What is the right direction the world needs to take in Ukraine?
It's a stalemate waiting for a global conflict to intervene. WWI levels of non moving battlegrounds.
What is the right direction the world needs to take in Ukraine?
It's a stalemate waiting for a global conflict to intervene. WWI levels of non moving battlegrounds.
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You cant kill what isnt really alive
>the world
What business does the world have making this decision?
The only way to combat this misfortune of a country is to give Lwów to Poland and let everything else become Russia again.
This, Ukraine is a meme country at this point besides look how fucking big it is
no such thing
>let everything else become russia
lol, no.
Russia needs to fuck off, they've got enough land they don't need more, greedy cunts
Its not up to you or our country, you fat nigger.
Absolutely, but what if the people in Ukraine just don't want to be Ukraine anymore? The conflict is actually about people who want to be independent of Ukraine, for obvious reasons. I know I would want to split from a shit tier country like Ukraine.
Give Lwow back to Poland, Ukrainian Bessarabia back to Romania, and left bank Ukraine to Russia. Who cares what happens to the rest.
>bong jealous not everyone lost their entire empire like he did
Not until the entire world is ruled by whites.
Sure some people want to do it, but when Crimea had a referendum it was obviously rigged so popular support is probably not high.
It's like Northern Ireland, NI is a shit hole and a lot of people there want to live in Republic of Ireland but an invasion there would be retarded, if you are so desperate just move.
>what if
The people of Ukraine have made it very clear by fighting a war they will be sovereign. Is this just conjecture or fantasy? I suppose every last part of Ukraine is really just an oppressed Russian majority as they russia takes it apart piece by piece.
well, its pretty tense situation, technically the eastern European trade union (EETU) could pressure the ukranian government to concede its national sovereignty to russia by implementing trade sanctions agaisnt the ukraine, because the EETU has at its head, russia, obviously, and the rest of the countries involved are all indebted to russia. ukraine on the other hand would probably not concede at this point due to egg on face and international embarrassment , at this stage the only thing that could save them is the united states upholding its NATO nuclear non proliferation agreement but with Trump coming into office, and obama not wanting a war started in his last year of presidency wholly ignored it. the nuclear non proliferation act is the single greatest piece of legislation on earth, imo, and the fact the us straight ignored it speaks volumes of the corruption at the highest levels within the current administration.
McCain is a cuck. If the US gov wanted to really help the Ukrainian they would send fighter jets to bomb their Russian infiltrators.
UN should let Russia anex the ukraine
UN is irrelevant
The best thing Ukraine could do is to declare war on somebody other than Russia and then capitulate and hope to be annexed
I'm offered project based job in Ukraine.
Should I consider it?
wp Ivan
you should kill yourself
It's Russian clay as far as I'm concerned. NATO needs to fuck off already, and we need to get the hell of dodge in that arrangement.
German Institute GFK made a poll. Over 90% of crimeans supported being part of russia now. A US institute made a similar poll in 2014. Same result.
Crimeans are 80 % russians. They had voted for Janukowitsch and had to observe how he was thrown out. A coup initiated and supported by Soros, Washington and parts of EU. Why would Crimeans want to remain Ukraine after that?
>What is the right direction the world needs to take in Ukraine?
Wall it off and let it burn.
>UN should let Russia anex the Ukraine
>implying UN has a say in freedom of a sovereign people
I'm guessing you assume Ukraine shouldn't fight back after getting egregiously invaded like this?
>implying that they are old Crimeans and old ones aren't somewhere in Siberia now
>let russia invade any european sovereign nation they want
>I'm totally an american guys
>Over 90% of crimeans supported being part of russia
You mean after the russian army invaded the remaining russias polled in favor of being called Russia?
Ukraine is a civil war dipshit.
"The world" shouldnt do anything?
Still think you can play the worlds policeman and make arbitrary subjective judgements about who's wrong or right?
How has that worked out so far? Not well!
Why the fuck do you even care about whats happening half a world away to people who wouldnt give you a second thought if something went wrong?
Let them and the Russians sort their shit out.
>let everything else become Russia again
gib clay
Ukraine belongs to Azov.
The future belongs to those who will fight for it.
Yes, the people in the east are fighting for their sovereignty. Against the corrupt government in Kiev. Let the people decide their own identity. In the east they just don't want to be Ukraine anymore. You want to kill them for that?
Realistically speaking, most of Ukraine wouldn't want to be a part of Russia.
I could see Russia taking Donbass, but more than that? Hard to see that happening.
