I'm a reporter for The Young Turks (or roaches as I've seen you all so kindly refer to us as). I've heard a recent story may have originated on this site about the PEOTUS going to Russia and engaging in perverted sexual acts, as well as being blackmailed by Putin.
I would like a few comments from the community here to be used in an upcoming article.
Ethan Jenkins
why you spit on Alex, Jimbo?
Jacob Nguyen
what this board needs right now is another stupid forced meme
no doubt about it.
Noah Williams
What ever it takes to end them
Camden Garcia
Op you still can save your ass, either quit that horrendous job at that fake news shit or kill yourself.
Die with dignity.
Bentley Phillips
Caleb Price
Why did you hire a person who is literally a white guy pretending to be black? Seriously have you ever been in the same room as him? Do you ever think to yourself (Jesus this is the whitest black man I've ever seen). I know you're probably baiting but how do people who work at/for tyt not look at this and at least have a nice head scratch about this?
Carson King
Dear Young Roach,
Neck yourself, and please, do it to your fellow roaches as well before doing yourself in. Thank you.
Nolan Lopez
Debate Stefan Molyneux
David Diaz
The Young Turds.
Liam Mitchell
Go away, genocide. You would only find attention whores and trolls here anyway. - Comrade Gogolski
Evan Cruz
Its all bullshit with perhaps the exception of the CIA informing Trump about some allegations regarding ties to Russia.
Ethan Rivera
>tfw Ana will never sit on your face and twist your nipples while calling you garbage
Leo Carter
Nope it's real everyone who says otherwise grabs girls by the pussy
Lincoln Long
Sup Forums routinely fucks with Rick Wilson and feeds him misinformation that he readily jumps at like an impulsive ADHD kid off his meds.
It's a running meme that he is our bitch puppet. Check the archives.
Asher Parker
everyone responding to these posts in a serious fashion is retarded
unless you're like sarcastically failing to pick up on sarcasm. but wait! maybe I'm sarcastically failing to pick up on your failure to pick up on sarcasm!
Aiden Howard
i eat my pee pee when i get the stiffy
Daniel Wilson
PUT ME IN THE ARTICLE! keyword; roach
Connor Lewis
Evan Gomez
ROACH!! Never even heard about your shitty newspaper and i already hate you, kill yourselves
You don't put your name on a Sup Forums post ever in any fashion, and especially not in a board as militant as Sup Forums.
In an answer to your question,
It is obviously plausible. I wouldn't doubt it. People aren't going to embrace it on the right, and it will only be added to the deck of things everyone has to say on the left. It does not change anything. If Putin has anything, he is going to hold onto it and twist Trump's arm on whatever he wants. I am not even sure it matters at this point. The torch is just passing from Brussels to Moscow as far as where the eminence grise is located.
Landon Peterson
Hello there Ben! I was wondering if you'd like to talk about the Armenian genocide? Did it happen? What do you think about it?
Hunter Martin
Xavier Thompson
the allegations are unfounded as unfounded as Rick Wilson assertions.
Corporate media put its foot in some shit.
Isaiah Adams
it only shows up on Sup Forums now but >The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
really fits the whole site.
Jaxson Morales
Christopher Parker
We did 911
Jaxon Turner
>TYT got Turkey into WWI > Caused the Armenian Genocide > Fast Forward a century > TYT Have Armenian on show who doesn't see the irony. > Race traitor > Like having Jew on show called the Arayan Youth League >TYT is now led by a fat, man buffalo and his anorexic GF (or whatever the fuck she is at this point) who is one of the nastiest people I've ever seen. >Bitch is "Better than everyone" when she isn't even good enough to get real man, and not a tan version of Newman from Seinfeld > Also the whitest black man ever as a correspondent who is just another liberal shill who they fawn as the guy who will legitimize what they've been doing.
The day that fat fuck Chenk dies, Party time on Sup Forums and at Sargon's house
Jonathan Sullivan
Can we have a pic of Cenk on the ground jacking off while Ana makes him sniff her toes?
Cameron Foster
I used to live in Russia. Good porn is hard to come by on Russian internet, so I watched through the windows of brothels. Anyway, one day, back in 2014 I witnessed a man who looked remarkably like Donald Trump in a room full of hookers. At the time I didn't really care too much either way, I thought he probably wasn't Trump, and if he was, would it really shock anyone? He's a billionaire, I thought we all accepted they did crazy shit. So Trump and these ladies all set up these black mannequins, putting on fancy clothes and gluing noses and big ears on. Trump and the women slapped the mannequins around a bit before knocking them to the floor. Trump removes his pants and the whores follow suit. Then they pissed on them through their underwear. After that they sat and talked a bit. I had finished jacking off so I went home around then.
Ethan Parker
post proof it's u or get the fuck out
Leo Hill
Hey young turks.
Just letting know /pol;/ has been trying to influence this election by using an army of bots to spread propaganda and fake stories against clinton in twitter and facebook. it was an organized effort.
I have been monitoring this place for a while. it's full with neo nazis and white supremacists
Zachary Gutierrez
fuck you turk scum
Julian Harris
Shouldn't you be in bed? You're like, 49 years old.
Ryder Evans
Cenk abi napıyorsun?
Austin Rogers
Now this is what I call shit posting
Carson Mitchell
> it's full with neo nazis and white supremacists
And subversive Jews, don't forget us!
Daniel Martinez
Trust him. He's a Jew.
