Well is he wrong, Sup Forums?

Well is he wrong, Sup Forums?

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His fault for being a pathetic, fat sack of shit. He's been trying to "lose weight" for years, but hasn't made any progress because he's a pathetic excuse of a human being.

What a selfish fat fuck. Wanting other people to pay for him being a worthless piece of shit who is sick because he's a lazy bitch that plays video games all day.

My premiums have quintupled in the last 4 years because I have to subsidize his horrendously unhealthy lifestyle.
And if I choose to go without insurance, I have to pay a fine.
And if I choose not to pay that fine, I will be a criminal, men with guns will force me to pay or I will be deprived of my right to liberty by being thrown in jail.

My sentiments. It always blows my mind when I remember that the government is just another group of humans like us forcing everyone to behave in certain ways using force. Fuck "will of the people." That's a fucking farce. The rights of the individual should trump everything.

"Do what we say or we will kill/cage you." Fuck this planet, this is why we need guns.

if we stopped supporting people like this healthcare prices would plummet

just like how if we kicked out the illegals who abuse the healthcare system prices would fall their too

too many gibesmedats not enough workers

When you're that fat all you have to do to lose weight is just stop eating. You dont have to run or anything. Hell you could eat 2500 calories a day and you'd still lose weight

t. former landwhale

FFFFFFFFffffuck that looks just like an Ex gf

Do they literally verify anyone on Twitter?

He's an eceleb

>Fuck my life

silver lining: we won't have to pay for it long. Either fatty runs out of juice or obamashitcare gets repealed

Wasn't he cucked by BBC?

>I'm gonna have to give that thing mouth to mouth

>all of that water wasted as soon as he jumped in

Someone post his leg.

How do you get so fat your nipples fall under your arms holy fuck

Jesus christ your standards were low.

Reminder he was cucked by BBC

Fucking cant stand that fat piece of shit. Him and his shitty videos can eat a black cock like his wife does. The fat faggot man child actually believes he has influence on the gaming industry.

no didn't you hear
hes "gay"

Fucking this.
All of his videos are either shit or complete bullshit i dont understand why people support this fat fuck

I'd say that I'm gay too just to pound the fuck out of that sorry fat cunts wife behind his back.

What a fuckboi looking black.

Can confirm, fuck this stupid fattie.

Was 330 pounds in June last year, now at 280. Am a fat fuck for sure, but it doesn't take you that long to lose weight.

When will that fat fuck drop dead


They are the exact same low quality webcam style commentary shit. Have no idea what people see in his content except that they are just watching him getting bigger every month so they can see him die on screen. The way he name drops people in the industry is cringe inducing. Who the fuck would listen to what that fat autistic no self controlling cunt has to say.


Good work, man. Keep it up.


thats a 7 inch dick at most.

He's fat.

You haven't seen him stream nor realize how he keeps up with his fans. And he has lost weight idk if he's going to keep up the momentum though.

He's affectionate to the people who are entertained by him. Thus making them feel good thus giving money to him. Also He is pro consumer and principled than most e-celebs.

Keep it up bro. You are going to make it. We are all going to make it.

I went from 250 to 175 over a year and change.
The drop from 215 to 200 was the worst.

>nobody has posted based nigger blowing boogie the fuck out of the water


B-but user, His traumatic childhood...

that man redefines the term side boob

Homie I was 330 too. I'm 240 now. Still got a little ways left. Just stick to your proper calorie intake!

That's 7 more inches of dick then this fat fuck can get exposed from between his rolls

boo fucking hoo, tell that fatty to stop hogging all that fat. God knows some people at /fa/ need it

Doesn't his wife fuck niggers cause he can't please her?

He's fat as fuck so I'm going to have to say no. I don't ever listen to anything fat people say because they're losers.

Marvelous life choices, no wonder you'll get sick being gravitationally challenged.

He had a shitty past so I'll give him a pass

>Lucky they float after a while.


>the system will be there for you

This is has been proven a lie, right?

Never watches any of his vids, what did he mention as an excuse for eating less?

The fat cunts insurance must of been a shit ton of money because he's at a high risk, the man replying is probably a healthy individual, and now the fat cunt can afford insurance because the low risk person has to pay more.

Am i right ? I don't have a clue how things work so i'm just guessing

Also i read that Obongocare covers transgender issues like transitions and hrt drugs. I'd be pissed if i had to fork out money to turn men into women

Holy shit that was brutal.

so, your a little fat, thats nice nigger.

he´s scared that he will lose his views or something

DDP, aka the ex-wrestler that helps fuck-ups lose 200+ pounds and fixes crack addicts (Jake the Snake and Scott Hall), reached out to this guy and was going to help him as much as he could. Never heard anything from it again and from what I've read about DDP I guarantee it's because Boogie didn't put the effort in, DDP doesn't waste his time

I hate that piece of shit. Every video it's him feeling sorry for himself and talking about his abuse as a child. I'm so glad that hooker whore he calls a wife cheats on him weekly.