Also, not unimportantly, the Russians likely don't want Ukraine. They already took what they wanted in the form of warm harbors and factory production lines.
Listen to him, he knows his stuff.
>the russian people who invaded are fighting for their independence
>You want to kill them for that
Isn't it the Russian army killing them? oh yeah.
>russians don't want ukraine
>russia invades ukraine
I'm from Donbass, aftor war started move to Kiev, I witnessed all shit what happened here.
1. Soros make maidan and change goverment
2. Putin lose Ukraine to Soros, and start a real war, but couldnt go further then Donbass
3 There is no civil war, because Ukrainians dont give shit neither about Soros or Putin, we are hostage in geopolitic game
>the russian people who invaded are fighting for their independence
This isn't true and anyone who even has any historical knowledge of the region knows it. There are Russian soldiers in Donbass, but the majority of rebels are still ethnic Russians from the Ukraine.
>>russians don't want ukraine
>>russia invades ukraine
This makes sense if their goal is to set up a client state which will act as a buffer zone.
> Russians invaded?
thus speaks the brainwashed tool of the US establishment.
It's 1984 in the US and you believe big brother, comrade.
>russian army in ukraine
Denying reality?
>historical knowledge
This is present day hans, russia invaded ukraine, it's like they don't even hide this anymore so you don't have to pretend anymore.
>this makes sense if their goal is to set up a client state
what makes sense? the reality that the russian army is in ukraine? I hope so. They want the good parts of course after first chasing out any loyal ukrainians and holding a russian only vote. The rest of Ukraine they just want fractured and broken to prevent any kind of real threat.
It is sad but hey atleast you sped up the death of the EU
it's not exactly hidden anymore, that narrative shifted last august or so to where they accepted that they are in ukraine.
Western Ukraine will hold a referendum and ask to join Poland. This country can't be saved. The rest will be controlled by Russia, including Kyiv
>Denying reality?
Why are you quoting something that I didn't even say? Of course there are Russian soldiers in Ukraine, that still doesn't change the fact that the slight majority of the soldiers and people living in Donbass were born in the Ukraine.
>This is present day hans, russia invaded ukraine, it's like they don't even hide this anymore so you don't have to pretend anymore.
The only part of the Ukraine they truly invaded was Crimea, and that was with soldiers that were already stationed there + volunteers in the area. And historical context matters because Crimea was historically not Ukranian and it can be debated whether or not cities in eastern Ukraine are historically Russian or Ukranian.
Germanfags are with Putin. See Schroeder. Mutter Merkel just signed up a long term contract with Gazprom.
>Why are you quoting something that I didn't even say
>being this new
holy shit
>The only part of the Ukraine they truly invaded was Crimea
wait so you do admit this was an invasion, what are you arguing then hans? You admit i'm right, then show you are literally an f.o.b. red-dit extrordinaire.
dibs on Belarus
Send the Polish forces in before the Russians annex the entire place.
>typing like a child
>don't respond to anything I say, just create a strawman and reply to it
>spouting the mainstream reddit view on the Ukranian conflict and then telling me to go back there
Yeah there's no point in responding to you.
This will be the better option for 95% of ukrainian population. But because of last 5% there is no way to peacefully split the country up.
People in the Russian government are literal Sup Forums-tier no lifers.
Faggot, there are Russians in Russia trying to live their lives without Putin. And you want to invade and "liberate" more?
seriously hans, lurk more.
>Faggot, there are Russians in Russia trying to live their lives without Putin.
I live my live without Putin.
Western perception of Russia as "collective Putin" is pretty stupid.
Then why do you want to invade Ukraine? Read this, potato faggot..
'Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, I Speak Russian, Too. Please Send Troops!'
"We've learned that you want to send troops to Crimea to defend the rights of the Russian-speaking population," Romanenko typed. "In relation to that, we have a big request -- to send troops into Vologda. We all totally speak Russian here, and our rights are frequently violated."
Romanenko went on to describe just some of the ills affecting Vologda residents -- poor medical care, sinking education standards, and agricultural stagnation.
If Putin was intent on rescuing a foreign territory like Crimea from similar squalor, Romanenko reasoned, then surely he'd want to do the same in his own country.
"You're planning to spend a lot of money to normalize life in Crimea," he hinted gingerly. "I hate to ask, but is there any chance you could spend that money on normalizing life in Vologda?"
>Then why do you want to invade Ukraine?
If we wanted to invite Ukraine, we wolud have done it in 2014.
>I hate to ask, but is there any chance you could spend that money on normalizing life in Vologda?
