Intelligence community BTFO
All you niggers denying a fellow Sup Forumsack duped the CIA just got BTFO
How will you recover
Intelligence community BTFO
All you niggers denying a fellow Sup Forumsack duped the CIA just got BTFO
How will you recover
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The Kremlin said on Wednesday it was "total nonsense" that Russian officials had assembled a file of compromising information on U.S. President-elect Donald Trump.
Two U.S. officials said on Tuesday evening that the heads of four U.S. intelligence agencies had last week presented Trump with classified documents which included unverified claims that Russian intelligence operatives had compromising information about him.
Addressing reporters on a conference call, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the dossier containing the claims was a hoax which had been dreamt up to further harm U.S.-Russia relations, which are already at their lowest level since the Cold War.
"It is an attempt to damage our bilateral relations. It is pulp fiction," said Peskov, who also roundly dismissed as false assertions in the dossier that he himself was heavily involved in running a Russian campaign to undermine defeated presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
"You have to react to this with a certain humor, but there's also a sad side to this. Hysteria is being whipped up to maintain a political witch hunt."
Peskov said the Kremlin did not engage in compiling compromising dossiers on anyone and was focused on building relations with Russia's foreign partners instead.
Congradulations, Sup Forums. You did it.
A board shouldnt have this much power
On Tuesday evening, Trump dismissed the reports that Russia had compromising information on him. "FAKE NEWS - A TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT!" he wrote in a Twitter post.
Asked to respond to the prospect of new U.S. sanctions affecting Russia's oil and gas sector, Peskov said such measures, if they happened, would damage Russia, bilateral ties, and the global economy.
The Russian energy sector would definitely get compensation if such sanctions were imposed, he added.
Peskov said the Kremlin was unfazed by reports that Trump's pick for secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, would say at his confirmation hearing on Wednesday that Russia posed a danger.
It has previously praised Tillerson, who has experience of working with top Russian officials in the oil sector.
Peskov said the Kremlin stood by its assessment of Tillerson as someone who was willing to listen and was constructive, but was aware he was likely to be a tough operator too.
"We understand that Tillerson will continue to be quite tough in pursuing his line," said Peskov, saying the Kremlin was not wearing rose-tinted glasses when it came to the former U.S. oilman. (Additonal reporting by Alexander Winning; Editing by Christian Lowe)
Why would they blackmail a man before throwing him out of an airplane?
>"You have to react to this with a certain humor, but there's also a sad side to this. Hysteria is being whipped up to maintain a political witch hunt.
russians are now the only sane and reasonable adults in world politics, this should make many in the west look at themselves in the mirror and reflect on what they've become
gateway pundit accuses Sup Forums of forgng the documents.
Of course they would say that. Do you have a fucking learning disability?
Should, but as they do with teaching about NAzi's, anything Russia does is considered evil in many people's eyes here.
Well shit if the Kremlin said it...
This whole thing is reaching parody level lies from one of those sides. I am not claiming both sides aren't lying, but seriously get your shit together USA. Yes, it's a witch hunt, but USA really needs a which hunt towards the persons who lie the most, if we can prove they are indeed lying, you know who, the media. The sources need to be throughly examined, this is real world politics and it's dangerous play, no matter how foolish it is.
>All you niggers denying a fellow Sup Forumsack duped the CIA just got BTFO
>How will you recover
Hello JIDF, how are you today?
Then Meryl Streep wonders why everyone despises MSM nowadays
>Peskov said the Kremlin did not engage in compiling compromising dossiers on anyone
That is obviously bullshit, most countries do this.
>believing the Kremlin at face value
Why can't Sup Forums apply their skepticism of mainstream sources and use it to not uncritically take anything Trump/Putin/right-wing news sources at face value? Maybe they're just authoritarian personalities desperately clamoring for a leader or movement to give themselves up to?
Waaaaaaaaait a minute.
Russia said they aren't doing it, so that is all the evidence you need?
Fucking comrades everywhere on this board
>Sup Forums is white supremacy they say
i believe the burden of proof lies on the people saying trump likes to wear race car onesies while getting peed on by Russian hookers
They say a lot of things.
They get paid to do it.
>anything Russia does is considered evil in many people's eyes here.
Sadly this.
Fuck you James Bond.
So are we supposed to wait for Trump or Russia to come up with evidence to disprove this stuff?
The ones making the allegations are the ones who need to show the evidence. Until then, there's nothing wrong with taking a denial at face value.
At this point the Russian Government is objectively more honest and transparent than our government.
