Why are women so retarded?

Why are women so retarded?

why are you only paying attention to the retarded ones? unfriend and move on.

tbqh the "think about the homeless" arument is stupid

the Dublin menace strikes again these fuckers have such a fuckin turn coat attitude to their own people and will do anything to pretend to be like America

Fuckin pathetic

Ahmed that you?

Trators the lot.

they base everything on their city life, trying living in the mountains where the commie government doesn't even fund for fuckin roads the turds but would give a Moroccan cunt an apartment in letterkenny or what were callin it letterkenya over here.

It's 2017. If you still have a Facebook as a male you are literally worse than them.

>It's 2017
don't be that guy please, some of us want a social life and vagina

but i will say this dont bother with scum like that and fuck the nigger in the bottom of the comments, tell her this "whats wrong cant hide behide you slave history in a country that was enslaved" it will trigger them fuckin big time.

Because they haven't biologically evolved to do anything but make babies and make your dick hard.

Yeah. I couldn't care less tbf lad what these "women" think. They are all failures to society.

Current year?

but they need to know that they are the cancer of gods earth

>social life
I thought this phpbb forum is 18+?

just because you cry yourself to sleep at night doesn't mean the rest of us have to also

>isn't socializing for children

you sound that retarded.

>don't be that guy please, some of us want a social life and vagina

Most girls think guys who don't use social media are alpha as fuck.

More mystery and no whinging like all the other beta males who use it.

I haven't used FB for years and iv had a lot of pussy. They are a lot more interested when they have to get to know you rather then just browse your social media page.

I actually think social media puts girls off their partners more then anything.

most are retarded...

I hope that potato nigger, said something along the lines of;

Fuck you


Fine if you want em, don't come crawling to me when you're getting raped and drowned in a river in broad daylight and fully expect me to have a big fucking grin for a week when I read about it so when you're bleeding from your nasty cunt and you're sucking in river water into your lungs remember me.

She's right, if you don't make a habit of trying to provide for the homeless then it is a cheap emotional also for you to make. Come at the same things from a civics perspective

Buddy, the lack of potatoes fucked with your head. Nobody except for underage uses Facebook anymore. People just use WhatsApp these days for meet-ups and sending messaging with stupid emojis is not socialising. Go to an event or bar, talk to people in real-life, believe me it fulfils your socializing needs much better and creates actual bonds with other human beans.

>Most girls think guys who don't use social media are alpha as fuck

as much as i would like to believe that i actually hit it off a few times just using facebook alone, i think its just how you use it

for me i used it to contact family most times but chatted and went on to have a laugh, were im from everyone knows who you are already so when they want to ask ye out they just message ye a time and place and off ya go.

>Needing facebook for either of those


now your dealing with some real cancer there.

you browse on Sup Forums with the rest of us, don't pretend you have a life.

I told them all that I would vote for Trump and BLM is a terrorist organisation.
I think that's a descent fuck you

Don't worry user. Ireland will rise again. These whores will be the first in the oven.

yeh that will suffice

you know if theres a united Ireland the first thing these fucks would do is replace the population like the rest of EU to claim that multiculturalism was the reason it happened..

WhatsApp and Facebook are the same thing. Both is owned by Jewberg. You are comparing cancer to cancer. But if you are such a social person, you would know that cancer is inevitable
>H-hey g-gurl can you use telegram instead it's more secure
>fuck off nerd

na man its more like
>i heard your funny
>asks if i know such in such
>shes asks if im up for a night out and drink at a night club she likes

if you want shameful hate myself sex you say YES you want to live a lonely life just so you can feel like your in the right then by all means rant off in one about whats app.

>she asks
And at this point, you just proved that you have actually no clue what you are talking about.

Two European virgins arguing about getting girls while Mohamed FUCKS your country's women.


yeh man enjoy being a fagot all your life, tell me if it works out for ye

i must admit this made me laugh more than it should, well memed burger.

Kek. Yeah I would prefer a big Russian cock instead, but you guys are all over it already