heart, but I just keep caring for some reason
You never went to an inner city school have you?
SoCalfag here, fuck niggers. Literal apekin in the classroom. No respect for authority. It's real shit
Also white people are inherently the most desired and most beautiful race. Would you want to live in a world with no white people?
>Who says I don't?
Then I guess you've answered your own question about the tribalism.
Taking the high road is a great way to get killed by Muslims as they rape the women in your family to death.
You can take the high road while also recognizing certain ideologies need to die out (aka Islam)
I wish i could not care.
I question all tribalism no matter who is pushing it
I'm very glad you think so, I agree, but know this; it's not a popular opinion. Taking the high road these days means turning the other cheek as your country is invaded by murderous foreign zealots.