>Why does Russia have so much AIDS?
because they share needles
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I'm thinking it's the heroin they get smuggled from the Central Asian countries.
Correct me if I'm wrong but Russia has pretty much nothing even resembling a healthcare system for drug addicts. No methadone clinics, no rehabs, literally they just send you to prison and hope for the best.
Poverty + lack of access to clean needles + isolation is what leads to shit like reusing dirty needles and getting HIV, also krokodil too.
>not accounting for population
Those statistics are fucking worthless.
Because ROSSIYA # 1
The main reason is the state doesn't do anything because "eh who cares only junkies and gays die from this shit, less human trash is okay".
The graph is right there, even if you account for population Russia still has the most new AIDS per capita.
you can't use "per capita" on Sup Forums because americans don't understand it
see: any thread about gun crime rates
But it means more and more innocent kids are being exposed to the AIDS epidemic, and now Sasha who was a good nationalist and planning to join the army is now hanging out with Yuri the krokodil brewer and is dying of HIV.
Or, maybe I guess, Russians just don't really care about other Russians
>100k each year.
That is impossible.
The US actually helped strengthen several supply routes from Afghanistan and elsewhere in the '90s, and this continues to this day. A key player in the would-be war on drugs needs to be Iran, and many NATO-country officials and diplomats refuse to even shake hands with their Iranian counterparts at international conferences and the like. Coupled with the disastrous collapse in order and morale in Russia in the '90s, this led to the current epidemic. Once introduced in a time of crisis, it's hard to eliminate something like this even in better times. Obviously, certain anti-social traits like the prevalence of prostitution don't help, but the main demographic in danger really is the lowest of the low, who were hardly going to have a long and fruitful life anyway.
>not per capita
Russia would still be #1 per capita but that chart is worthless in general.
lets see
I think most of the cases are from drug users sharing needles
>drug addicts
>unprotected anal sex
>people don't get tested for hiv
>infected people don't give a fuck if they infect others anyway
I just checked, it's literally just whores and opiate junkies, not even pidors.
You're right. if you're a drug addict you can only rely on your family, the state just wants you dead.
Not saying it is a good tactic, it's not only inhumane but also stupid and impractical because you create desperate people and increase crime rate.
But how would innocent Sasha got involved in krokodil brewing? The only people doing krokodil are heroin junkies who run out of money.
>Tfw you have to suddenly cancel your eastern euro whore fucking holiday
>Russians just don't really care about other Russians
Right on the spot, buddy
Actually heroin increased after the 00s when putin collaborated with bush over afghanistan, it literally skyrocketed.
cuz russians are retarded and think only gay people get aids
you can always travel here
If you shoot drugs and sleep around then death is a fitting future for you
There were methadone clinics, then methadone therapy was abolished because of our war on drugs bullshit.
Krokodil is a 2010 meme mostly, it's so nasty that they are all dead now, and today it's harder to make than something else apparently.
What on earth did the pidors do in 1996? Some successful condom campaign?
I understand most terms, but what is a nozokomialnaya ochaga? Ochaga is hearth or 'hotbed' or 'epicentre', so is the first word some odd medical term?
For others:
red - druggies
black - breastfeeding
orange - infection of MOTHERS FROM CHILDREN in breastfeeding (how is this even possible?)
green - in the womb
yellow - this weird one I don't understand
blue - blood transfusions
purple - hetero sex
dark purple - homo sex.
Honza :3
>$500 dollarydoos to see a girl undress
I like I'll risk the aids
Pidors didn't go anywhere, they just got dwarfed by sheer number of junkies. I have no idea what yellow box is.
yellow is hospital outbreak i think
>I understand most terms, but what is a nozokomialnaya ochaga? Ochaga is hearth or 'hotbed' or 'epicentre', so is the first word some odd medical term?
I also didn't know and had to google it, apparently it means that you got hospital-acquired infection.
>2015 data
check the statistics again in a year after all those Africans and Muslims who came in 2015, 2016, and will come in 2017 have settled in and started fucking around
I gotta say HIV problem was higher in the 90s. Back then we had urban legend that every black girl in Russia is a prostitueand got AIDS. Ones, who pay for sex were trying to avoid them,yet some YOLOs were boasting about like they had orgy with african students and ain`t got no AIDS.
Nowaday I say more then 80% of HIV positives are low-class junkies from Ural and so on to the east. Dirty needles & other domestic infection causes
probably becaause gays are illegal
and therefore to engage in any sexual activity they have to fuck butthole in dark back alley's with no buttcondoms.
pederasti bliet na hui!
Hiv map per capita from 2006 year
I thought so too, then I checked the numbers.
Ah yes:
нoзoкoмиaльный пpил. фpaзы
клин.иccлeд. hospital-associated (штaмм mphto)
мeд. nosocomial (oб инфeкции)
They aren't though
Estonia explain yourself
But anonchik you undestand that ebatsya with prostitutes was very expesive in the 90s unlike to live in Omsk and do krokodil
What I understand is that there's a million of spidoznikov in a 145 mil country and basically we're fucked
we're using aids for genociding our russians
Dont forget russia is full of faggots, I work at a notorious gay hookup sauna in Amsterdam, and I think at least a quarter of the foreigners are Russian (i can tell cause im russian myself, but i never let them know).
Desu if you look decent just speak with hot Australian accent and buy some drinks and they will throw their pussy at you, don't forget that these are staged scenes
i actually wrote my thesis paper on this
you're fucked
Mozamportangola. :(
They also have a ridiculously high abortion rate.
>be russian
>get a nigger disease
Fishermen know fishermen, Seryozha.
>per 1 million
that's like less than 1000 with HIV
Just don`t do drugs & unsafe homoseks, нe пepeдaeтcя кoгдa вы SOSNOOLEY жe
Came here to post this.
used needles. There you go.
Russia laugh at concept that abide of first world status.
Gabber, many russian would gladly suck dicks and fuck into the ass only to move to Europe
You have 38 mil niggers
thats much much worse
Just be thankful neither of you have Catalans.
>Korsikansky Avtonomny Okrug
Catalans are the industrial backbone of Spain you ingrate. Aragon will rise again!
Notice how the Catholic/Orthodox nations have least HIV generally, only the more athiest Euro states have higher HIV, and those nations most afflicted by USSR legacy.
With all the Andalusians who went to work up there, yes! Franco set them up to be like this, partly to placate their independentist tendencies.
Sorry user, I'll take the girl without gypsy blood, forearm hair, and sideburns please.
Which is true. Natural selection.
Natural selection is slow, clumsy and imprecise. Wasteful, in a word. I don't know why all the infected aren't simply rounded up and sent to small islands. Vaygach would do...
To supplement this map
Change of HIV infections between 2005-2015
Poland is no longer safe thanks to EU and coalburners
BASED kokoline
no money for heroine lol
Euskadi askatu
poland yes
i'm coming for your women grzegorz
Poland probably doesn't have treatment treatment programmes as well because muh let them die, Catholic people don't participate in degeneracy.
The results are slightly embarrassing though.
Also dont forget about millions mid-asian scum, that dont even know what aids is.
>Euskadi askatu
¡Jaungoikoa eta Lege Zarra!
daily reminder that Wallonia is DUTCH and that the north of Belgium is FRENCH