so what happens if pissgate is proven with concrete evidence across all the media as a Sup Forums ruse?
>pic unrelated
so what happens if pissgate is proven with concrete evidence across all the media as a Sup Forums ruse?
>pic unrelated
It was reddit
> Trump impeached
> President Pence
> faggots, trannies, pedos and other degenerates gassed
> Sup Forums endgame fulfilled
btw, sauce on pic?
Then the elite can say Pizzagate and anything else pol does unironically is also fake. Sup Forums becomes inforwars or GLP tier to normies.
Do people even know what the -gate thing means anymore?
Then urine trouble now.
Mkrkgh Ashsmnsja Gztwjsj Aghzshka*
*MAGA when gargling pee
we support our urine soaked president
this guy has worked it out
Pence wouldn't be president he would most likely be involved in the treason if true. The presidency would go to Paul Ryan in this case since Trumps cabinet hasn't been sworn in.
This guy is a paid piss drinker
we go to jail
>if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if
Blame Rebbit.
We work best in the shadows.
You're going to trust 17 intelligence agencies over Sup Forums?
Get the fuck out, newfag.
Sup Forums is always right.
Nothing happens.. Who gives a fuck.. What are we, the golden girls?
chaos continues win win
That's assuming it happens within the next 10 days.
It was reddit.
What we always do; blame Reddit.
CTR back in the game. nice
CIA is a joke. They've never accomplished anything.
They got sadaam and Qaddafi taken out which was a mistake. So yeah I guess your right.
And you are not paid Shill?
>this one was all reddit
Am I the only one that doesn't know what any of this is?
It's that one plus sized model everyone is talking about lately.