What's the most discrete way to discriminate against blacks and spics?
What's the most discrete way to discriminate against blacks and spics?
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By being white
Being one and dont give a shit about their complains about race gap.
Constantly mishear or ask people to repeat things that they say and butcher due to ESL accent or ignorance.
Any time a nigger says something like "tryna" just immediately interrupt with "what?".
dont hire them if youre in a position of power
>racism at the individual level
I thought you were better than this Sup Forums.
If im at a restaurant and a nigger waiter approaches my table I get up and leave
pretend you cant understand them until they speak like a white person
Treat them like normal human beings and make judgements about each one on an individual basis. Like if you meet a good one actually treat him well, it will fuck with him when he realizes not all white people hate them.
Write in cursive.
Alright fine let's do this.
When I watch TV and a nigger is talking I mute it.
This isn't exactly discreet. But you can accuse anyone who figures it out of racism.
>What so all niggers dress like that?
Make swimming test mandatory for all government job interviews.
Ask them to differentiate between the proper uses of discreet vs. discrete, Niggers are too dumb to do this.
just don't talk about it moron. just dew it
this is the lesson of 2016
90% of trump voters didn't talk about it. they just did it
>Write in cursive.
That's a pretty good one.
I fucking love these. You can't run a white-only establishment anymore? Well, I guess I'm forced to create a shit ton of 'rules' that need to be enforced.
oh snap
Fugg that image is tiny
>rule1: no ants
Couple of places for drinking and partying have this near me, but it's mostly because fucking savages use them as gang signs and get in fights at the bar, like certain piercings, hats and the such
Fucking hell
Vote Trump...
And for reelection in 2020
>that pose and their faces
It was too good not to save.
where can I get weed in 585 tn???
that is not discrete at all
Dont buy any black media
That's a fucking amazing policy. If I ever start a bar or shop, that will be the dress code. Fucking kudos.
Never hold them to the same high standards whites are held to. Give them unfair advantages and free stuff. Make them believe they are victims of a racist system so they won't even try succeeding. They won't have an incentive to rise above the level of vermin, so they won't.
The trick is not to make a scene. Act as natural as possible. It could be sitting away from them in public place or keeping a list of passive conversation finishers if they try talking to you. Things like "Can't talk right now I am in a hurry". A personal favourite conversation killer is to switch the topic to something most dindus would struggle with or find boring, like quantum physics or classical music, because then they try to end the conversation themselves. Another tactic is if you are on the bus place your bag in the seat beside you. Only move the bag if a white person gets on or if asked. This will make it harder for blacks to sit beside you. Keep your arm threaded through the strap on the bag though, it discourages them from trying to steal the bag or moving it themselves.
Carry a piece; call said shitskin a nigger or a spic; defend yourself and eliminate them
They dont know cursive? Or what is it?
Most young people don't seem to know cursive anyway.
say goodmorning but not mean it on the inside
The world is in a disgusting state.
top fucking kek.
This is a good one.
Or maybe people just realized that learning a second alphabet is a super fucking waste of time.
It's more this than anything else. Cursive was always meant to be a fast and sloppy way of writing, but it's looked at with rose-tinted glasses by oldfags. These days typing is so much faster and easier than writing if you use a keyboard instead of being a faggot phoneposter.
So when was the last time cursive was a practical skill to have? Let's face the reality, cursive has become an obsolete skill.
That is not an ebonical construction, that's an American Informal English construction and dumb white hicks use it all the time.
Glad to know I can discriminate white niggers now too
Racist Bake Sales
Don't give them change when they are begging.
That's a bit too specific and not at all discreet.
That's gold.
Don't give anybody change when they beg. Give them job applications and watch them squirm.
1. How about you stop being a fucking pussy and move out of your parents home
This is a good one
You don't even have to be in a position of power. All it takes is to have the boss refer the technical part of the interview to you.
Make reasonable requests for them to adhere to basic elements of life such as deferred gratification or not chimping out.
You will confuse the shit out of them.
Treat them like white people
As if they learn anything extra in school because they skipped cursive? Not like cursive is hard to teach.
Just fucking existing
Oh shit I only just noticed the names
Holy fuck that's good
I just say I'm not racist, but I'm not colorblind either.
I say it all the time.
I also like passive racist stuff on Facebook, Somewhere around 20 people unfirended me since I started doing it.