What if Sup Forums didn't start this conspiracy and Russia actually does have golden shower blackmail material on a...

What if Sup Forums didn't start this conspiracy and Russia actually does have golden shower blackmail material on a sitting President of the United States?


When Russia invades Estonia in 2018 and Trump does nothing, we'll know why?

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The story is fake but it wasn't started on Sup Forums. Why is that so hard to accept? Do you need convincing?

piss is a fairly tame fetish

I'm sure his fetish is slav women though, his track record in wives back that up.

President Pence. Oh yes.

Checked and wrecked.

Russia has invaded this board since 2015. We've known this for a long time. This was created to perpetuate the narrative that the MSM has no credibility in the US. (((They))) do things like put three brackets around things to discredit them and other stupid meme tactics that people fall for on this site.

Why would the president and first lady stay in a bugged hotel room?

How fake? Pizzagate fake? Or moon landing fake?

>tfw so intelliegent that you know the story is being falsely attributed to Sup Forums to discredit anything legit Sup Forums finds in the future

You honestly think the russians have been blackmailing Trump because he hired a bunch of hookers to piss on a hotel bed that Obama slept in back in 2013

why would he do that? Why would the russians have a film of it and blackmail him before he ran? How would he even know Obama slept their?

As they are both very rich and powerful its probably that Trump has stayed in hotel rooms the Obamas have stayed in as well.

This whole story is just insane sounding from the beginning only people who can believe it are people that hate Trump and imagine this is the shit he does.

What if you stopped sucking cock...
Oh wait, who am I kidding?


? They wouldn't.

Moon landing

Who cares , baltics are russian clay anyway . That being said , Russia will not invade the baltics unless NATO puts more heavy missiles pointed towards russia.

This, you faggots should have elected Hillary. I'm literally shaking in fear right now, because of the Russian aggression on this board.

>When Russia invades Estonia in 2018
WTF no

portions of this alleged """CIA Report""" has apparently been circulating since as early as August according to CNN's account. During the election they threw literally fucking everything they could come up with at Trump. They pushed faker, less substantiated hit pieces on Trump than this. If this was real why the fuck would they have decided to hold this back until months after the election?

Also wikileaks took one look and said its an obvious fake. Im not worried.

If Trump got whores to piss all over the "Presidential Suite" he'd brag about it on twitter.

Xir, you have to go back.

i remember somebody posting in pol during the election about trump doing degenerate shit with Russian hookers, It definitely was started on pol, whether or not it was a legit poster making up bullshit or somebody posting it to discredit the media/pol who knows.

Then we'll see Trump peeing on some Russian whores and get a tweet like "My opponents say I can't stand and deliver when it comes to Russia but I think this video proves them wrong. #prostatehealth #stayhydrated"

>What if Sup Forums didn't start this conspiracy and Russia actually does have golden shower blackmail material on a sitting President of the United States?
Who cares? The vast majority of people have a surface-deep attention span. All they'll see is that Trump likes piss and that's all they'll remember.

None of the major media organizations who were approached with the report decided to go public with it since they weren't able to verify any of the details. Wikileaks has also remarked that it bears no signs of authenticity (dates, formatting). Even Buzzfeed says that the report will contain many factual inaccuracies. They just put it out there for clicks.

So pretty damn fake.

I'm always open to new evidence.

why would anyone let themselves get blackmailed over pissing whores? seems pretty tame and its not like trump was running for president at the time

>portions of this alleged """CIA Report""" has apparently been circulating since as early as August according to CNN's account

Wrong. The media didn't have it yet.

"But the FBI had already been given a set of the memos compiled up to August 2016, when the former MI6 agent presented them to an FBI official in Rome, according to national security officials."

Sup Forums unveiled pizzagate and now this. Like it or not, this is where a lot of truth gets published first. That's why I mostly get my news from here. I have to always explain to my normie family how they dont really understand how the world works. They need to look deeper than the mainstream media for truth but they dont get it.

The only reason this is getting any traction at all is "LOL DRUMPF LIKES PEE PEE"


lol think again, more like May of this year

pic related

No way I can find the exact post, but I remember seeing it, some user posted about trump and a Russian business deal and Russian hookers doing degenerate shit and the Kremlin having dirt on him through this, this was during the height of CRT shit posting and I just brushed it off and bullshit, now that this is out i'm not too sure. It's obviously a fake report, but whether or not it originated from a pol poster trying to troll the media or somebody trying delegitimise the media who knows.

this is exactly why trump got voted into presidency.

I remember all the rumors here on Sup Forums that go back to even last year, that the reason Trump is not anti-Russia is because they had a sex-tape on him. I don't know if Sup Forums started this but there's definitely been some stuff going around.

Even if it is true, who cares? Watersports isn't that weird. Hell, it is more normal than foot fetish, bdsm, scat or gay.

Pizza gate isn't fake

>Even if it is true, who cares?
The rest of the report is a lot worse bro. Accepting that Trump is into watersports and hires hookers to piss on Obama's favorite bed is the tip of the iceberg if true.

>Russia invades Estonia 2018

Too late. We already have half of population slavs. Nothing will change.


Well, who cares, even if it is true. now everyone knows anyway.

Also, checked your trip 5s.

It's not too difficult to guess that a degenerate puppet of Russia would be blackmailed by Russians with material proving his participation in degenerate shit.

