serious q: why do you fuckers hate jews so much? I'm a Jew––wtf did I/we ever do to you to make you so damn angry?
Why Jews?
Other urls found in this thread:
>jew playing the victim card
oy vey what a shoahcker
being jew is enough
Because jews actively despise the local population of non jews. They're parasites and traitors.
t. half jew
Jews throughout history have attempted to cuck every nation they reside in, the liberal problems of today are a direct result of the Jew
No idea why some people hate Jews. Anti Semitism is, for the most part, a brown man's disease now.
Jews are white, based and extremely redpilled too.
If you're anti Jews then you're anti white.
Gas yourself you dissapora trash. You are probably a liberal who sucks palestinian dick
It's less about power and more what they do to us, especially the targeting of our children with drug/tranny/fag/degenerate propaganda 24/7, after we treated them as brothers and let them into our nations with open arms in most cases only a few generations ago. Essentially if I wanted to bribe people to destroy Canada from within it wouldn't be hard to do rather the opposite, but why would I destroy my own country? This act of destruction surely wouldn't make me exceptionally powerful or intelligent. Remember Europeans could do far, far more damage than Jews ever could imagine but why would we destroy our own societies on purpose? The hard truth is Jews and Muslims will always be envious/afraid of Europeans and this is why they shouldn't be allowed to live amongst us.
Jews aren't white. They belong in the desert with their genetic trash pedo worshipping brothers. Two sides of the same inbred ratfaced coin.
>repost from a thread last night
my position is that most jews are just living that jew life trying to get by like anybody else. Mr. Moskowitz at the local jewish deli isn't trying to push an agenda beyond preserving a Jewish state in Israel. You may not agree with it but it's no more sinister than that. Then there are the globalist jews who want to destroy the west. You go high up enough and wealthy enough in any group and you'll find those globalist faggots who think they know what's best for the world because they have money and wield power and influence, and they don't fucking die because they keep buying new organs and shit.
Exactly, nobody blames every Jew for the actions of the overwhelming majority but it's still an undeniable fact that most of the dire issues we face in our nations simply wouldn't exist if Jews weren't here.
Also every evil nation destroying kike was born to a 'good old jew' and we let the inbreds in only a few generations ago.
>the targeting of our children with drug/tranny/fag/degenerate propaganda 24/7
Implying whites are incapable of such feats. Really makes you a nigger.
I could point out how 9/10 of the 1919 German communist revolution leaders were Jewish, how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how they were the driving force behind opening our borders, how the lawsuits that allowed near unrestricted abortion in our countries were both lead by kikes or hell I could lay out the thousands of hooked noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with. But I won't. Rather i'll ask that whenever someone in this thread witnesses societal/political rot ask yourself, and don't be afraid to do some digging if necessary, if a certain sunken eyed inbred tribe is behind it.
Sup Forums calls this 'taking the redpill' and it ruins everyone as it's impossible to stop seeing the (((coincidences)))
From one Jew to another: Fuck off and get that victim complex out of your anus. Your cancerous religion and followers ruined our reputation. I refuse to associate myself with the likes of you for this reason among many other things.
Someone explain how Israeli Jews look more white than Jews in Europe and America. She literally looks Italian/Slovenian/Irish.
>just stop
The irony of that pic is ridiculous
I don't hate Jews. I hate whiny faggots. There's some overlap.
Why do you inbred rats always post the same 4-5 heavily mixed and/or spawn of converts girls?
KEK Gustav Landauer looks like fucking Grisha Jaeger.
>No idea why some people hate Jews. Anti Semitism is, for the most part, a brown man's disease now.
>Jews are white, based and extremely redpilled too.
>If you're anti Jews then you're anti white.
Reminder that all the people who funded and organized the end of Apartheid were Jews and thus the reason why South Africa is shittier than it has ever been.
>red pill
Imagine a cow proudly showing the other cows the mark of their owners, would you consider this cow red pill?
Just look into Hollywood and you'll understand.
Jews are whites with different beliefs. Some are pretty scummy but there are scumbags in every ethnic group. People just like having something to blame when their shit goes wrong. That's why god was made up.
...Huh? I didn't post her, leaf. I know it's hard for you to understand the English language but please at least try to read posts before replying.
