Kushner is the new president

Face it. Your new president is Kushner. This motherfucker is a Zionist infiltrator NOT a son in law. How does it feel?

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hes pretty cute desu


How do you stormfags feel about this shit?

Jealous Goyboy detected.
Go clean your cheese cock.

Not in my book. Man boy who can't grow facial hair. Looks about 20 at nearly 40.

Feels fucked.

Implying most gentile American men aren't circumcised.

I know right. Even that slut Chelsea married a Jew. The Jews purposely marry into gentile elites to destroy any chance of all gentile rule. These stupid bitches who marry these guys don't realize they are being defiled and expected to practically convert to satanism. That's what Talmudic Judaism is!

By the way this is one of the ugliest pics ever of her dressing like a Jewess.

Ironic considering your the evil one lol

Ok Jew boy or Christian Zionist. It's past your bed time.

Kushner only cares about Israel NOT the USA.

Trump's kind of a shitty nepotist and I'm sick of these meme cabinet picks.

You are right I should sleep lest I become a raving lunatic.

Exactly. He put together a cabinet Jeb would have put together. Oh and wtf did Ivanka leave her fashion label? Is she planning on getting involved too? She needs to stay in Jew York with her Jew boy.

yeah I had a feeling this would happen. Probably still better than hillary in the long run, but still shit. I just hope that Trump doesn't do a full 180 and start bombing Assad and supporting ISIS like Hillary was planning to, that would be the real nail in the coffin of any positivity I felt around trump.

I agree. But with Kushner as his senior advisor, a sick Zionist extremist who got Ivanka to convert to Orthodox Judaism, any chances for peace seem over.

He has already done a 180 and shown he can give a shit about the voters.

Yeah so much for literally all our dreams.

The most optimistic way I envisioned it, Trump was the machiavellian fulcrum point of the sort of reactionary change I desired. He would use his charisma and anti-establishment stance to get in office then he would attract highly-committed and intelligent people, i.e the movement itself, to advise him. Instead he's going full Warren Harding and appointing his friends and memes (anti-vaxxers, Rick Perry, Breitbart guy, his fucking son-in-law). It's bound to be terrible.

how many lobbyists?

I hate to say, but the Brietbart guy is a dream compared to Jewish mafia Kushner.

heh, nice typo. now you are a trump supporter

Prove it

Blacklisting lobbyists doesn't erase the interests behind those lobbyists.

Doesn't need to pick lobbyists. That Pompeo guy is a nutty pick. Not sure about Maddog Mathis yet... Kushner is the worse of all!

>Sup Forums loves israel

Maybe in the best of all possible worlds the Jews get their ethnostate and fuck off? Would they be content with less than total dominance of world politics and trade? Idk.

I bet he's got a pretty big cut Jewish cock. I'd love to suck it and fuck his tight little ass

and his abs are pretty amazing. I'd love to cum on it

A man who is not a Zionist would not break up with his girlfriend because she didn't want to covert to Judaism.

He shuts his phone off for 25 hours to observe the sabbath.

He has fired people over being anti Israel. He has claimed to many sources he is a Zionist. There are literally dozens of articles.

At least he's a Mets fan and not a shitty Yankees fan I guess.

but his brother is perfect hnghhh why are Jewish boys so hot?

>Deregister as a lobbyist
>Hey guys I'm completely free of corruption

Jews tend to have small ones.

Wew talk about a shill thread.

you know we knew trump liked Israel when he said all the pro israel shit at that convention?


There are way more attractive ethnicities. Jews are mutts with blended features.

Wrong. They're semetic + caucasian = nigger-tier dick

Google. How about that?


Rich jews have properly bred themselves like smart royal families once did, hence him marrying Ivanka.

We meme about all Jews being hooknosed dwarfs but they are a diverse civilization with their own varied genetic history. Beautiful jews screwed other beautiful ones and generally adhered to basic human mating behavior.

