Guys. . Reddit is going insane--

I hadn't been back in so long I was afraid what alien landscape I would observe in horror....I was aghast at what I found. The comments are so completely cucked. Such strings of utter cuckery as mankind is ever likely to behold--as I heard the metallic sounds of the shekel reddit gold

The money changers have been busy bees that terrible, accursed place.

Somewhere in New York state, Hillary Clinton sits down in a comfortable old chair in front of a nice warm fire. She's poured herself a glass of a really quite magnificent red wine. She thinks about Facetiming her granddaughter; kids grow up so fast. She grabs her iPad and pulls up the news.

She laughs.

I'd rather kill myself than read the comments posted on the politics subreddit.

>group thinkers and hive-minds

says a college age liberal on /r/politics of reddit.

>tfw too comfy to win

Why is reddit so cucked? They seem to really hate Russia as well.

Its almost disturbing, 1 year ago most of them would say russia isnt a problem

But now they are fully ready to embrace a world war. The are completely fine with the minute of hate

reddit hates anyone and anything that doesn't pander to gays and muslims

>I. Can't. Even

reddit is plump rosy cheeked gay leftists

you get rewarded on reddit for having the 'right' opinions. like those faggots who got gold stars next to their name and upvotes.

They were full embracing ww3 since the month before the election. Shit shocks me

Liberals will think anything they're told to think.

Sup Forums hates anyone and anything that doesn't pander to heterosexuals and whites
Whats the difference?

When did this shitty website even get popular?

>I. can't.even.

It's almost as if they believed Russia played a key role in Trump defeating Clinton. Gosh, a year ago they didn't think Russia was a problem and now they hate them? It's just mind boggling if you lack even the basic ability to think from someone else's perspective.

You might be genuinely autistic.

ah, the leaf in his natural environment doing he what he does best: shitposting

Buzzfeed is totally innocent in all of this, they're just doing their job as journalists.

Edit: Thanks for the gold ;)

There's nothing wrong with wanting a better relationship with Russia. I mean, America is friends with Saudi Arabia, who are million times worse than Russia.

How did you type out all those words when your cuckshed doesn't have internet leaf?

If there are any dissenting opinions they just get deleted, some visibly, and far many more invisibly I'm sure.

Though this cuckery looks disturbingly legit, I've seen threads over there where the "Best" sorted comment only had one point but pushed the SJW agenda. Not that the points have any meaning at this point (kek) but along with that I've seen at least some partially redpilled comments on r/all recently, mainly about trans people being mentally ill with speckles here and there of Trump support (of course not on the_Donald because they've been wiped from it).

Hello same dude from other thread with a proxy to Australia sucking meaeeeaaaaaan Putin dick.

>liberals on mccain when running against obongo: "he's a piece of shit"

>liberals on mccain when he dislikes trump: "he's a hero!"

this is why liberals fail, no identity, no integrity.

they always envision these wars with someone else dying in them, not them, that'd ruin their little atheist dreamworld.

As she hold the wine up to her lips she remembers the blood, all that blood that has been spilt on her account. Bucketfuls, oceanfuls. The wallpaper begins to peel from woods cottage walls and the wainscotting begins to crackle. Is this house falling apart? Was there some kind of geological fault that the house rested upon which had been unsettled by some unseen hot subterranean activity?

Then came the stench. An awful sulfurous stench. By God she thought--maybe the gas pipe had broken, or perhaps the sewer leading out to the tank. It smelled positively like poo poo. She had begun around this time to observe the there was an increase in humidity in the house to go together with the fetid smell. Was it coming out of the drains?

As she perceived this change she saw that the walls were actually pulsating, that is moving back and forth as if driven by some unseen gyro beneath their surface. She reached out to touch what had been her study wall, and as she did so, the wall quickly recoiled!

What is this? Slime then began to discend from tthe top corners of each wall...What was this?

Blood? It smelled of pee pee....

There must have been some leak upstars,,,but as she left the study she was made aware that her foot had been caught up in something organic...something feeling like a rubber hose, but warm...

Looking down it was a green Penis! And it had twisted around her ankle and stood fastened to the hardwood flooring which had itself taken on a brown and green aspect.

She screamed in terror as the penis worked its way up her pantsuit leg...AAAAHHH HOLY FUCK! What tha

She tried to drag herself to the doors, but more penises popped sprouted up from the basement and began spraying her face with cum and pee pee, stinging, binding her in place.