Because the holocaust never happened and European Jews were all sent to Israel via Havaara agreement.
>Jews are whites
>with different beliefs
>some are pretty scummy
at least 95%
>but there are scumbags in every ethnic group
Especially ours.
>People just like having something to blame when their shit goes wrong. That's why god was made up.
Accurate, but Jews are to blame for most of the world's problems.
Jews aren't white. You're semetic (and genetic) trash just like your pedo worshipping brothers.
>White people save Jews from Hitler
>White people give Jews their own state
>in return, Jews spend decades subverting Western culture through media
>Teach white kids to hate their people in school and through TV
>push cuckolding and degeneracy
>want to make the white race go extinct
>still deny all of this AND ask for pity
We've seen through your facade, there is no argument a Jew can make to convince any of us that he is human.
Your double Ds I check but your attempt at humor deserve no kek.
Rhymes, nigga.
Your biological urge to destroy everything, documented by many different peoples throughout history. Seriously, there's no group of people on Earth as scummy as you. I don't even know if you're people. /rant
>not sent to madagascar
So close, so fucking close...
Every student of history knows the Jew never wins and that they always push the goys that let them in with open arms too far. It would be foolish to bet that the assbootings will stop at #109 although thanks to their globalization and the information age the next will no doubt be their most devastating and widespread deportation yet.
We're ayyliens. At least that's what I tell myself.
I can't shapeshift though. Kinda wish I could so I could shapeshift myself into a schlongschnozz-free face.
The worst part is your pic actually happened in Whitefish, Montana (you know, where Richard Spencer lives). That "Love Lives Here" cancer "activist" group were literally caught spray painting swastikas and other shit onto their own buildings and then claimed someone else did it.
Sauce: Jew, from Whitefish, MT, currently lives there.
I'll shapeshift you and your entire family into ash and pat myself on the back afterwards. The day is coming, I can feel it.
Jews are neurotic and angry nihilists. They don't have any allegiance to the country they're in, and just think about themselves. They don't want to help the world in the long run.
jew dindu nuffin
What is that Jewish sorcery?
The Jews are pushing their degeneracy on EVERY western country at the moment, and this will be their downfall. Their will be no place to run away to when the goyim start waking up. Israel is funded by America, they can't blend in with the gooks. The future is bright.
>Jews are whites with different beliefs
Semites aren't White.
delet pls
We can turn Israel into an internment camp of sorts. They can live there in peace away from our children. That's if the lefties or their arab neighbours sitting on trillion dollar sovereign wealth funds don't destroy it first.
Okay but please spare my little sister, she means a lot to me.
>Jew complaining about other Jews
You will NEVER be welcomed here : ^ )
I'm not asking for your acceptance, burgerbro.
Or am I? :^)
if you have to ask you are not a jew
You have dual morality (one towards Jews and one towards goyim), you've supported heavily anti-christian movements
created in most cases
Jews tend to promote leftist policies.
>implying self hating kikes are not welcome here
Jesus was a self hating kike and look how much damaged has done to kikery.
Self hating Jews are welcome in Sup Forums
Please understand, I can't help that I and my imouto were born with Jewish blood. We are not religiously Jewish and neither were our parents. We don't associate with any of our religiously Jewish cousins/aunts/uncles/etc. because they are fucking cancer. Acceptance would be nice, but all I ask for is understanding. I completely understand and accept the anti-semitism because anti-semitism is pro-human. Jews are cancer and quite frankly I'd die if it meant eradicating all Jews from this Earth. I really would.
Granted I have nothing to live for except my imouto but the point still stands.
Also you'll be disappointed to hear this but my nose is very Aryan and inward curved. I actually don't look very Jewish at all. Kind of look like pic related who's a half jew.
>created in most cases
Not true. Communism for instance should be viewed as a german invention since Marx, even though he was jewish, has been baptized as a lutheran, thus marxism can be attributed to protestants. The Jews have only shamelessly supported it
The Jews had Christ murdered. For that all Jews must be killed off to the most remote of blood.
I don't hate you. I think most of your people, especially the Nationalist Jews, are to be looked up to.
