Do we even have mods?

do we even have mods?

i just hid 15 bbc threads

Other urls found in this thread:

for the love of god post more of her

it's like old Sup Forums. cocks don't phase anyone here, and it only concentrates us to the select few main threads we need to focus on anyway.

That's def good eye bleach for the rampant BBC

very nice titties


clearly side posts.
Report and hide them



I must know who this semen demon is

It's just one huenigger, report and move on.


Nah, I think maybe they're currently being waterboarded by CIA personnel.

Sup Forums is Sup Forums 2.0 lately

Might as well do what you want


hard to find her shit. she deleted all her source accounts.

best shit out there over her is a dildo session she did.

it's on a site called hqcollect. you can download the vid with flash downloader. everything else i found goiing through google.



baby user want milky

Someone must be nervous.


imagine being George H. W. Bush and seeing this picture

$5.25 is a good deal for a Pee Special

one more for the fuck of it


Liberals are just raiding us because they're asshurt about us tucking buzzfeed.

SJW's posting their fetish archive.

CTR jsut trying to derail #goldengate threads.

enjoy your ban. lol.

Mods are fucking kikes.
I have to keep adding thread filters

Is fluttershy /ourguy?

thats a pretty cute poni

There are 2 times in the day when, the mods are are a sleep, or just ignore shitpost.

It's always the same time each day.

I have been using this time slot to shitpost for years

there are currently 32 million threads labeled this triggers Sup Forums
slide threads going fucking stupid

Yeah we have mods.

I'm on a 3 day ban for replying to a ban thread with "don't raid /lgbt/, they stay on their own board and so should we."

That's what I get for being a faggit about it I suppose.

aww shucks

It's kinda funny watching autists spazz out

Sad too

Always has been. Always will be.

No shit.


bbc is the new derail tactic

Enjoy your ban OP

so how much is blacked paying for this advertising?

What did she mean by this?

This. Is angers a lot of people on all sides because either race, bestiality, or just plain ugliness.

It's official, were being raided with BBC threads.

Everyone go bump on topic threads NOW!

"I want to fuck that horse"
-Sup Forums

I'll start a animal gore thread
If it gets deleted but the cuck shit doesn't
You know the mods are enabling this.

Ponie is not for sexual

Bongs outside of their residence arent meant to be here either.

I used to hate ponyfags but I can't resist the animation style


it brings me back to school days on albino black sheep.

Did the barnie bro commit suicide? i miss his shitposts

>mods plz

>tan smoke
What did he mean by this?

Mods are too busy shitposting nigger porn.

They are here, just too busy masturbating to them and contemplating why they cannot possibly compete.

Mods have for long time been libfags keeping moderation at bare minimum (just so little they cant be acussed of doing nothing) and let every kind of subhuman kike and reddit tier shitposting slide

hurr muh spice, hurr muh housewife, hurr goys stand with Jewistan, hurr muh dick, hurr muh 3 Million votes. It doesn't matter what copy pasta and shitposting.

We are now just seeing more shitpposting than usual because libfags try to slide all the golden shower topics

Come on man, not the White blue eyes, pony.

someone post a sauce for those videos

If every woman looked like there there would be no wars.

Oh wow, we're so Sup Forums2.0 that GL15 isn't even enforced here. We should try posting loli next to see if we're actually /trash/2.0 instead.


I think this chick deserves her own /gif/ thread

>burger asking for loli on the sligh

i have no loli sorry friend, Cops would be here in seconds and with my collection of assault spoons i could get 25 to life.

The sheboon loving cuck mod is at it again posting cuck porn.

What flash downloader?

where? its all gone