Wednesday Night Reminder For Australians.
Pic Related.
Wednesday Night Reminder For Australians.
Pic Related.
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Get a job ya bum
What job cunt?
Is there an Australian chan so I can shitpost there in-case Nuclear War happens?
why are all aus/pol/ threads just ALP shilling and lefty talking points?
In Sheepland for a holiday.
Fucked a Maori, AMA.
>poverty line that is 200 times the global poverty line
>no air con
I did some study last year but now just waiting for the end of days
A few years ago I was on Newstart for a while but eventually found work. Once I found work I stopped claiming immediately, so I know there was no chance of overpayment, but I recently got a letter claiming I owed them $2500 for overpayment from 2013-2014.
What do? They've definitely made a mistake but when I visited Centrelink they told me to call and when I tried calling I was hung up on after 80 minutes on hold. There were no real details provided about the debt or why they took so long coming after me so I'm at a bit of a loss
its fucking exhausting.
on foreign threads, Australians bant and shitpost. on anything overtly Australia-related, they come out as total leftie cucks.
>hang out on pol with overtly right wing politics
>secretly a leftie
>obviously don't understand the difference between gross revenue, taxable revenue and tax paid
wtf are these guys even doing here?
Our aircon is only in the living room and doesn't reach the other rooms
I'm dying, squirtle
>little america
>Look at all this money these extremely productive people are making!
>Look at how little these literally unproductive people are given!
>Something is wrong!
Yeah nah ur a cunt
This gets me soo fucken angry .
I don't get it either - you don't see this with any other country.
The Leaf Trudeau supporters are clearly just trolling, but the ALP-shills actually seem sincere.
yeah, nah, pic related and a further reminder.
yep. op is basically
>I wanna be edgy and hang out with lunatics on Sup Forums
>pretend to get it
>literally advocate for "Hillary in Australia" tier parties like the ALP and the fucking greenfilth
based burger.
I'm impressed that you're in this thread.
he's been doing it for weeks now
like he said,
no fucken jobs. pic related.
and you're the cunt who wants corporate tax increased through the roof
post memes about LNP factual issues.
>labor shill
nice one dickhead
the worst is when they call tax cuts 'handouts' or 'welfare for companies'.
yet another blunder by these fucks. email that bloke.
The vast majority of australian posters on Sup Forums are NEETs who vote green. Sad but true
but wait, theres more
probably some Young Labor muppet or some shitty attempt by the GetUp/Union movement to CTR auspol threads to build up a presence here.
He'll grow up though.
I'm not sure about that, I was told that he studied economics 101 in school and that it was mostly all bullshit.
>He'll grow up though.
and i probably wont.
This may have been mentioned elsewhere, but I haven't come across it so far:
>tfw go to work erryday after studying for years to pay high tax rates so people can shitpost here full time
pic related is what i know about economics. its all bullshit.
you know that the economy wasn't awesome and that unemployment existed before the LNP were elected three years ago.
STILL offering brickie jobs and brickie's labourers jobs in Melbourne.
If you're not a drug addict or an alcoholic you'll earn good money.
Nah don't worry mate. This country's problems are so profound and the political stalemate so bad that pretty soon our friendo here will see that leftie solutions don't work.
It just takes some time. I guarantee you if he was paying $50k in income tax he wouldn't think the way he does.
>tens of thousands defrauding welfare
>a few get repayment requests by accident
>liberals up in arms
fuck man, I'm a socialist but why do we tolerate bludgers
when I needed help from the government I was told I wasn't in enough need; but there are drug dealers out there with flat screen tv's from the welfares, and cunts taking cash-hand undermining the minimum wage
What 'issues'? That big business is being bled dry by leeches and we're all going to be massively fucked once China stops buying our rocks and propping up our excessively bloated welfare state?
do you think angry anderson will come to one nation lads? could get good memes
Had a job interview today. Wish me luck pls
yeah dickhead, while big business pays nothing. fucken idiot.
im not the enemy. LNP is.
>doesn't understand the difference between revenue, taxable revenue and tax paid
>top kek
good on you mate but I think its pretty brave. these guys don't sound like they'd make good employees.
if you don't live in the sticks, don't have a disability or a drug problem, you shouldn't be unemployed for more than a few months as a young male.
>big business pays nothing
Nothing = hundreds of millions in tax? Fuck off you retarded socialist parasite. Businesses do not exist for the purpose of funding your welfare
I had something similar
>Working full time
>Sister works in a clothing shop
>She had a one off where they got like 750 boxes in
>user can you help me move all these boxes, it will be like 3 hours work, i will have to pay you cos we cant have you after hours
>Yeah whatever no worries
that was in 2011
>Letter from taxation department
>My tax return didnt include this 50ish dollars
>Letter saying i could face penelties if i dont provide up to date info
>Jump through hoop after hoop trying to fucking talk to someone on the phone about it
>Get the run around, finally told if its legit income i didnt declare just leave it be and it will be assessed
>Two weeks later get a letter nothing has changed you will not be facing any charges
Compulsory voting was a mistake.
In America, most of these faggots just become apathetic to politics since they don't have any real skin in the game. Even if they are a net drain on society, they at least don't vote to make things worse. Lower voter turnout is saving America, as Clinton would have won if we had higher voter turnout (pic related).
Unfortunately, you guys have a system (passed during a much different time, when it might have made sense) where these people have to be bothered to vote. Additionally, since get out the vote no longer matters, the role of party activists and canvassers (who tend to be the more diehard ideologues) is diminished compared to places without compulsory voting, and probably leads to the center-right party being more centrist than it otherwise would be.
Have there been any mainstream calls to abolish compulsory voting?
good luck mate. whats the jobbo?
