Your response?


Other urls found in this thread:

leftists will forever be traitors

there no such thing as a good leftist

Today's ""rightists"" might tweet the same thing, going by recent history.


like I give a blistered bleeding fuck what the Jews post on twitter today. they didn't fucking know that Jesus was the son of God

retarded anti intellectualism, the Constitution is just as relevant today as it was 229 years ago.
Do you know why? because it isn't a document of laws, but a document about how to make laws legitimately, and how to maintain such system from corruption.
As such it's more a philosophically based thought than nitty gritty regulations, which is why it is eternal


My neurons a firin

Enemy combatant. Send em to gitmo

>lol people living in the past didn't know thing that I learned in elementary school!
>forget that fact that I never would've discovered thing on my own in a million years


Are you twelve? Go to bed.

like I give a blistered bleeding fuck what (((Cohen))) thinks of the founding fathers in their day. he doesn't even fucking know what the federalist papers are.

>they didn't fucking know what a germ is

last i remembered, jigaboos and kikes were understood to exist in 18th century america

No, but we do have Benjamin Franklin to thank for thinking electricity might be worth a shit.

>((Cohen)) is a geist, goyim


The founding fathers were a bunch of inbred savage cumskins.

Black people discovered germs, another historical fact that the white devil has used his tricknology to cover up.

Do you know what a germ is?



The constitution from almost 300 years ago DOESN'T REPRESENT ME. You have to move on and update it to the present times. That was a good constitution for inbred anglicans/puritans.

but yet a hundred years prior we purposefully gave the Indians blankets infected with smallpox.


Truth is we'd be better off not knowing about germs.

>The founding fathers didn't know what germs were
>The founding fathers used smallpox blankets to holocaust pocahontas

>didn't know what a germ was
Washington inoculated his soldiers against smallpox over winter at Valley Forge saving countless lives.

They would care that someone this stupid was elected President:

>Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart —you know, if you're a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it's true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that's why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we're a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it's not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it's four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven't figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it's gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us

>People don't know how great you are. People don't know how smart you are. These are the smart people. These are the smart people. These are really the smart people. And they never like to say it, but I say it. And I'm a smart person. These are the smart. We have the smartest people. We have the smartest people. And they know it. Some say it, but they hate to say it, but we have the smartest people.

Would that this retard and all his ilk had but one throat, and I my hands about it.

That's why his kike stepson will take good care of the old demented man.

They would celebrate that an evil witch was denied a chance at power.

This guy gets it.
The consitution is a document written to guide law making. It's based heavily on enlighrenment philosophy to the point where it stands more as a philosophical treatise than as laws.

Yet these days people want to say that these rules shouldn't apply anymore. That they're old and no longer relevant when in actuality they were and still are considered projections of universal truths.

The greatest affront against intellectualism is the idea that philosophy is outdated.

Sup Forums is not for underage kids, user.

Because the people of this country, even on the right, are all about the country's founding, am I reading you right?

I don't care that Galileo says the earth isn't the center

he doesn't even know how an Iphone works

Good job picking up on the insult of that other user and reinforcing it. Good little circlejerker.

>Implying Adam's isn't fucking stoked that we're about to have Aliens and Seditions act 2, and Franklin didn't have "get pissed on by Russian prostitutes" on his bucket list.


That was the entire point but thanks for proving my comment


>I got a (you) that validates me
We were discussing the underaged...

>implying any party has any realization of the founders intentions for america

The US was founded as an aristocratic republic, not a democracy.

You should know. You're in Canada.

That is what commies have in common - they can't reach or stay in power when there's democracy, so they always resort to revolutionary ideas and calls to take power violently.

Commies are a scum on the earth, both intellectually and on a personal level. It makes me physically sick when conversating with a commie, because they are filled with self-loathing, which carries on to their politics as well. They go to a great extent to enable, and even glorify degeneracy. The thoughts they convey are sick and putrid, designed to infect your opponent to punch themselves in the face, instead of seeking to defeat your opponent in an honest fight. Nope, lefties do not want an honest fight. They result to jewing around and being condescending.

These days I am absolutely disgusted with all cultural marxist propaganda so much that almost a far-right extremist, while I used to be a moderate liberal before swallowing these redpills. I swear to you guys, despite everything what Hitler is or was, he is a much better alternative than every single SJW fuck that ever lives in the current year, and definitely better than the race traitor of a Trudeau.

Then fucking leave. There are plenty of other shithole countries with hate speech laws and gun control if you don't like it.

Who gives a blistered bleeding fuck what mozart would think about music today he didn't even know what an electric guitar is

>its another 'Americans jerk themselves off to muh constitution' episode

still knew more about governance and democracy than you are capable of understanding

anyone not loyal to the constitution should be shot

"Men" is the word you're looking for. And no, we wouldn't.

The people that liberals look to for information and guidance aren't even Americans. That's why they have created a pyramid scheme of ideals. Where at top they say how people should act and how America should be. And it goes down while the lower levels just protest.

You sound jealous, spaghetti nigger

You're right, it specifies whites, nigger.

You can call me spaghetti nigger all you want, literal nigger

Pick one.

dey forced slaved ejeeptions 2 make dat strataG unda whips n chains. dem WHITEbois cant fight 4 sheet on dey own.

Are you even going to be a country in 50 years?