Then why 8 out of 10 threads on Sup Forums are Israeli beauty? Hnghh look at Jared

>Sup Forums hates Jews
>guy who says funny memes and pulls the heartstrings of racists/closet racist
>guy also happens to like Israel more than any other candidate
>guy wins the presidency
>now Sup Forums loves Jews

Pure brilliance.

This is now Jewish Beauty Thread

He said his daughter was giving birth to a nice Jewish baby. Anyway Trump is just another goy puppet. Maybe if he was a better father and not running off with girls half his age, his daughter wouldn't have fallen into the arms of a Jew. At least Ross Perot stopped his daughter from marrying a Jew. Trump claims to be a good Christian. How can any Christian accept their daughter rejecting Jesus to be with some guy?

Sup Forums secretly love Israel, Zionism and Jewish.

Damn he's ugly.

It sure seems this way these days. Nothing but Christian Zionist sickos here now.

kushner broke up with ivanka over the fact that she wouldn't convert, at first. faggot is "israel first" personified.

why do these kikes care so much about their nomadic homo tribe?

What country are you in? You've obviously never seen one.

This Jewish beauty is a 5/10 in Israel. No one on Sup Forums looks like this. Most of Sup Forums are rural and suburban retards

Syrian and Lebanese women are ten times more gorgeous than Israeli women. Sorry. Jews have closed together eyes. Kushner looks like a 12 year old reptilian. I just don't see his good looks.


>tfw can't even celebrate Shabbat with him

Why even live? Hnghh

Butthurt Jew detected.

When Finns have eyes like that people make Mongol jokes

plz rate my Jewfu

That's American Jew



Quite frankly, we'd probably be nearing WWIII if Hillary had won.

Putin gambled that Trump was going to win. Putin saw that Trump was the favorite. So Putin tossed the Rothschilds out of his central banking system, knowing that it would only work if Trump got elected. Since then, you've seen the rise in the vilification of Russia and Putin and the systematic blame of Putin and Russia for every ill: Hacking elections, Syria, ISIS, tension in Europe, whatever. That's all just the Jews threatening Putin with war if he doesn't let them control the issue of his currency.

(((They))) are trying to back Putin into the same corner they backed Hitler into when he nationalized Duetche bank. If Hillary had won, it would have been "The Ruble, or WAR." But Putin was smart and guessed right. All Putin has to do is avoid war until Trump takes power and we might see what a major world power can do when it seizes control of it's own currency. Hopefully they succeed and other western countries follow.

Trump knows all of this, too. But he's pretending he doesn't. The Jews don't know if he is a complete moron or a diabolical genius. I think me and Putin are both guessing the latter.


Our currency system is a scam:

Thisbut he also allowed trump to get lambasted in his own newspaper, but wouldn't allow a fellow tribesman get reported in his own newspaper that he was laundering money out of his fucking temple in NYC.

The dude sets major double standards for goyim, even allowing his FUCKING FATHER IN LAW TO GET SHIT ON BY HIS EMPLOYEES

They are satanists. Stupid Americans complain about one or two verses in the Quran, yet know nothing about the Talmud. At the highest estimate Jews are only 15 million, yet they are virtually 100 percent in Hollywood, big banking, law, politics, etc. On the other hand, Muslims are only 1 billion and don't have nowhere near as much power.

omggg i want that
and this

>those shit chest genetics

Hnghh I know sis ;)

You're really drinking the koolaid and this is coming from someone who voted for trump.

Most Israelis are Americans, German, or Russian. Israel only became a state after 1948. There are very very few Jews that are indigenous to the Middle East in Israel.

>shit chest
>most powerful man in the world

If anything the guy in his pic would look much more like a Sephardic Jew than any of the pics you posted.

dumbass.. Trump let a kike into his family and into the white house!