>1300% ROI on hiring
>cuts staff
i know they aint paying fuck all and the little bloke is paying most of it.
Tell your story at pic related
Spot on, mate.
Just a bunch of lazy cunts that don't want to really work for a crust.
>Have there been any mainstream calls to abolish compulsory voting?
quite a bit, cabinet ministers under Abbott and John Howard would regularly call for it.
Nick Minchin (finance minister from 2001-07) made it one his main issues, and he was ultra right-wing
Only party in Australia I'm aware of that advocates for it is the LDP (Liberal Democrats), but as a burger they're pretty deceptively named. They're libertarians.
That said, I'm a libertarian and /auspol/ should pretty much be a libertarian/one nation board on Sup Forums but its a strange, strange world.
a third reminder regarding meta data laws
pic related
God I miss Minchin. BASED MINCHIN.
Threadly reminder that full employment is possible, and that Australia had full employment for a full 30 years following the end of the war until policy changed
Threadly reminder that it is in the Reserve Banks charter to maintain full employment in Australia, and that any policies which discourage full employment, and that by enacting policies which discourage full employment they are in breach of their charter
compulsory voting gives too much power to minorities
everyone votes = votes proportional to community interest
not everyone votes = minorities with higher turn out over-represented
IT in Melbourne
Is old Turnbull going to catch me for downloading anime?
in my town all the business people are running scams where they employ people for grunt work, then give them no shifts after their low pay introductory period has ended
>unironically establishing a union for the unemployed
>not realising that the very purpose of unions is to create unemployment by keeping wages above the marginal product of labor
>being this fucking retarded
I wish we had a fucking right wing party that was a significant enough size that I could think they had a chance of winning.
I just want guns back, rapefugees out and cunts to only have to vote if they want to so people who don't give a single shit dont get forced to have an oppinion.
At least we currently have the Libs in since theyre as far right as the two major parties go. Hoping for a split of the LNP so I get another party worth a shit in the running.
nah, that guy is
>turnbull is an ex goldman sacks partner
>see next image
>conspiracy theory
Your economic retardation is showing
>actually you know about the impact of the expansion of labor market regulations in post-war Australia
>post thoughtful post
definite free marketeer
Reminder that all of the ministers aren't qualified to be responsible for for their portfolios or to manage their departments.
look at the top shareholders
in my town all the business people are running scams where they employ people for grunt work, then give them no shifts after their low pay introductory period has ended
nobody wants to hire full time because maternity leave is too generous and they can treat casuals however they want
unions are simply a way the people ensure they are respected by leveraging group action
unemployed people can be ripped off like anyone else
for instance where I am regular buisinesses are listing regular jobs as "volunteering" to get centerlink bludgers to work for them for free
people on the dole are often underpayed because they are desperate to keep any kind of work, and because government bonuses cover the gap
basically the ggovernment foots the bill for greedy business owners
Support Rise Up Australia. They're the only right wing Australian party that actually has decent policy and aren't fucktarded useful idiots like One Nation.
must be true, but elaborate
Fifteen hundred a week is average for an aussie. What the fuck mate.
take a look at shooters and fishers, the nationals, independent members
a place to get info, tell your story and be part of a helpful community. what have you done today? got an alternative? guess not.
>tfw marrying an American you met on Sup Forums and escaping soon after we file for the visa.
>Still have to wait and sit on newstart until that happens.
This country deserves every sorrow imaginable.
m8, rise up is pretty kooky. I can't imagine Nasrallah's mob would be pro-gun either.
Based Leyon-man is probably a good bet for you except for the "big party" part.
my torrent box been on vpn for 2 years lad
Has anyone done these free tafe courses? If so does it help finding a job or is it pointless?
that's the pre-tax number
but it's also skewed by the people who earn 10M a year
see: wealth divide
Sounds about right for the median income.
>tfw on more
How can unemployed people be ripped off? Also what is the union going to do? Go on strike?
>brown paki looking cunt in the pic
Yeah nah fuck off, I'd rather vote for One Nation just to see Green tears. I plan to vote for the LibDems since muhgunz.
It's one cunt shilling ALP. He's probably only 18, and getting brain washed by uni.
I think we need to go even further and bar public servants from voting for the level of government they're employed by. It's a clear conflict of interest.
I'm somewhat surprised by the relative lack of third party success (at least as it relates to the House of Representatives) in Australia, since your preferential voting system eliminates the spoiler effect.
Is there just no appreciable desire for a solidly right-wing party from the Australian electorate, or are the alternative right wing parties just poorly led?
>Also what is the union going to do? Go on strike?
Unemployed BTFO
probably qualifies you for newstart
would look good on a resume; or better than your WOW stats
but be careful with providers, about 30% fail to meet their requirements, and are just using you to whore clumsy government grants
My TAFE put up all the prices, not even worth doing anything., main page.
>Muh ebil corporations
/leftypol/ fuck off
Given those values, domestic labor bears slightly more than 70 percent of the burden of the corporate income tax.
gl son
>Fucked a Maori, AMA.
Did he have a big dick m8?
One nation have way better policies.
>Is there just no appreciable desire for a solidly right-wing party from the Australian electorate, or are the alternative right wing parties just poorly led?
This, and the media are the attack dogs for the major parties because they benefit from the stability of the 2-party duopoly (both major parties have similar globalist goals, they just aim their policies at different demographics). We're as cucked as anyone, but no-one seems to realise it.
Enjoy having your information subpoenaed, sold, hacked or giving away you flog.
so everything is find and dandy. why dont you wake up.
pic related.
>He hasn't educated himself past the "There's no difference in party!" misconception.
just learn a good trade, get a job and open your own business.
you just make money for all those 'giving back to society, we are saints' lying bastards. don't fall for that shit, does not guarantee a thing.