>35 pages of shitposting
>35 pages
>all this work just for the ruse
Literally weaponized autism
35 pages of shitposting
Other urls found in this thread:
Buzzfeed, more like Pizzfeed amirite
watch TYT eat it up,,,,this story will kill anybody who touched it.
cant get any better
We did this
Why would Sup Forums do this to their god-emperor? Don't you risk getting on his bad side once everything is revealed?
We're at that point in American society where independent agencies like Wikileaks are now provably more credible than our own government/media agencies.
Funny to see how it backfired and now 80 iq liberals honestly believe Trump paid to piss up his bed.
Because when it's clear that it is bullshit it makes anybody who reported it or shared it look like an idiot encouraging clearly fake news
And on top of that, this right there might bring down buzzfeed for good
AYYYYYYYYYYY *visits Chilean parliament* LMAOO
Is there anything more fitting to end the god awful era of SJW PC Culture than Sup Forums trolling Buzzfeed into oblivion just before Trump takes office?
Pretty beautiful stuff.
Anyone care to explain what is happening?
Does anyone have the PDF? I bet that the madman who wrote that put some lowkey memes inside
Drumpf sucks Putins cock and gets men to piss on him.
Someone convert this to PDF?
>some madman from Sup Forums writes a 35 page report to the CIA on how Trump pays whores to piss on him and about his relationship with Putin
>CIA "leaks" the thing
>Buzzfeed, CNN, TYT take the bait like the idiots they are
Why are they even commenting on this? What does this have to do with WikiLeaks.
I bet Julian asked Trump through Sean Hannity to pressure the Swedes to lay off and promise the US won't go after him. And now he's trying to ingratiate himself as much as possible.
Quality Australian posts
I need this moose story in my life. Link please?
>Some user leaked a fake intelligence report to prominent people.
>Somehow got passed to John fucking McCain.
>McCain passes it to actual intelligence agencies.
>Some Cuck in said agencies leaks it to Buzzfeed thinking, "this will surely end Drumpfs presidency".
>Now people are putting two and two together and realizing this report is 35 pages of shitposting.
>mfw Buzzfeed, neocons, and some Cuck in the CIA unfittingly participated in the longest game of telephone and best long term troll of all time.
He did.
dunno, just saved the twitter bantz
The guy who claimed to be the one who made this up claimed he approached these people to try and sell the documents, we gotta ask them.
is this fucking real? is this what CIA read and deemed a genuine whistleblower report?
these people live on your tax dollars, why haven't you revolted and slaughtered them all?
at least FSB works as intended so I feel safe
Some quality bantz by Denmark.
I had a watersports dream last night. Prophetic?
>Why are they even commenting on this
Theyve been deeply intertwined with this "russian hacking" bullshit and dont want anyone thinking this bullshit story has anything to do with the DNC emails they leaked.
I dunno. Seems like a weak connection to me.
I would be fucked in a work environment that opened. I'm lucky to have a job with privacy so my boss can't see my slacking off on Sup Forums.
Many such cases.
It's a honeypot for the MSM.
Nosense, /pol have nothing to do with that.
You should go look to those reddit rascals, though i hear ebaumworld may be responsible and tried to put it on reddit's back.
Sup Forums is a board of peace.
We only wish to raise the world's proficiency by establishing camps where you can concentrate.
Praise Lord Kek, shadilay.
Can anyone make anything of this?
I mean. Why is a no-body reporting on something in Oct that just came out now?
Was Sup Forums trolled by the CIA?
Exactly what I'm thinking. Once it gets around that "Sup Forums" came up with this story Trump will probably lash out at the site - libel laws and his position on Net neutrality will probably get this site shut down, which leads to more protests, which leads to impeachment, which naturally leads to nuclear war.
Never thought this is how the world would end but oh well.
Even a fake news site like the Guardian thinks that Buzzfeed is peddling in bullshit.
Seems more like a honey pot.
We got BuzzFeed and MSM to prove without a doubt to be biased and unwilling to verify sources.
We unarmed them.
how does it feel to have the post-truth rape (You) for once?
Do you have a page number for the "putin shows up, trump says "you have to go back"" part?
This is fake, it's not in the actual report.
Sorry, I gotta call out these fake excerpts otherwise we're just as bad as them.
But you don't need this ridiculous shit in there anyways. The document is ridiculous enough as it is.
And with enough factually incorrect information in it to destroy the credibility of everyone who touched it.
So long TYT and Buzzfeed.
No, obviously not. Sup Forums exists in an alternate reality.
Why the fuck are they using the ® symbol in Trump and Unpresidented?
Can you link the real report please?
Anyone know what the blacked out part is suppose to be?
The putin shows up part was a meme made by some user, but it's getting shared as if it's real.
Reminder not to stoop to their level and not repost bullshit even if it supports our narrative.
far as i can tell that bit is not real. Haven't found it in the document.