Get a fucking grip, debtnigger, your country had a porn actress in the parliament.

Besides, Millenial Woes wouldn't be persecuted in a country with this "muh constitution" in effect, but a country without it threatens to fucking jail him.

American constitution really is one of the best things to happen to them, because it makes sure their thought police doesn't get too naughty, and their Big Brother doesn't go full totalitarian ever again.

The shit we have in EU is unstoppable, because we have no document to refer to that says we should protect european states, while USA is founded on a very good basis, which is the protection of liberties that founding fathers agreed on.

I am seriously considering moving to US and joining their race war if Merkel would ever decide that Estonia has a duty to take a minimum number of 100,000 somali niggers because "muh european solidarity"

>They didn't (((know)))


Never heard that word before.
>saved into Sup Forums Dictionary

>your response
Mr Cohen please explain what a germ is in your own words

>Muh founding fathers
Literally every retardican ever

>here's a picture of a silly face wow sure fooled you!!!!!!

kys, do what Mussolini did and hang, spaghetti nigger

does he know what a germ is

>Bong mad about freedom kicking the ass of totalitarianism


>jew uses graphic perversion while attempting subvert and societal pillar

All he needed to do was ask for money and mention the gorillion to hit for the cycle

at least they knew what democracy is.

>241 years
>still mad

>Stupid faggot separatist American traitor calling anyone else a traitor, ever

Shut the fuck up faggot. God save the Queen. Traitorous little bitch go cry over taxes and spilt tea.

And now you're our fucking bitch and muh Queen muh crown are an irrelevant island with a GDP lower than our most niggest state.

You mad bro?

In the future there will be many quantities that we will never have known about.
This is first grade arrogance.


incase you are serious, its a reddit term

avoid using it

What is it with constitutions and triggering commies/leftists?

>its a reddit term
Oh god no. Why the hell do these people even come here?
>Deleted out of Sup Forums Dictionary

> applied vs theoretical

That goes both ways, you see because the founding fathers were important people and will be remembered for as long as this nation stands, but this person will not be remembered ever throughout history because they're not important. Nobody gives a fuck that they don't give a fuck, nobody fucking cares because this person is 100% worthless.
Valuable people lead their countries into greatness. Napoleon's opinion was worth more than this piece of baked shit because he was intelligent and lead his country to victory. How many victories has this person lead in their life?

Praise Kek!

>it's a reddit term

Circlejerk has been around longer than the internet and used exactly the same way. Reddit can use it all it wants but it didn't make it, didn't make it popular, and are by far not the exclusive users of it.

Because Marxism doesnt go well with Freedom.

>Sup Forums
Delete that one too.

egyptians were black bioengineers who created smallpox accidentally when they were inventing GMO corn. when they realized what they had done they tried to make a vaccine, but then whitey came, stole the smallpox, and gave it to native americans on blankets before coming back and making everyone slaves

fukn whitey. we wuz kangz n sheit

Like the founding father's ghosts care about what some queer jew child thinks

niggers also invented aids when they started fucking monkeys

AIDS was actually invented by an advanced race of nigger, the chimpanzee

Circlejerk as a tern existed before reddit, and it's used everywhere. Other user is talking out of his ass

that post is "if stephen hawking is so smart why can't he walk xD" tier.

shit, your right

This guy was given the reigns over Homestuck, one of the most autistic fanbases to come out of Sup Forums, just under the horse shit.


Chimpanzees are pretty based.

>Delete that one too.

What about a dead one?

That was a nice post. I like you, you can come over to my house and fuck my father's wife's daughter.


Worry about the snooper's charter policy before giving a shit about what's going on in America.

Sweet, I'll accept the invite, and take my wife's dark and handsome boyfriend with me as well


Sieg Heil

heres something I CANNOT understand from liberals.

>muh science people didn't know how disease worked until the 1800s with Germ theory dumb euros thought washing theirs hands was for pussy lol

which is it?????

Even while dead leftists continue to waste time and money by forcing other people to cough up money for their problems.

Einstein didn't even know what the internet is, so how smart was he really?


Will your wife's son also be attending?

liberals have cognitive dissonance cranked up to 11 user.

see pic related. the idea that the USSR would seek to subvert the US, and vice versa, is very straight forward when you think about it logically. if you can't even send a missile over to Cuba without almost starting WW3, how can you mount any substancial effort to fight? the only option is subverting the culture, pulling the foundation of the US out from under them.

if you tell a liberal this however, they will INSTANTLY enter a mode of heavy cognitive dissonance. they have been told their entire lives that the good guys (their country) are amazing, the bad guys (anyone suggesting that their country could do bad, with the singular exception of subversive elements IE anti war protesters) should be killed, and that anyone trying to change this dynamic is BAD.

when the liberal, however, comes into contact with a well spoken accented gentleman claiming to be from the USSR who goes on to say that everything they know is wrong, the liberal can not accept this. even more so when the fact that the liberal can not accept it is brought to attention.

these people are not thinking logically in this manner. they are trained to shut down when they are exposed to any propaganda besides the propaganda they are used to. you can not move around this without treating them with respect, much like you would console a child.

think about it: if you were asked to teach a veteran with PTSD to withstand a fireworks display, would you gently introduce him to the noise of fireworks, the smell etc over a long period of time, or would you shove a firecracker up his ass and light it?