>Americans would rather pay 10,000 dollars for a basic surgery than 2k a year in insurance

Yes, everything you said about healthy people effectively subsidizing unhealthy people is true.

No idea about the transgender stuff, though.


For those people that were worried about being denied coverage, the ACA probably seemed very nice.

It only starts seeming like a major problem when you realize the deductibles are so high that it won't help you under normal circumstances.

For me it'd only cost maybe $50 to go to a doctor and with a discount card at my pharmacy it'd never really cost more than $60 for pharmaceuticals. That's without any insurance.

Having insurance improves absolutely nothing for me if the deductible is several thousand dollars as I would have to have been in a car accident or something for it to come into play.

Even if I go to an ER to get some stitches, that grossly inflated price would still only be a bit more than a $1,000, several thousand away from any deductible so I'd still be paying for all of that out of pocket.

The people that praise the ACA generally seem to not give a shit that no one can afford treatment with it and that it can actually make it less affordable to go to a doctor. I actually used to have insurance that I paid a little over a hundred dollars a month for, then it kept going up until it finally was something like $325 a month with a $5k deductible (it also didn't cover any doctor in my area). Since I started wanting to go to a doctor for some different things I found I had to give up having insurance first so that I could have the money to afford a doctor. That's just fucking batshit insane.

Anyone that says the ACA made sense is a dumbass.

>looks normal
>sit dowm
>visible rolls
>feel so bad I don't eat junk food for a week

How do people get as fat as boogie?

>just recently he got literally butthurt from breaking a wooden chair he sat on


Boogie doesn't do shit to lose weight. He said he was going to do Keto. I've done Keto and lost 40lbs (210 to 170).

Said he was doing Keto, and next fucking video, he's eating fucking fruits and drinking mountain dew.

The willpower of a fucking sponge.


The taxpayers will pay for it.


REEEEEEE fuckin NAZI. We only have ONE life and there is no afterlife, morals and virtues are RELATIVE.

these pills I'm on raise my cholesterol. I must be 99% cholesterol by now.

That's why young and healthy people need high deductible health plans and health savings accounts. Tax free money in an account for health expenses that grows tax free and low premiums.

"Free" health only leads to one thing: A society of parasites. Come to Mexico, see how poor people live and you will be asking yourself how the fuck do they survive?

Just one answer: State free health

You done better be hitting the gym bro

why just lose weight, turn that shit into muscle and become a marble god

only american non-europeans think its a bad idea

To be fair, it must be hard for him to lose weight given he wouldn't be able to do much exercise. His legs are fucked which limits how much walking he can do.

I'm a hedonist and quite frankly immediate gratification is nothing compared to delayed gratification. The latter takes willpower to achieve.

He has two rotten legs and cant walk often anymore though i heard.

Should have just said
>And i am forced to pay 2000 bucks for a insurance i never use because everyone has to chip in and pay for the care of fat fucks like you.

I have been losing about 10 pounds every three months. I just never get hungry.

>only have one finite life
>better gorge myself on food constantly and make that finite time even shorter

I fucking hate being human, at least I have an excuse to be killing myself as deliciously as possible

Keep it up.


>ever being fat

Played sports all my life and I have had a 6pack since I was 8 years old. Fatties are pathetic.

he looks like a benis :DX-D

Yeah dude I have a 10inch dick 12pack and 3 bitches I fuck EVERY night bruh.


Must be better to use something like smokeless tobacco then the pharma jew desu

This is an carcinogenic as dip but it dampens hunger and replaces snacks.

I love our public healthcare system, no one goes lacking.
However, I hate that the public healthcare system gives the goverment the right to attempt to protect it's assets by taxing things that damage the system, such as taxing alcohol and cigarettes, but this could extend to anything that causes injuries, such as horse back riding or riding a motorcycle.

A man who consumes 5000-6000 calories a day who is upset he cannot lose weight and has 3million subscribers on youtube praising him is something I just don't understand


Thought boogman was a literal cuck.
Didn't his wife invite her "friend" to stay with them for a while?

Losing weight is 99% diet retard

>He's been trying to "lose weight" for years

You should have blacked out your dogs faces too

And you will fall off the wagon after the age of 35 like so many other fit chads. You will become 40 lbs overweight middle aged dadbod sporting piece of shit.

Chances of people like you having the willpower of beeing longtime workout buffs like Jack La Lane are miniscule.

The state, and indirectly the taxpayers, shouldn't subsidize anything related to that fat fucks inability to control what he eats.

You'e never going to make it

Boogie and his wife

i aint clickin that shit nigger

upload it directly

Fuck this fat piece of shit and fuck the people that enable him and FUCK the kids and teens who will be influenced by his fat fucking ass.

I lost 60 pounds in a year from cutting out soda and just running every other day.

I did it. With minimal effort if I were being honest. 210 to 150. King of the manlets height.

Piss. Easy.

ah shit, my computer fritized out, and
I was gonna play outside and become a druid but it came back.

>this is considered as healthy in burgerland

> Come to Mexico


He is a fucking fat POS that wants to impose a system on everyone else just because it benefits his fucking fat ass!