European men could learn a lot from pro-Israel Jews. For example hiring other white men instead of hiring cheap black and brown labor and then crying about nepotism. Hiring your own people is a smart long term investment and unfortunately, white men will never comprehend this. But boy, will they get triggered when you point this out.
I'm fine with Nationalist, pro-Israel Jews running the world. I don't think white men are up to the challenge anymore.
They need a scapegoat because it's so hard for them to believe that 90% of the human population is retarded in some way. Either financially or socially. Most people don't know how to make money work for them and most people are way too gullible.
People on Sup Forums might have a slight advantage on the gullible part, but other than that, people here are just as stupid and need someone to blame.
The conclusion is that people are just stupid and nothing is going to change that. What you can change is yourself. Don't hate the player, hate the game and do something about it.
You're just as stuck in the left-right narrative as the liberal cunts you hate so much.
t. Jew
completely unrelated note i just realized river phoenix resembles armin arlert, and since everyone is supposed to be fake-jews in attack on titan, and river died at a young age because drugs, and armin wont live to see 30 because he's the colossal
sorry I'm drunk right now, a little.
It was the sanderin the ones who rejected their enlightened Son .
The sin of the Jews is to prefer shekels over true freedom, by rejection of the Jewish Krisna ,the Jews condemned themselves for a eternity of slavery.
Jews are slaves who proudly show their cattle mark .
I understand but I feel no sympathy for Jews. Time and time again they backstab the goyim and spread the worst possible degeneracy. They don't do this by military force, they do it through whining and backstabbing in order to get into positions of power. Sympathy is the Jews greatest weapon against the goyim, and the way to beat them is to detach yourself entirely from this emotion when it comes to Jews. Sorry you're Jewish user, but I'm not sorry for feeling this way about you.
Only levi is jew though. Aren't most titan people german or angelo?
See what I mean? I speak logic and this low IQ retard gets fucking triggered to infinity and starts spouting total nonsense to derail the conversation.
You speak Jewish sophistry, not logic. The ruse is up, you will NEVER gain the trust of any white person on here and soon the entirety of Western civilization will feel this way about the """chosen""" """"people""""
Jews are a huge portion of the elite, particularly in banking, politics and media.
They get us to cuck out for Israel and fight wars for it, which draws terrorism to our lands.
At the same time, they try to increase diversity so they can hide. This includes Orthodox Jewish organisations.
They lie to us in the media.
They gamble with our money and make us pay for it in banks.
They have a morality that revolves more around genital mutilation and genocide celebration ceremonies than helping other people or making the world a better place. Passover is literally about celebrating the mass murder of Kang children.
They're ugly.
They're literally the Pharisees Jesus warned against.
They top it all off with being completely ungrateful and apparently blind to their own hypocrisy. Which makes extermination the only possible option, since if they're expelled they'll think it was something the Western Goyim did and convince China or the Slavs to attack.
"Why do they hate me so?" gb2Israel, or hang yourself.
More things:
Communism (The Jew Marx and about half the top Russian Bolsheviks, as well as all the leaders of the German communist revolution were Jews.)
Feminism (Packed with Jews)
Attempts to normalise pedophilia (Ginsberg et al)
Lying to make money off the Holocaust (not sure if the Holocaust happened as it's supposed to have, but inventing fake memoirs and trying to milk cash out of it is pretty vile)
Continuously chipping away at Palestinian land while going into howls of anti-Semitism declarations when naive Leftists point it out
Shitty, atonal music
Shitty post-modern architecture
Funding porn production (including Orthodox Jews)
Medicalising normalcy (psychiatry)
Advertising and PR (lies for money)
Granted, some Jews are only involved in a couple of these things, but almost all are involved in some, and as a group, they're way, way over represented.
You can go to the hills of Northern Laos and find people who don't like Israelis.
Please explain how hiring your own people is a bad idea? This is practiced by every culture EXCEPT white men.
Please explain why every fucking """redpilled""" small business owner hires illegal black and brown labor? Is it because he needs to stuff his fat face with even more money so he can get another Porsche?
Dr. William Pierce goes into detail about this EXACT topic on one of his speeches. I'd link it but I can't find the right one.
Do you know who Dr. Pierce is?