Their religion contradicts many human rights laws in modern society. Islam is fucking garbage. I love this stuff
Next step: build the electrical fence
At this point do normies really even react that way to stuff like this anymore (u unironically) ? I feel like not as much but I don't know for sure
Switzerland has always been based af
>Legal guns
>Not in the EU
>Doesn't tolerate muslim bullshit
Soon those boys will be swimming in the girls.
next step: drop something electric in the pool
Is Switzerland Jew-controlled or not?
More evidence you guys are paranoid with a persecution complex
Probably yeah.
But the jews live here, so they have some interested in what's allowed and what not.
Nobody here really cares about this because mixed school swimming lessons are taken for granted so this is viewed as
>special snowflake muslims trying to get their special treatment again
Not officially because we're not in the EU
still can't really do much if the EU wants to force something onto us tho
Nestle owns most of the worlds chocolate and steal fresh water and they're from Switzerland, so Jews really do come from all angles
Yes, and the Jews always protect the land they live in by limiting muslim immigration and what not
Look at Israel with their massive wall for example
Switzerland IS the jew. The mountain subspecies, in fact.
- The constitution of Switzerland forbids to build minaret
- Burka are vorbinden in one Part of Switzerland an we will have soon a vote about forbidding burka in whole Switzerland
- but we still have to much muslim in Switzerland
Switzerland is the least cucked of the highly developed western countries, but that doesn't mean much
Switzerland has been able to avoid many of the worst excesses of globalist progressivism, possibly because those globalist progressives own houses, host their meetings, and keep their money in Switzerland, and even in their suicidal narcissism they know better than to shit where they eat.
Swiss Banks stolen Jew Money during the WW II
Zürich and Geneva have a Jew community but they don`t have that much influence.
IN the pool
protests coming up
I thought muslims are allergic to water.
something about them and H20 turns them into charizard whenever it makes skin contact
They're mountain Jews. Similar, but not identical.
Traditional Jews seek to better themselves while simultaneously destabilizing others. The mountain Jew, has no concern for non-mountain Jews. He will not help them, but he will not actively harm them either--he just wants their gold, and he is prepared to offer a very reasonable price to acquire it.
So we're dwarfs huh. Makes sense
No. The most muslim in Switzerland are from Albania an shit. just a few sandniggers. the Albanians are not that much fundamental like the sandniggers.
Do Muslim girls have to take their hijabs/beekeeper suits off while they swim? Won't they get soggy?
Asking for a friend.
do you know who's protecting the Pope in Rom?
The Swiss Gauard
Islam shouldn't be protected under freedom of religion in America.
If America or enough of it finds Islam isn't the religion of peace the left would have most believe then the rest of Western culture will follow.
google "burkini"
Wow, thanks for protecting the worst Pope in history
Islam is a religion, but it is also a political system
and it`s cancer...
now we have a chance to rape em back
I am curious. With Swiss gun laws, do Muslims take advantage of them? Or are they too scared to in case they get shot?
The Swiss gun laws forbid certain nationality to own guns. And the most muslims in switzerland come from those country, who don`t allowed to own guns.
This is how fucked up the anti-semitic viewpoints have gotten. How many logical hoops do you have to jump through to get to this conclusion?
Holy shit. Legitimately jealous if true
You only need to live with rich jews to know, they are racist as fuck, but their public personas act as encompassing multicultural lovers.
"Foreigners with the following citizenship are explicitly excluded from the right to possess weapons: Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Algeria and Albania."
Based Medkits
inb4 group rapes at school pools
Pool's closed.
why has an european court somthing to say in switzerland? aren't you guys as independent as you always claim?
Kek, this
Birth rate by teenages increased in 27%
electric fence or electric oven?
>tfw France is now part of alg*ria
Funny how you need force Muslims to integrate using the legal system.
Die Schweiz hat die EMRK (Europäische Menschenrechts Konvention) unterschrieben und deshalb kann ein Gerichtsverfahren bis zum EGMR (Europäische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte) gezogen werden.
What do I need if I want to be a swiss citizen?
a lot of money
what is your legislation regarding tobacco import ?
I wanted to import Chinese cigarettes through la Suisse because it's illegal to do so in France but the website I used does not deal with French people anymore it seems.
No idea mate I am no degenerate
>people living in a country have an interest in how it is run
>coming to this conclusion is jumping through hoops and anti-semitic
You really have lost it Sven.
>smoking Chinese cigarettes
it's like not only you want to kill yourself slowly, you want to kill yourself in the dirtiest, least healthy way possible
One day you're going to have to extend this to German, French, British...
