Idk ask me anything I'm down to answer everything. Also, yes I prefer trump over literally every other candidate.
Filthy half infidel Paki here. AMA
do you guys shit in the street like india?
>he he AMA reddit. XDDD
Go to bed Danyaal
Even though more than half our population is fucking mentally retarded, we still have enough knowledge to know that shit= toilet.
Whadoido I'm a newfag
Well, I mean if I had one, why not?
Why shouldnt the west convert to islam?
if you lived in Europe, would you enforce sharia law? (or however it is called)
You don't though. Open defecation is a huge problem in pakiland.
And no one cares what you think about a retard called trump.
Btw I'm a Paki, just not a dipshit like you.
I want to ask why you faggots are so proud American yet so anti Israel
Those two things are oxymoronic, moron
do you share european values or just spread the plague which is islam?
are u muslim??
Stop the taqiya, achmed. One fourth of your population shits in street and pak ranks third in open defecation. You're mad that you couldn't beat India even in this
>Btw I'm a Paki
kill yourself, everyone here hates you and your kind
Why do you care anyway
What are these European """values""" and what are Islamic """values"""
It's like British """values""", I feel people seem more ridiculous when they use that term. Just be a decent human and not a cunt. That's my values, human values. Now fuck off.
your muslim london mayor and 96% of politicians dont
Why the fuck would they?
>paki musloid values
No. Fuck no desu. The European laws are perfect
Greek value are taking loans you can't pay back like niggers
Wahaha. Listen to this chamcha.
Go die in the Shit you took in the street. You don't even know, half of our country doesn't mind you, it's the idiots who think you're bad bad. Your leader tho, pathetic.
But we are one of you, daddy. You made us.
What do you think of Indians?
wash your mouth before pronouncing my country you subhuman shit
do paki people really live in caves?
t o p k e k
Tbh I agree with you. Just don't kill, don't rape, don't be a pedo, don't snort Cocaine, just hit some smokes and relax and don't fuck shit up. That's all I want
I can't believe a fucking PAKI is trying to talk shit about Greeks
Their leader can suck a donkey dick, people are not bad. The ones who fucking captures the pigeon though, those are the ones I don't like.
kya chall raha hai bc
>please accept me white people: the thread
I'm a paki and you are an embarrassment to us. Do us all a favor and kill yourself
Go suck the piss out of a bull, it is you . .hindus and Indians
Deep down inside you are ashamed of your selves and your belief system, that is why you have always been conquered and have always looked to your conquerors to rescue you from the absurdity of your existence.
When you try to make us feel like you, it is alien to us, for we bask in the glory and purity of our God, while you bathe in the piss of yours.
We know you, just by listening to you, by reading what you have to say and the way you say it.
You are an imbecile and are fooling only your self if you think anything you have to say relates to us
Pakistan zindabad
cuckdia murdabad
>Just don't kill
>don't rape
>don't be a pedo
>don't snort Cocaine
I like Greece. Nice country with decent values...... (your fucking economy though.)
Two subhumans arguing who's shitting street is better
Do us, europeans, a favour and kill yourself too. Thanks in advance.
Pay fucking denbts, fucking Turk rapebaby
Also I'm not even that much of a practicing Muslim but tearing the Quran up from the safety of your home is a typically omega action by people who think you fight an idea by tearing up the medium on which it is printed. I thought you geeks were meant to be civilised but now I realise you are literal Turk rapebabies. Because that is the kind of nigger action a Turk world do against another religion. Like he did to your people. Now you repeat the same? Hahaha. Irony is lacking.
I agree on these, I don't do that degenerate shit anyway. Peace, I was trolling you. Karachi? I do love the people of Karachi. Except the gangster fuckers.
This is the other half I was talking about. Please don't mind them desu.
but why then you muslims keep on doing that?(minus the coke, you are too poor)
>Paki saying Greeks arent civilized
Don't you have a woman to stone for exposing her ankles?
Uneducated people. Majority of the Pakistanis are uneducated, thinking it's completely okay to do all that shit
No I don't do Cocaine because the drugs under the bridges are cheaper.
