How do we deal with the Jews?

How do we deal with the Jews?

gas the kikes

do what muslims do.. badmouth them all the time.

Raise prices on hummus 6,000,000%

they say it takes up to 1000 fully weaponized NEETs to take out 1 handrubber.

Community Watch

very carefully- with the expectation that they will betray us and mislead us in an attempt to get money and control

that's what they do

aren't they in the shadows tho



Seems effective.

Only one in-group can beat another in-group. But then you just have another in-group on top.

You could leave your fucking homes every once in a while you stupid fucking degenerate NEET life long losers.

Seriously, look into a mirror. You are a life long fucking loser.

Destroy the Muslim population so they have no shield to stand behind

Daveed its ok just accept the revolution

Nothing wrong with Jews. Jews are not only white and based, but extremely redpilled too.
If you're anti Semitic then you're anti white.

I can get behind this

Perhaps it's time to implement the algorithm from here in order to avoid these useles duplicates of posts

The traditional remedy would be gas.

>jews are white and based.

To be fair, you don't get many jews in SA.
And then anyone who isn't black as night (the majority of your shitty country) is considered white

>pic related
Is russian

First you pre heat the oven


Jew mad? XD