You're still wrong in that we're not Jews. Jews are bootleg Swiss people
swiss dgaf
never have
It is kind of stepping on religious freedoms though. Christians probably don't want this either. I realize most of switzerland is godhating atheist, but the people who actually are religious and have children shouldn't have your hedonism forced on them.
What kind of fucking fantasy world do you live in? Christians segregate their children by gender when swimming? The fuck?
Historically in medieval europe, bathing rivers were seperated like this:
>one spot: children (boys and girls) and women
>second spot further away: men
>third spot hidden away inna woods or something: old people
This, to be honest.
I can't stand all the state-forced tolerance towards people who don't even tolerate our society and shared values.
>degenerate atheist detected
>feminist white knight detected
actually EU made cigarettes are more dangerous due to the slow burning paper, and the brand I smoke, Zhong Nan Hai, has a pretty low amount of tar.
Yeah I don't get islam either, it's a shit religion
are you an actual muslim or something?
You must be really cucked if you not only are attacking Christianity and islam, but are demanding the 20yo "boys" get to swim with school girls. Wtf is wrong with you? pic related is a 16yo "boy" who you are now demanding be in the pool with them.
>muslim women swimming
fucking based
Not sure if actually retarded or baiting
>Not in the EU
Because paying to be in the EU and having to accept all of the laws is better. It's a dumb special status, same with Norway. I hope the UK leaves the union 100% and doesn't end up in this cucked position.
what the fuck are you even talking about lad
>demands 20yo boys be forced in pool with school kids
it's you with the problem, clearly. o-or are you one of those liberals that actually beleives these immigrants are the age they say?
already know you are a degenerate atheist cuck, not much to say to you hans other than grow a sack.
>using a pic of a leftist British newspaper and somehow connect it to Swiss politics
yeah, you're retarded
>not the biggest cucks in yurop
I wish I could figure out wether you are actually this terrible at making jokes or wether you have actual hebephrenic schizophrenia
They're the transcendental goyim. Outjewing the jews while bothering no one.
not so fast, fellow shitposter
Templar controlled
They stole the Jew Gold
you didn't have to actually profess your atheism hans, your opinion made it clear you were a cuck already - the atheism was assumed.
>literally wanting arab men to invade
>wanting them to go to your schools
>call them 'boys'
>demanding they get in pool with your school girls
wew lad - there really is just no hope for your country, you cucks are arguably worse than the german cucks.
The battle is far from over, and the outcome is less than assured.
Germany also battled with the issue of mixed swimming lessons in 2013, when a judge ruled that a 13-year-old girl must attend - but allowed the wearing of a burkini.
In France, in 2009, a woman was banned from swimming in a public pool in her burkini. That would be followed in 2016 by a controversial official ban on the garment in public spaces - which was eventually overturned by French courts.
stop being retarded
>Next step: build the electrical fence
Now that's a true democracy
It'd be fine if it was a girl's class but mixed swimming classes, why? Would you want your daughter to be half-naked around a bunch of horny adolescent boys?
I don't understand. Muslim boys and girls have been swimming in same pool since I was in grade school. I don't know why they're making it such a big issue.
In case you ever wonder why your country was invaded and how did it denigrate before your eyes - i hope you have an introspective moment and realize your atheism was literally the cause.
wow i really cant believe that the swiss are that racist and islamophobic. Im shaking right now.
You don't even understand the basic premise of the argument you're making anymore. Just stop, the fight is over.
If she can be miss Finland, anybody can. So how the fuck is it an achievement any more? Unless it's an ugly competition.
your just jelly b/c you have no democracy and just that trudou-fag
>what is the term "mountain jews"
Or as I like to call it, Jew Jews.
Yeah no. It's literally thanks to Germany being a puppet state of the USA
Look up why the Turks came here in the 60s, faggot.
You talk like a man with no life experience at all.
dude weed lmao didn't help either
>Learning how to Swim
The same thing applies in France as well.
And we have banned the burka.
And we have banned the Muslim veil in school.
France is the most based country in Europe despite what the naysayers have to say about it,
Good for you mate
So far this summer we've had dozens of drowning deaths in pools and rivers, mostly muslim kids who's parents refused to let them learn how to swim
We have swimming lessons every year for free for all children, so before this drownings outside of stupid tourists were rare
Melonpan is a jew.
Kerim Roth.
Like full blown jew on top of being a mountain jew.
>atheism was literally the cause.
>Because of the absence of a belief in any god in your society, you now have a flourishing of a belief in a god in your society.
Try again