Jaxson Jackson
bro on the DL you didn't hear this from me but everything that you're about to vlog about is 100% true just publish that shit
Brayden Baker
Post facial pic with timestamp for confirmation or you're getting nothing out of us
Luke Flores
you mean the old turds?
Sebastian Garcia
confirmed real news, 'roach -- learn to do your research
Jaxson Thompson
Cooper Price
Isaac Howard
>Sup Forums can you do our homework for us >unironically asking this
Jack Wright
What tits? Bitch is more flat than Kansas
Samuel Cooper
Hi Ben,
I'm hacker AOL. I use Winux.
Jordan King
It's true. Many folks here want to deny it but it's been a bit of an open secret among the alt-right posters here, of which I am glad to say I am not but have been following for many months
they really don't want to admit it though, they thought it was all swept under the rug with the election
Andrew Lopez
Forgot got my professional photo ID.
Eli Thomas
nothing personal, kid.
William Cook
>roaches get dub
Our lord Kek has blessed us with control of the white house.
Andrew Howard
I thought TYT was canceled...?
Luke Wood
I dont hate Jews or blacks, and I actually believe in Christianity not just use it as a "Deus Volt" meme, so maybe I'm not Sup Forums's best spokesperson, but to recap: Wilson the Cuck said some bullshit. We made a bunch of bullshit fanfiction (aka faggotry written down) and sent to him to fuck with him because we hate our jobs (I work at Micky-ds I hate my job) we don't get laid, and half of us (myself included) are Christian zealots who want a literal Crusade against the pagans Muslims and atheist faggots (neckbeards), while the other half are a bunch of National Socialists (but not neo-nazis neofags are cucks) who want a genocide. Like the Arminean Geonocide (does Cenk the buffalo really deny it?) and also half of us are college students with shit jobs (me) and the other half are NEET faggots (not relevant but I'm assuming your ben and not a troll even tho youre a troll).
Sorry for the misspellings. I cannot be bothered to click my mouse and correct.
Also, if you're really ben (which you're not you fucking cuck timestamp or this is bait), I just want to say youre one of the old Young Cucks I have some respect for. Hats off. Fuck Cuck Idorolda, Anna Cucksparian, and Cuck Uyger. Jimmy Dore is cancer. Also, say hi to Dave Rubin for me, eh? I actually almost like that guy.
Dylan Cruz
i have a question for you, ben
Nicholas Morales
I'll only answer your questions if you do a collab with Alex Jones and call him daddy each time you need to mention his name
Jonathan Johnson
Oh, my bad, didnt see this. TYT trying to confirm a story or get facts right. Bullshit. This thread it bait. Also, >Troll pretending to be Ben Mangowith >Check those fucking digits.
Noah Smith
Did you expect this to be anything else than a troll my dude? Its pretty obvious b8
Christian Reed
Can you tell Ana that I'm better than her?
Leo Gonzalez
Yeah, but its fun to indulge.
Dylan Brooks
My gist of things which I could be 60% wrong is that, Sup Forums and the_donald back at reddit have an umbilical cord. To reduce the damage of this story posting a quick sinopsis of what had occurred giving credit /pol for the "creation" of they story. That's my take.
But I'm not a reliable source, because I'm an imposter.
Owen Stewart
Completely agree, still waiting for a timestamp picture from that cuck doe.
Carter Lopez
>B? Motherfucker, we ARE the new b. B is shit now. Just camwhores and NEET fags. No caturday, no original content, no me.
Bitch troll posted then fucked off to reddit where baiters belong. Also, >Be You >Denmark Thank You for not being as shit as Sweden.
Sebastian Morris
get out
Jason Wood
Dude fuck sweden its cucked to oblivion, and denmark is getting closer to the impending doom, please send help
Parker Diaz
The Turks are the reason for this whole ordeal in the first place. Pissgate is a meme. Gas the Jews, RaceWAR now
Asher Williams
Did someone say >GAS THE JEWS?
Connor Cooper
Sorry bro. We help in order of need: Britain (done) US (done) then France, Germany (Germany needs held more than any) then Italy, Norway, Ireland (we MUST save the redheads. I love white ginger women). THEN Denmark, Spain, Greece. Then we reinforce Poland and Hungary. If he have any energy left we help (((Israel))). No help for Sweden. We need at least one cucked country to warn the others after this spell of madness passes.
Wyatt Carter
Tell that water buffalo to go kill him self cuz no one likes him. And for that boney plastic tit bimbo.... were better than you.
Logan Allen
Here's a quote. Neck yourself you fuck.
Xavier Smith
>Its a Talcolm X thread
Anthony Rodriguez
I understand, we are already doing good as of now, 2017 already looks bright brethren
Juan Sullivan
go away
Benjamin King
Nathaniel Wood
Good to hear it. First but Pepe le pen must kill fallion wojack. Stay strong danefag We burgers are rooting for you.
Justin Green
>The Young Turks
Brody White
Great another dune coon reporter, just what the world needs.
Nathaniel Allen
Hey, remember when you guys tried to pretend you invented Pizzagate by claiming you made up the Maddie Mcann connection and then got caught red-handed in your flaming lie bc an Ausie tried to claim the exact same thing a day earlier?
Don't make us Buzzfeed you.
Zachary Ortiz
The name The young turks sound bad. Why use it? It grinds my gears. Will you change it to the old turks in 20 years?