And the door...the door had become itself a mouth..only she was inside of it...and from what she could tell appeared somewhat fishy..somewhat amphibian in nature.
It seemed to smile, as the mouth closed--

>my parents weren't shitting on mccain a year ago
>now they are; must be groupthink!
Ironic coming from the left.

Gosh, maybe them not criticizing mccain had something to do with him being an obscure relic a year ago and now he's being shit out because he's warmongering and rambling like a fool? If bush jr. was doing the same inane shit as the other neocon trash like mccain instead of hiding out on his ranch, he'd be shit on too.

I know this was babby's first election for the ledditors, but I remember in 2008 when liberals viciously smeared McCain as a racist, bigot, misogynist etc like they do to every single Republican. Now they love him.

The difference is having white people in your country is a good thing.

>2nd rate power
>Putin has been making small engagements to prevent NATO and the USA from continually encroaching in their "sphere"
>last two administrations continue and perpetuate un-ending proxy war with Russia and wars in the middle east
>Trump is the only actual anti-war candidate in decades
>Putin would rather have this than Clinton

So Putin had a preference?Oh god no! last time Putins preference was Obama. Did that mean putin got obama elected?

You think its worth having ww3 because Hillary Clinton lost?

You dont find it odd that "anti-war" lefties are okay with a war in this case?

You have to understand the nature of upvotes and how it affects the hivemind. Upvotes are law

You actually believe "Trump is a Russian spy" meme?

didn't the donald subreddit find out the politics sub was taken over by Hilary paid shills

Save us Kek!

Let me know when the squad is ready to roll out. Im down. No point in venting more frustration online.

>McCain isn't a senile lunatic
Go back 8 years and see what "reddit" thinks of Songbird
There is no room for discussion anymore, and I literally wouldn't care is Putin was Trump's right-hand commie. These leftist lunatics have lost their goddamn mind and I won't entertain their opions or presence near me

>She hacks and sputters up the lung butter jizz babby Cthulu gave her for Christmas

uh, isn't McCain a neocon and on the opposite side of the Republican "civil war" from Trump, that the media was hyping up all election?

Alright, well what does that make McCain then?

Regardless, Reddit is a normie shithole now (yes now, fuck you it was good once) where the comments are approaching levels of emotional trash. The amount of people who are absolutely positive that Trump is a pedophile who rapes his daughter over there astounds me. Simply put, they're hivemind over there is full of dumb people.

> Normies literally too distracted by Obama to pay attention to buzzfeed
> Sup Forums crashes the narrative with no survivors
> MSM are smart enough to not touch this with a 10ft Sup Forums
> t minus ten days until Buzzfeed lays off its entire staff

The future is bright.


I'm learning so much man. keep telling me all those points the Russin gov pays you to spiel.

it's scary how the world works, isn't it?

They understand Neocons are basically liberals, right?

McCain will be publicly hung for treason.

Also, they're is not a misspelling over their but rather I had originally put it as they're fucking dumb but changed it and forgot to change it to proper grammar.

Where ever Obama has pointed, McCain has ran, and his little faggot Lindsay is close in toe

Autism confirmed. I never said what I believed, I simply told you what liberals believed and how that pretty obviously explains their behaviour.

Of course, when you lack theory of mind, you can't imagine that I may hold different views than the people I'm talking about. Textbook autism.

>he actually believes Trump is a Russian Manchurian candidate
>he furthermore believes people that point out how insane that is are Russian paid trolls

the world isnt a fucking James bond movie you absolute faggot.

Amazing how they turn on their "Fake News" buzz word when its used against them.

>like those faggots who got gold stars

Libtards with brain damage that drank too much MSM Fake News koolaid

lol imagine how easy it is to subvert if you had the means.

It's probably an agency run op at this point.
Will be revealed in 25 years time to be Gov run.

Isn't the owner a jew too?

Reddit needs to be taken behind the barn and shot

God, I wish. I'd even help campaign to have neocons arrested and executed for treason if I thought they wouldn't find some way to slither out of it. The best we can do is humiliate them into obscurity.

Damn, bring in Jesus to knock over their damn tables.


And then we set the barn aflame for the insurance

>make a point
>others shit on it
>haha it wasnt MY point, it was somebody elses I was just reiterating it

Yeah it's funny watching libtards pretend to be all patriotic and 'care about national borders n' laws n' sheit' now that they feel they have the wind at their backs...But in truth--they head towards the falls.