>the rest is a lot worse

its also predicated on the idea that Trump is being blackmailed by a video of hookers pissing on a random hotel bed.....

do if that obviously false premise is indeed false the rest is complete nonsense.

You haven't read the report, have you?

pizzagate is real bro. I saw it on Sup Forums. #goldenshowers is fakenews because russia has our back 4 sure and trump isnt a degenerate.

lmao there it is

I did read the report the piss shit is on page 2.

If that didnt happen then how could the Russians blackmail him? how could the rest of the report occur as written if the impetus of the blackmail is clearly bullshit.

Most major news sources say this is likely not real.

Who cares?

Reality is irrelevant.

We are the ones in control of the narrative now.
Sup Forums won't abandon the God Emperor even if he did have a piss fetish, because let's face it, we are still bigger degenerates.

We control reality now, with wit and digits.
Praise Kek, for he has risen.

Oh ok, so you're just a retard with no reading comprehension then.

Trumps liaison with the Russians wasn't made privy to the existence of the blackmail material until after Trump was already compromised. The blackmail was just a plan B for if he went off the reservation, he was already working with them before that.

With Bill Clinton we were told that what he did with women was irrelevant. So why would Trump enjoying golden showers affect his presidency?

>When Russia invades Estonia in 2018 and Trump does nothing, we'll know why?

please no :(

You think this is true, you actually think the report is true? The leaked report all other outlets thought was bullshit.

The one only buzzfeed is dumb enough to release and even in their release they say its sketchy.

Wew Lad

CNN's been reporting on it all day. It's true and on the slight chance that you're not literally a Russian troll, I would really love to see your tears when Trump is impeach in less than a year and his supporters are ridiculed for falling for a traitor.

>01 Nov 2016

But that doesn't prove anything. The Mother Jones article is Oct 31st: motherjones.com/politics/2016/10/veteran-spy-gave-fbi-info-alleging-russian-operation-cultivate-donald-trump

If i had trumps cash id be doing degenerate shit with hookers too.

Now the media is trying to meme it into existence

well now the whole population knows so they now have no power over trump

Bring it on, nigger.

Then we get btfo take a hit on our character and deal with a month of shitposting.

Does black mail actually work on people?
Screw that. Call their bluff, get the dirt out there, get it over with. Fuck bending to the will of cowards.

fuck estonia desu, they deserve it after months of shitposting that anime slut brushing her teeth

Have they been stating the claims as fact, or are they just reporting on the allegations?

Didn't originate on Sup Forums. I wouldn't be surprised if the very person who posted the ONE screenshot was actually in coordination with the media. They're going to use this to discredit this site entirely and it's going to blow up in everyone's faces because you're all reverse sheeple now. You were fighting the real fight and then got arrogant and now you just want to discredit the media at any given opportunity. You're literally claiming they have no evidence, claiming that you have evidence that they have no evidence, but your only evidence is a single screenshot which could have easily been an inspect element. STOP BEING DEMOCRATS IDIOTS.

Okay lets assume this is true.

So now you think the CIA has known for months that Trump is blackmailed by Russia over this piss party

why in the world would this not have made it to the FBI, why would Trump not be arrested for treason? Why would this come out now the week before his inauguration?

And even if the Russians did blackmail him, what would that do? What is Putin going to claim the USA as his own? Do you think the president has full control over the country?

stop being a daft gullible retard its nonsense somebody sent out that only buzzfeid was willing to run with.

This, if anything really.

This it's false, either reckless headline grabber by buzzfeed or a literal fucking abortion of an intelligence agency.

> t. someone who voted for the butcher of Iraq, Libya, and Syria,

> "Trump will never run!"
> "Trump will never win the caucuses!"
> "Trump will never get the nomination!"
> "Trump won't stand a chance in the debates!"
> "Trump will never get Florida! He can't win!"

> "I would really love to see your tears when Trump is impeach in less than a year and his supporters are ridiculed for falling for a traitor."

> "Trump will never get reelected!"

Reporting on allegations.

Why would you question the report when you haven't even read it yet? Several of the questions you're asking are answered in the report.

What if the left memes it to reality?



>bait threads

wat does bait bread teach us about shitposting, op?

I read about 10 pages and skimmed the rest as it was retarded and as said begins with an entirely nonsensical impetus.

This is basically chem-trail, 9/11 was an inside job, and fake moon landing tier retardation.

Even Pizzagate is more convincing.

>hur dur look at this crazy report that confirms every wild caricature of trump the left has been spewing for months.

Shill or retard? Keep reading

MotherJones article says nothing about orgies

There was an actual link to a thread archive. Not just a scrot


>29 Oct 2016
>a new trump tape

As in a new audio tape, like the pussy grab one. Nothing to do with this blackmail shit.


the cnn article he mentioned


Shut up faggot. You should be shaking over Mutti Merkel still sitting in her chair fantasizing about penises with beheaded foreskins.

You should horrifically commit suicide. Just kidding. I do not want anyone to kill themselves. Suicide is not the answer. If you are considering suicide, please talk about it. Please look within yourself and realize that you are the one wholly responsible for how you act. You are your own brain. You don't realize the extent of it. Yes, even a man chained up in a dungeon can be euphoric.


Lol fuck you

leave that shit in Sup Forums fuckhead. MODS!!!

i'll tip my hat to that, good sir.

haha yeah and the moon landing is real too.


> Nov 1

The day after the report was first talked about in the media.

I think Russia should not invade Estonia, sorry.

One reason is not to give Estonians reason to be smug about being right.