What is something EVERYONE on Sup Forums agrees upon?

What is something EVERYONE on Sup Forums agrees upon?

anime is great

Muslims are scum and need to go back

and anime is great

The Jews are at fault and Australia is fucking tops.

Jews need to be gassed.

meme magic is real

Anime is for faggots who can't get girlfriends

Gas the kikes race war now

Anime is garbage and anyone who likes it should be gassed.

so close

I love tsunderes

fuck anime.


Sup Forums secretly likes traps.

Blacks are generally bad
Muslims are generally bad
There is an agenda that works against many of us globally
>and it's the fucking jews

>Green square is the worst square

Tap water boils at 100 degrees centigrade

Fucking weeb GTFO this board



While that is true, the fact that you didn't mention Jews led me to believe you only hate muslims because you are a dirty jew.

Fuck off, jew.

>EVERYONE on Sup Forums agrees upon?
Always kill a traitor before an enemy, jimbo.

Gas the jews.

water boils at 212 american units ahmed, 100 is like a hot day here

Jp is a right winged board

we all know you are retarded in this matter and will never be saved.

That's why i said degrees centigrade, not Fahrenheit

But anime is fun..!
Look at how much fun we're having

Lots of truth in this thread.

cunts fucked

Kek is our Lord and saviour

all races of people are equal in ability and should be treated the same under the law.

There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.

Jews are white people.

Borders and nationality are stupid and only serve to hamper human progress.

guns are only for weak people.

Anime is for little kids.

I feel like Sup Forums is pretty unanimous on the above stuff.

>pic related

Gas the kikes, race war now


>I feel like Sup Forums is pretty unanimous on the above stuff.

Kek'd aloud.

Sup Forums is always right

>bantering ever

I'd put Finland or Estonia in precision bants and move UK to dependable instead. Fuckin whatever can replace UK in neutral I don't' give a shit.

the strong should fear the weak -- also known as the law of the jungle.

pretty spot on image mate
japs are rare but fuck they bring the bants

Jap Bantz are pretty fucking precise when they get the chance.

Not really, they don't fucking ever create any new banter, they just parrot whatever Australia/Canada/UK/fucking whatever have already made.

They get a free pass because MUH WEEBSHIT SITE and cunts find their horrible english amusing.

Axis should have won

>come to anime site
>i hate anime

careful m8, I guarantee there's a nip monitoring right now getting ready to samurai the shit out of you

I agree with these.

nope, I think Jews are fine and so do many other pol/acks. Actually, I don't think there's anything having to do with politics that ALL Sup Forums acks agree on.

fuck you, I disagree with your post.

I think everyone secretly agrees with EVERYTHING

not true, most of the time, japs go overboard and it looks cringey as fuck, because they have heard the meme and start to self-parody

in my opinion, the overall best quality posters are germans, since they are really analytical and shitpost the least. USA/Canada is a wild card but generally alright. Australia has good bantz and discussions, but shitposting ruins their overall quality. Nordic, germanic countries and France have some quality posts too but too much shitposting that ruins it. Mexico and Brazil have a good quality posts too, really love how rational they are on some issues. Southern europe is too over-the-top and can't take the bantz at all. Rest of the eastern europe I don't like, they are too blackpilled and can't stay on point because of their bitching and moaning on how depressed they are. All the other countries I didn't mention are failing at bantz and discussion, because they either go over the top with shitposting and look awkward, or they stay on discussion but get triggered whenever somebody bantz their country and fall out

nip banter is solid you dumb cunt

Get out of my country you slant eyed fuck.

Chinese cartoons are shit, mate.

>3 different straya ID's
When there is noon in Estonia, it's a shitposting peak, kek

Gotta get a quick bit of inane posting in before beddy time Estonia.

Niggers are sub-human

kek, good luck based cunt

wtf is up with italy?

95% of human accomplishments were made by the white race

KEK agrees


Fuck anime and fuck weebs!

is there a non-fact that all of Sup Forums would agree with? i don't even think all of Sup Forums agrees with actual facts.

sun rises from the east and sets in the west?

very nice digits. also true.

fuck you cunt

you got that backwards, retard

umm, no?

leftists are not welcome here

You're a faggot.

>ctrl+f "Hitler did n"
>Phrase not found

Anime should be illegal you scum need to be removed from earth and shot into the sun.


reported for hate speech

hope you enjoy getting raped by "syrians" in prison, Hans

You're all niggers.

Roman empire brought back