Look it's the Greek diaspora. Pay denbts then pay federal reserve loans. Then kys
If the redhead american come to visit Pakis,
How will they treat me?
I'm not defending the tearing of Quran, and I'm a Muslim soon to convert to atheism. But anyone who tears any sorts of books deserves to die. By Any book, I mean any book.
Not sure if you've seen paki women but they don't cover from head to toe. They just wear cultural clothing. Which covers the body. Dumb fuckaroo
>Btw I'm a Paki
more muslim values
Please don't right now. That's my suggestion. Pakistan is basically PMSing for a while. However, do visit the Northern region. The scenery is beautiful
You're alright.
You need physical removal
paki women most beutiful women on aerth
Oh I've seen them, and when they aren't covered in smelly curtains, they're covered in hair head to toe
There was a point when your ""people"", meaning the original Greeks not Turk rapebabies like golden dawn leader used to argue against an idea with words and thoughts, note you are like niggers, by tearing up books.
Just look at what intellectual level your are on. All these cunt Americans saying ITT how is a Pakistani arguing with a Greek? Don't they realise you are not a Greek in reality but just a negroid?
"Don't fuck anything other than what you marry"
>But we waz shahz and shiettttttt
>half of our country doesn't mind you, it's the idiots who think you're bad bad. Your leader tho, pathetic.
You guys need to stop marrying your sisters
>that is why you have always been conquered and have always looked to your conquerors to rescue you from the absurdity of your existence
Hey retard, pakistan was carved out of Hindustan less than a century. When you say"you were conquered", it includes you too. Also, kill while you take pride in the fact that Islamic rulers were war mongering rapist scum, we take pride in the fact that Hindustan has never went after conquests beyond the Indus lands. We are the true peacefuls
A drawing shouldn't arouse me A drawing shouldn't arouse me A drawing shouldn't arouse me A drawing shouldn't arouse me
>mfw paki subhuman musloid keeps talking smack
> what could I do?
Greeks are just as subhuman as pakis lmao
Your country is useless and broke so what is the difference?
How does it feel to have all your delusions BTFO by a single picture?
Serious question, why do all your women walk with a hobble? Is it because of incest?
>Nigreek tried to ruse me
Nigreeks can't ruse
another muslim in britbongistan
Fuck up dickhead
Swedish imo
I don't like pakis, but it's funny to see a greasy greek talking big.
Your greatest city is still under turkroach occupation and you lot just sit there like the bitches you are ahahahahahahah
I disagree. hamari bachiyan #1
Fuck off monarchist cunt
Not all, but quite a lot. Physical defects cuz first cousin marriage and Shit is common cause easier to find
>talking about cities being under muslim occupation
Buddy, you're well on your way there
If I ever became president, my first action would be to ban first cousin marriages. Then all our women would be pic related-tier
...... You're also going to ban siblings marriages, hopefully.
Hilarious you have 10million Taco's in your country fucking your women and commiting crimes haha.
America is even less white than England hahahahaha
>half infidel
what did the porki mean by dis?
You smelly little tramp. Go home.
would you prefer living in Pakistan or Egypt?
I'm enjoying this. But doesn't America have 14 million tacos? Talking about tacos, someone give me a recipe
Means he has a conflict in faith, it's natural and passes with time and patience
Already there. Kys out of my country
That I'm basically half of an atheist, slowly converting
Does Egypt have good spicy food? And what about its scenery?
10 million tacos compared to 300 million is nothing. However, I won't have to worry about my daughters being forced to marry Ahmed and wear a hijab in the next 50 years like you guys
hmmm... i became full atheists few years ago. Islam is false desu, so are all other religions.
Wont your neighbours cut your head off for this?
>Gets btfo so hard by 1 single fucking picture that he stops responding
kek. welcome to india
What he said. Also, small question for the brits. Btw, is your tea really that great?
>Does Egypt have good spicy food?
>what about its scenery?
About as much as your neighbours will cut off your head for going sober
Yes fuck yes
And they'd feed it to my cat too. My dad is the only person who knows and he told me not to tell anyone else or else rip
And how do you drink tea without milk like it's so weird