Thats how bad things are now.
If this were an 80's cop movie Slovenia would be the asshole police captain who calls America a loose canon for wrecking 12 city blocks in a high speed car-chase and shootout with bank robbers and then demands his badge and gun. Then America pulls of his badge and says "you want my badge? go ahead, take my fucking badge and stick it up your ass!"
Dylann was a retarded faggot. He killed the softest target imaginable.
>American news sites SWEAR up and down that Russia has dirty vids of Trump
>"seriously guys Russia's gonna release it end of drumpf soon lol btfo!"
>Russia denies having anything like that
>Trump denies it as well
Why would Russia tell American journalists they have a video then turn around and deny it?
You people are insane.
You will fabricate any reality to justify your insane world-view.
You are medieval in your logic.
>Russia gonna release it
Holy fuck, you live in your own world where Russia actually wants Trump gone.
What? I'm just quoting what buzzfeed or whoever said that Russia has the videos.
I know damn well Russia doesn't have anything, and isn't going to release anything.
It always was. You've been living a life of lies, fattie.
But, if Russia had the video, they would not release it. Are you sos tupid you can't understand the whole situation. Let me explain it to you : Buzzfeed claims Russia has dirt on Trump. Thereby, they will be able to influence him. They did not claim Russia was going to release it.
Did you understand or is this still too complex for you?
I thought white supremacy was about white supremacy.
So then Buzzfeed will surely release any proof they have right?
Or is this yet another baseless claim by the left that "drumpf is evil cause russia"
>you actually believe there is a kgb piss video
sos complex rick wilson 20d chess player
Yeah, this was a pretty transparent lie
user is lawyering up...
These reports say the Kremlin has been cultivating Trump for five years, and he's knowingly a traitor. That they have watersports footage of him is just the funniest part.
>Accusation is that Russia is blackmailing Trump, and what they're blackmailing him over
>"We're not blackmailing Trump and that didn't happen."
That's kinda all the proof you need.
>Russian user posts a propaganda article in untranslated Russian that says Russia is innocent
Well I guess we can wrap this up folks, who could distrust this fine upstanding member of society
I'd have actually believed them if they said that they were collecting secret dossiers on people (everyone does, denying it is like denying breathing) but this story in particular is a fabrication.
Especially since the charge is that this story would have been used for blackmail- if the accused blackmailer comes out and says it's false then there's no hope of blackmail.
For shits and giggles
Dude, you are fucking stupid. Stick to being smelly and sucking down snails you fucking faggot.
If Russia was working with Trump they would have plenty of dirt and wouldn't need a piss video you stupid frog.
(((They))) are still trying to push for a war with Russia.
Retards take the bait instantly. Retards will proudly die in a useless war.
we are being framed for duping the CIA, it is liberals using Sup Forums as a scapegoat.
Is he, dare I say it, our guy?
How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman, Mick?
why the fuck would russian agents go around blabbering to everyone what their plan with trump is?
>anything Russia does is considered evil in many people's eyes here.
Some ukranian economist said, when everyone realized EU association treaty fucked their economy up, that they signed it mainly because Russia advised against it knowing how much they hate Russia. So it's Russia's fault.
Reality is getting weirder.
No shit it's fake. We have been saying this all fucking day.
This. Faggots keep nitpicking on Roof when they are too pussy to even look at someone the wrong way. The man killed niggers that would breed even more niggers. He did well.
>implying implications
Sup Forums is untouchable
can you believe it Sup Forums, can you fucking believe it?
useful liberal idiots like the gormless retards at buzzfeed are so, so, SO fucking mad that they're willingly complying in fucking up international relations and inciting violence just because the incoming US president supposedly acts as some sort of "sybmol" for hatred of minorities and other ridiculous leftie bullshit.
these fucking pinko shits are that fucking butthurt that they're willing to jeopardize peace and positive relations for the sake of being able to take pride in fucking another man in the ass.
they're so salty they'll risk tanking global markets for the sake of feelings.
it's phenomenal how much self awareness they lack. the next 50 years of pop culture will ridicule blue-haired feminist harpies, when the previous 50 so comfortably mocked the redneck wonderland. THAT is how badly the left has fucked up.
a man who lives in a tower with his name in gold letters on the top mobilized the working class. there are bizarre times ahead.
Echo chambers, everywhere.
I just find all of this embarrassing. The pissing (hah) and whining of the right, as well as the left. With very few exceptions on a global scale, everyone's the fucking same, and driven by the same exact motives.