>group think and hive minds are pretty scary no matter what side of the aisle you are on

says the redditor

What happened to Reddit?They didn't used to be this bad.

We can imagine it, it's just we had hoped better of you. Faith in your fellow man and all that.

Edit: Thanks for the gold.

>make the point that liberal behaviour is pretty self-explanatory based on what they've been led to believe
>others sperg out because they can't parse sentences
>haha you proved my point that you're incapable of simulating the beliefs of others

They completely crossed over in 2011
Its been six years...that's why we hate ledditors, cause you're all fucking dumb as shit and literally fucking gay

I used to be a redditor until early this year (I know, I'm walking proof of that Sup Forums meme), but the website used to be at least navigable, it's changed into a SJW cesspool. The website has really gone down the shitter.

Holy fuck user that was good

Speak for yourself. Those guys clearly could not imagine it. Autism is a serious diagnosis.

What if McCain is the Russian plant all along?

>Such strings of utter cuckery as mankind is ever likely to behold--as I heard the metallic sounds of the shekel reddit gold

Fucking kek'd. Perfect.

>early this year
>not even 2 weeks in
new fag get out

you are a retard nobody has trouble understanding liberals we are expressing exasperation and disbelief that people can be so fucking dumb

Reddit has been worthless since they took down /r/ fatpeoplehate

> Rick Wilson ruined his credibility for NOTHING

It was worthless long before that.

>sucking russian dick
KEK you fucks will do anything to follow your god emperor, can't you see how hypocritical you traitors are?

Its always been worthless

>What happened to reddit?
The record was corrected

>make the point that liberal behaviour is pretty self-explanatory based on what they've been led to believe
What the fuck does this even mean you leafposting faggot?

A year ago, they all thought Russia was on the brink of economic collapse, but somehow they now have the power to influence the world? Fuckin retards.

>cause you're all fucking dumb as shit and literally fucking gay
If you're referring to me, I was never a Redditor, I just lurked on there sometimes.

Early 2016 I meant

4 years ago Romney was laughed at for saying Russia is the biggest threat to the US

really makes you think

We just had a thread about homosexuality being the ultimate redpill and 70% of the comments were positive on the subject

IM out with normies
Some Aussie fags are hitting on Aussie slags
We're singing karaoke

I literally can't stop shitposting

Is there any site design less conducive to constructive discussion than reddit?

You were expressing disbelief that liberals could change their mind. You understand that CNN told them that Russians hacked the election and prevented their precious Hillary from becoming the first female president. If she had won and Breitbart reported that China hacked the election to help her, would you love China?

Christ, do I have to spoon feed you? CNN told liberals that Russians hacked the election leading to the victory of a man they perceive as a cartoon villain over a woman they perceive as the fucking messiah. BUT I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY THEY'RE SO ANGRY

Yeah, it's like

What is Sup Forums?

Sup Forums is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images. There are boards dedicated to a variety of topics, from Japanese animation and culture to videogames, music, and photography. Users do not need to register an account before participating in the community. Feel free to click on a board below that interests you and jump right in!

I still remember when they closed r/jailbait

Well done!

I was aware that most people were stupid, but now I understand that most people are dangerously stupid.

why are you browsing reddit?

and why no one's been calling OP out?

I used to be a mod there. We had to still remove posts according to the "no hate speech against race, religion or gender" rule because it was on reddit. Now they moved to voat.

I'm no longer a mod but I still hate fat people. I enjoyed expressing this on reddit because the bulk of redditors are fat disgusting fucks.

My bull says it's time to go to bed now. I hope you all seek medical help for your newfound diagnoses. No need to thank me, medical care is covered here in leafland.

No I was making a point referencing 1984 but you are so fucking dumb you dont understand it.

No one is mentioning that McCain read that fanfic and thought it was credible enough to pass along to the CIA. Both parties are fucking retarded.

To study your enemy?

The slobbering over McCain and the media shows the thread is compromised.
The fact that they believe the report is true means the MSM wants you to believe its real to discredit Trump from the presidency.

Day of the rake is coming leaf don't you worry. We have a whole four years at least to get to you. Keep bringing in shitskins and having your birthrate forecasted to be 90%+ by 2030 at current immigration rates and see how soon that rake bags you fucks and puts you on the curb.

mccain is mad at trump because he did what he couldnt
