Who would you rather nuke? Israel or Sweden?

Who would you rather nuke? Israel or Sweden?

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Israel, the Jews don't deserve their own country nor do they deserve to live in the land of the man they killed(Jesus)


With all the American Jews in it.

The final cucking: nuking yourself

Sweden because we bomb muslim countrys who pose a threat to my greatest ally

The jews destroyed Sweden, and I always go for the headshot, so Israel.

>Who would you rather nuke? Israel or Sweden?
Israel, they are a bigger threat.

Neither will rid the world of Muslim scum.

Start with Saudi Arabia and Iran and Pakistan and work your way down.

sure thing john, just give the check and we will leave

do you kill the babies, or the mother?

Iran literally dindu nuffin beside bombing marines in beirut.

Israel, and the rest of the middle east, and Turkey.

Nuke wherever the Rothschild family is too, and George Soros.

Fuck off Akmed.

>blow up Israel
>dome of the rock is now gone
>Jews rebuild Israel and the temple

America, and strike against the heart of degeneracy.


Eternal Anglo scum defending his Jew brethren.

Colour me surprised.




We all know that Israel attacked the USA on 9/11 now the proof: youtu.be/kyLyGXQUIo0?t=3m23s

Israel. But if I was forced to live in Sweden I'd choose Sweden.

Tuff question. Israel is the root cause. Consequently they shhould be nuked. What would sionists do if Israel is nuked? Shall the just give up or revenge?
Most likely they will continue worshipping moloc and revenge. Maybe we then finally could have a war against them directly.

On the other hand Sweden is lost. Which would you think shall happen earlier:
1. Swedes admid they were wrong for bringing in refugees
2. Sweden will become a muslim state

Either one one these will happen. Latest studies show 8% of swedish women don't go out in the evening any more because feminist government actions has caused insecurity.

Oh boy, I'm going to get my popcorn

>The swedes destroyed Sweden
Fix'd. Those cunts did it all willingly and will keep on doing so till the very end.

we will just use the guilt card even more, it will be like annoda shoah
you cannot kill all of god's chosen

goyim, seriously, shut the fuck up before we start applying kabbalah on your banks again

You and your nordic cross buddies bombing the shit out of Sweden when?

You'll do it anyway you dirty fucking kike.

most goys don't get that making jews into matryrs has never worked for them.

yeah but this time we'll make it a pizza and GPU bubble crisis

you've been fucking warned

If it would be up to me the deed would have already been done.

Nuke Sweden and then let Israel go full retard on the entire middle east

I would be very surpised if jews do not drive the western world into caos this year, using monetary actions. Meaning the European central banks they own.

We can kill Italy instead, if that area plus Balkan was radioactive they wouldn't be able to get into Europe. Burn in hell you fucking greaseball.