And I though 2016 was a good year...
> a senior (western) member of staff at the hotel
Got it.
What page is that on? Can't find it in the pdf
I'm fucking lost.
Basically, is it true that some Sup Forums fanfiction has been interpreted as an intelligence report that has been seen by the CIA, Trump and Obama and is now being reported on by media outlets worldwide?
It's not in the real report because it's a fake page.
It's adorable that some of you actually believe that shit. Jesus Christ.
It's right there in this thread
>and not repost bullshit even if it supports our narrative.
nah post more bullshit. bullshit it all down. post so much bullshit, nothing can sift through it and no one can tell who is Jewing who.
>t. media that has been doing this to the masses since the 60s
Well some user got the Fatima Gassem story published and that one was full of memes.
found the faggot
>tfw I have a 35 page shitpost due in 2 hours and I'm here wasting my time on Sup Forums
please give me a truthful answer, is there any evidence of Sup Forums dabbling in this or just an unverified claim by an anonymous poster + wishful thinking?
Thank you Russi... I mean Wikileaks for your unbiased opinion /s.
The fact that you're asking at all is hilarious
This editor's note from Smith is proof of actual malice if Trump wants to sue Buzzfeed. The fact that he said there is "serious reason to doubt the allegations" is proof of gross negligence in reporting, meaning that its essentially libel. Hopefully Trump will go Hulk Hogan on them.
It's vague, but a bunch of posts in the archive were made before the supposed day the report was written.
It's vague, though, there's a bunch of threads searching for it.
what the fuck is going on in this timeline
I swear to KeK
(((Ben Smith)))
>Smith's father is Attorney Robert S. Smith, who served as an associate judge on the New York Court of Appeals. His mother is Dian G. Smith.[16] Smith is Jewish.[18]
No one has provided any evidence that /pol has anything to do with this. They just keep posting the same infograph and we're supposed to just close our eyes and believe it means something.
Hahahah nice shop
Setting up honeypots and bait has worked for the left enough times.
There's no evidence of it being a Mi6 operative, or any of the sources verified, there's no evidence of anything, there's no evidence it came from Sup Forums either.
Assange is so cucked. Is he actually pro Trump? Or just anti-dem at all costs because of hillary/state department wanting him out of the picture?
how many times have we gotten buzzfeed now? they have to be getting tired right?
Are you getting tired of winning?
One user claimed that he sent something to Rick Wilson. Other anons seemed to recognize what he sent. No one has linked the thread showing anons making up the story or sending it to Wilson though.
>there's no evidence of anything
I like this one.
It won't be libel unless they can prove someone from buzzfeed actually wrote the fake intelligence report. With someone else taking credit for it, that won't happen.
They're in with the Russians of course they'd say that.
Buzzfeed published the document, putting their name on it without verifying the claims to be true, and in fact had serious doubts about the veracity of the claims. Libel does not require them to actually write the allegations, the fact that they published the docs without verification as a news organization (while doubting their truthfulness) is actual malice via gross negligence. Buzzfeed can be sued to oblivion if Trump chooses.
Genius level trolling. Fake news is destroying the people who created the term in the first place.
I'm fucking crying i swear
Tips for the FBI:
>there are only two countries with these kinds of shitposting abilities
>this isn't Australia's MO, too clean
If I had to place a bet, I would say it was A FUCKING LEAF
This is why Libel laws must be expanded
The press must be free to report the truth, not free to report lies
what page
Too bad that since its foundation Wikileaks has NEVER been proved wrong.
Yes. Yes it does. They have to be the originators of the lie for it to be libel, not the spreaders of the lie. Slander charge might work, but the courts have set a very high bar for the media to be charged.
"Conversely, purposefully avoiding the truth or publishing information despite entertaining serious doubts about its truth could be considered reckless. Two recent court opinions provide helpful examples:
A federal appeals court held that a television station broadcast that reported “serious allegations of abuse and neglect” at a daycare, but omitted the fact that the single incident involved child-on-child contact and no adult involvement, could have been published with actual malice. Specifically, the reporter had a copy of a report, prepared by the state Health and Human Services official who investigated the allegation, which indicated that a boy was accused of inappropriately touching another boy. However, the reporter omitted this “most important exculpatory detail” from the broadcast, and her decision to “air a news report suggesting that an adult abused a child, despite her knowledge that there was no allegation of adult on child abuse” could lead a jury to conclude that the story was aired with New York Times actual malice, the court ruled."
Keep in mind that Trump's personal lawyer was also implicated in the buzzfeed report, and that he has already publicly denied what the report said about him. He will be highly motivated to extract a price for this.
Yep. Just gay.
Pretty sure it's the latter. Assange certainly isn't the type to sympathize with a man like Trump (remember the Panama papers; Assange is hostile towards governments and billionaires alike), but nevertheless it appears they've formed something of a friendship of convenience over the last year.