This is non-Ashkenazi Jewish. He's Yemeni Jewish. Still hot

Human beings have much greater strength when they work in groups. The success of the Jews is owed greatlu to their strong ethnic, tribal and cultural ties and loyalty. It's a survival mechanism succesful in-groups throughout history have used. The widespread degenerative efforts used by Jews have fragmented these very same ties with white people. Hence there being no royalty or white bourgeois class to effectively challenge Jews today. We don't support each other.

>tfw no qt bf to gaypride me in telaviv

>tfw he will never sing yerushalayim shel zahav to you

Why even live?

>That's what Talmudic Judaism is!

I agree.

((( THEY ))) devide and concore.

hes also 5 foot 6 and 108 pounds

The Muslim guys in the Levant are way hotter sorry. I don't like them, but they are more attractive than the Jews and Christians in the Middle East.

>implying being a cute manlet is a bad thing

is ariel helwani yemeni or ashkenazi?

the dude looks yemeni af but always says he was a "white kid growing up in montreal" in interviews, like he's fooling people

>Delusion: the post

It's simply sickening. What's more sickening are the Protestant "Christian" Zionist in the USA like Ted Cruz who worship Jews as if they are gods on earth.

The Jews need to be on Trumps side they are the kingmakers.

i used to shit on Wayne like 6 months-1 year ago, but now i feel like he's actually a somewhat reasonable and decent guy


probably one of these

I wish it were not a delusion. Unfortunately, it is! Trump is just another puppet for the Zionists.

senpai those protest christians like ted cruz are being paid by uber kike zionist organizations that seek to destabilize the middle east and give israel the land that the talmud says is rightfully theirs. cruz is another zog puppet meat shield and is beholden to those organizations

I stand with Israel.

Thank God he lost and took his Goldman Sachs shill of a wife with him. Unfortunately, Trump is not much better. Ivanka and Kush control his ass. He is just a senile old man with handlers.

actually quite accurate

also Israel fears Russia / Iran alliance, especially after Russia backed Syria

Kushner Family is far-right when it comes to Israel and leftists when it comes to America.

Typical hypocrite scumbags.

I was reading some jewish newspaper where they described the Kushners as jewish royalty lmao

Kushners father blackmailed his brother in law by setting him up with a prostitute and a hidden camera. This actually happened!

He went to prison for it and if the justice system wouldn'tt let billionaires buy themself free he would still rot in jail today. Absolute scumbag piece fo trash family!

And journalists call them jewish royalty. What an embarassment!

guys, please try not to feel so disillusioned and demoralized by Trump's Jewish connection. we have to hope that he handles the other problems now - illegal immigration, democrat efforts at gun control, lowering taxes, removing us from useless foreign wars, critiquing the FED, etc - and later, maybe in 12 or 16 years, we can elect a president who will handle the jewish problems (which doesn't mean removing Jews from the country or anything like that, it just means distancing ourselves from Israel, appointing a non-Jew to head the federal reserve, etc)

you have to play the long game, and Trump is conducive to our long game


The Jews are hurting us a lot more than a Mexican busboy. Sorry to say.

that's a strawman argument though so i'm too concerned

He's just going to muddy the waters on all those issues and then a Dem is going to get elected.

Typical Jews. Far right for Israel and far left for USA. I wouldn't be shocked if Kushner convinces Trump to fight for amnesty in USA.

>so i'm too concerned

shit i mean NOT too concerned

>He's just going to muddy the waters on all those issues

this is just speculation and i hope it's false. if he takes a clear stance on immigration, gun control, taxes, and foreign intervention that will be enough for me. America isn't ready to deal with the Jewish problem yet, more time needs to pass before we can properly address it

stephen miller is the superior jew. truly our greatest ally

He will not. Kushner will encourage foreign intervention to save Israel.

save Israel from what? Israel doesn't need saving, it already beat all of it's neighbors in a defensive war, and it could do it again if it needed to (although I must add that based Hezbollah beat the jews when they tried to invade Lebanon). also Israel has nukes and none of its enemies do