The current global political situation is Big Brother (TM) tier drama mongering, and I hope that some alien race gets a kick out of watching us melt down at least. Or it's boring them to tears. Either way. This shit is fucking shameful.
>yfw the classified documents were screenshots of twitter and Sup Forums
Watch as the MSM does an about face and claims pissgate is real and Russia wasn't trying to blackmail Trump with it at all.
>do not collect kompromat
>do no pass go
RUDF pls leave
If Russia has dirt on Trump why would they let him run such a crazy campaign where it looked like he was shooting himself in the foot every time he said something. Wouldn't they have wanted him to run a more normal campaign instead and draw less anger and scrutiny? Is it a good thing for them that the left is calling him a Russian plant based on nothing?
Post >yfw you do golden showers but Russia won't blackmail you into running for POTUS and winning
Russia would not be handling his day-to-day conduct only providing intel, talking point and occasional overarching direction - besides absurdist politics is something they do well.They, like most people, probably assumed his campaign would get nowhere but he was a useful dog and pony show.
>Is it a good thing for them that the left is calling him a Russian plant based on nothing?
Absolutely. For large parts of America to believe that their own system is so compromised that the Russians have infiltrated it completely undermines faith in their own institutions. Regardless of the outcome, the trust is gone, the country has been split and perhaps worst of all: they have no viable political alternative to the politics they just rejected.
I used to be a liberal of sorts myself, and you are utterly correct.
Also, checked.
U shut in all threads about Russia, u get money or potatoes for that?
This is what i find so hilarious. US official told time and time again that the aim of the Russians was to undermine the system, to make it so Americans lose their trust. And yet its exactly what they push for since Trump was elected: "We were hacked, we were influenced, we were compromised, we don't trust our president-elect, we don't trust his administration, etc."
I'm starting to think that THEY are the Russian sleeper cells. Simply because they do everything they claim Russians wanted to do.
>political witch hunt.
uses the exact word that trump did
>Peskov said the Kremlin did not engage in compiling compromising dossiers on anyone and was focused on building relations with Russia's foreign partners instead.
lmao sure
He's a cockhole scrubbing toilets to potato-niggers.
Kek has the power, we merely do his will
The spooks don't like it when they feel threatened. You could easily see this move as a response to them suspecting that Trump/Flynn would try and gut the agency.
They know the agency will be around long after Trump's gone so they can afford to play games like this.
That said, it's hard to know who orchestrated this thing. The dossier's been floating around for awhile and, since John McCain brought it up, could well have been a rep. commissioned thing.
We also know that the agency has other material - it'll be interesting if that starts showing up.
AceRimmer @AceRimmerTwitte Jan 7
the Kremlin as the seat and office of the presidency don't do that. the svr, gru and fsb does.
>bongpress-sec said 10 Downing St. did not engage in compiling compromising dossiers on anyone
because its river side, chatham house and gchq who does
Sup Forums IS ALL OVER ME Sup ForumsRO ...
Thank you for correcting the record.
>That's kinda all the proof you need.
it's really fucking not retard, If I were going to fuck with some foreign election/presidential nominee I would deny it too.
more proof is necessary for condemning this
just like more proof is required for wanting to nuke Russia for "meddling in our election"
>a man who lives in a tower with his name in gold letters on the top mobilized the working class. there are bizarre times ahead.
This is how it's always worked though. Not exactly bizarre.
CATCH UP!>>>>>>>>>
AceRimmer @AceRimmerTwitte Jan 7
Sup Forums
Well, of course!
AceRimmer @AceRimmerTwitte Jan 6
AceRimmer @AceRimmerTwitte Jan 2
Sup Forums
>2016 was great year
>2017 starts out even stronger
You dumb fuck. It doesn't matter if it's true or not, because it's now true. How do you think your piss-cuck became President Elect? We live in a post-reality world now.
This means that Donald Trump totally loves to be pissed on. It's just the truth now. Deal with it.
AceRimmer @AceRimmerTwitte Jan 2
>HOW WILL YOU FIND YOURSELVES!???????????????????????????
AHA, ...........................................................
>Let's trust them because the Kremlin has no reason to lie.
What a cancer nu-pol is
Two weeks ago they cried and bitched about fake news and wanted to make this illegal, now they're in a piss-frenzy, jumping in circles and screaming "piss" all over again in autistic high pitched voices with foam gushing out of their mouth.
So with "fake news" being illegal in germany, what are chances to simply sue them and take advantage of their crazy behavior?
This has to bite them in the ass
>Releasing fake news so fake even Russia has to come out and call you out on it