Vologodskaya oblast has profitable regional budget. Think, it will be a good idea to elect professinal local authorities instead asking Tsar for more money.
>so popular support is probably not high
You are so wrong on this one.
The only people who are against it are Tatars and they are a minority, but they don't really want to be part of Ukraine neither. They want their own country or be part of Turkey.
No we don't need you here.
And take back saakashvili and his thugs, they've infested Odessa.
Ukraine should become greatest allies with Israel. They have all the Western Defense Weapons and a western army while being a non-nato member.
> to invite
to invade, sorry
romania will take odessa
>The only people who are against it are Tatars and they are a minority, but they don't really want to be part of Ukraine neither. They want their own country or be part of Turkey.
Only rural tatars. I've been in Crimea last spring and spoke to dozen of tatars living in Simferopol and Yalta. All of them were pro-Russian.
>le ignorant overly patriotic american
If you don't know what you're talking about, burger, then just don't talk, ok?
Crimeans never considered themselves Ukrainians and wanted out from the very beginning.
This desu.
Ukraine belongs to jews, not to some dogs that serve the jews.
>Russians don't want whole Ukraine
If you are that dumb and don't understand what he meant.
They wanted Crimea - they took it and nobody fights back there.
They wanted frozen conflict in Donbass - they've made it.
If they wanted whole Ukraine, there would be full scale invasion, but it didn't happen. And don't tell me that they chickened out because of West. West would go to war with Russia over fucking Ukraine???
Should alaska fight to go back into russia? stop being a shill
How can a border be a country?
Like I said: They already have Crimea and its warm ports, and they already took the industrial lines they wanted. They're not going to bother with what currently is still under Ukranian control.
It was a conflict that was waiting to happen for over a decade, the country should probably just split before it gets worse, east and west Ukraine are just too different.
At this point. Its either way
If it weren't for the Varangians, both Russia and Ukraine would still be a bunch of illiterate hunter-gatherers. Ukraine is rightful Swedish clay.
Partition between Russia, Poland, Hungary and Romania
Problem solved
why they still spam old info of demographics from 90s. It has been long time since they were stabilised and are actually rising.
The only thing to be done is prevent Russia from intervening. The civil war is an internal matter and should be solved by Ukraine and Ukraine alone.
The right direction is nothing. The strong overtake the weak. I don't want any more dead soldiers over the fucking Ukraine of all things. If they didn't want Russia to invade they shouldn't have been cucks.
>pathetic army till invasion and volunteers flooded in
>GAVE UP their nuclear deterence
Ukraine confirmed cuck nation let Russia have it. Defend yourselves you half Russian mutts.
The Budapest Memorandum, which USA and Russia signed, guarantees the territorial integrity of Ukraine. Nice to see the words of neither Russia nor USA are worth shit.
taci dreaqu, tigan prost.
Ukraine should cede rightful russian clay to russia and rightful polish clay to poland
Sa te aud ce zici cand Rusia ia Transnistria.
all country fake gib clay
This sounds about right. Everyone listen to the one who actually lives in Ukraine.
Wtf? Are you retarded? Do you even know what the Jews did to Ukraine?
But as the result all they'll have is Chernobyl, what do we do then?
Because they don't have a right to there own culture and heritage right? Keep your retarded opinion to your self
They don't.
25 years of independence... What did they do in those years?
Sold their nukes, sold their tech - and Ukraine had a LOT of good soviet weaporny, they were supposed to be the front of anti-NATO war, - and slowly turned poorer and more and more run-down.
He is correct. Putin is in fact relatively speaking the moderate in Russia. The GRU faction is worse and Ukraine was their idea and Putin let them.
Literally insane people.
They dont have any culture or heritage, this is why they have political crisis as a form of government ever since they got independent. Ukrainian identity is built on holodomor, glorification of various bandits and denial of history, - this is not something you should preserve or keep.
Thank God Mattis and Pence are there.
Russia is done if it is left on its own and done it it keep pushing.
The real problem is the russian nuclear stockpile and extremist muslim population and how to handle that after russia collapses.
Hopefully the GRU and their eternal war mantra will pass without further deaths.
In 12 months the average russian wage will be about 150 dollars a month. The ruble is going to collapse again this year.
I think Ukraine may be around longer than Russia given the current state of Russia. It has no future.
Fuck Russia. Fuck America. Fuck the EU.
That being said, and seeing how nobody stops Russia from invading and annexing parts of the country, it's probably going to be split up into Ukraine and New Russia.