say hi the RT Sup Forums because this one is goin into the history books!
Hahahahhs please be real
its real in the bottom of the link Sup Forums is referenced, it turns out we actually did this and RT is browsing Sup Forums Sup Forums.
shameful bump of truth
so the CIA lost right?
but not as much as everyones sides.
RT getting their real news from POL
This is amazing. However did we manage this??
its kinda funny how much this is gonna dwarf king apes last speech and i watched the dreaded thing constant jab after jab but now hes just yesterdays news.
because you are literally a useful idiot being used by russian trolls to spread propaganda.
>Go to Russia
>Fuck prostitutes
There probably were no pissing whores and RT is just pushing that to descredit the story, that's how Russians operate, but there probably is Kompromat
Cheers Vlad you got your whore in the white house
I swear Sup Forums dindu nuffin. Sup Forums is a board of peace.
According to Keks will mainstream media is kill.
makes you think, will CIA now start to fund 24/7 CTR at us after this one we fucked them up good but with more fundin this is gonna be a fuckin nightmare to browse through.
Hi RT. Best news source hands down!
****No ironic shitposting occurred during this post.****
Kek provided senpai; yet the MSM is still acting as if it is a "legitimate" report.
Hello RT Crew
Go fuck yourselves you shit bag slimy Slavic monkeys
Here's for you RT
It's not real. I've been digging for more proof than some random faggot's archived Trump General post. No such evidence exists. It's just one guy saying he leaked a story about a sex tape orgy to Rick Wilson, which has virtually no connection to this story at all. It's time to stop spreading misinformation
> t. economic migrant Mohamed with his complete lack of knowledge of Russia
"Vlad" is not a diminutive of Vladimir. You have no idea what evidence does or does not exist.
well look at it this way, the shilling they were doin on CNN and the lot will stop because buzzfeed is gettin finger blasted in court when trump get into office
and the CIA cabinet thats in is goin bye bye.