What does Sup Forums think of this?
Vile YouTube racist flees to US and puts out the begging bowl after Record exposes him
>art students
it's ALWAYS the art students!
The news doxing him and showing his parents house with the address plate, in a town so small that if you blink, you'll miss it, is pretty much exactly what I expected of the news.
In return, someone will probably dox the reporter, at which point, they will scream that they are being targeted by racists and haters.
Or do you mean the begging bowl? If so, who cares? People can do what they want with their money.
McEwan needs to die.
Kek works in mysterious ways.
>Gimme your shekels now! I need it to support my couchsurfing lifestyle.
He is literally the most harmless guy I've ever listened to, them trying to paint him as evil and dangerous is hilarious
He should have worn a mask and used a voice modifier
Just goes to show the fear mongering of the left if a pasty milquetoast fuck like MW is a target for them
Furthermore, it goes to show that extremism is a meme since anything that doesn't coincide with their ideology is considered extreme and worthy of attack.
he's a cool guy
>Sup Forums is hunting down right wingers now to show everyone it isn't racist
Epic, simply epic
fuck off commie cunt
That wasn't us. A newspaper did it.
he is in the process of being doxxed
Scots are kind of like swedes in terms of how PC they are, he didn't do anything racist because if he actually did his channel would no longer exist.
Keep in mind that SJW (of which "the record" is a SJW publication) call everyone racist.
This is the sjw reporter that did the doxing and labeled the guy all those fake slurs that he didn't bother to back up at all.
this guy should just get a fucking normal job...
oh wait thats going to be difficult now huh
>dox person in article
>remain anonymous yourself
holy shit someone send this place a pipe bomb
I think he is talking about 8pol and how they doxxed TRS
He did the right thing in leaving the UK, but deleting some of his videos and going silent is utterly the wrong thing to do. Now he needs to double down on his video production for financial and moral reasons, he'd start getting a fuck-load more views because of all this publicity too. I hope he gets his green-card sorted so he can leave the Orwellian nanny-state for good.
>deleting some of his videos and going silent is utterly the wrong thing to do
Seems to me like he's sperged out a bit, especially when issuing dmcas to people who've mirrored footage that he's deleted. That coupled with the fact he swiftly left the country really makes me wonder what else went down other than journos and antifa snooping about.
Everyone knows he has clinical depression but throw epilepsy into the mix and you have someone who's a very easy target imo. Makes me sick seeing the way people are portraying the bloke as some sort of monster, laughing at the fact a disabled man still lives with his parents? How noble.
To think these people believe they have the moral high ground. Honestly.
how do you pronounce that, as it is a name? milk-toast or mill-kay-toast?
his dad is a socialist party activist, thus the son is a limp-wristed fag, always picked last for footy.
He set a video to private because spergs "could" insinuate a call to violence.
Spinosauruskin then hunts for it to gain moral highground fence sitter points and them cries foul when it is dmca'd. It was hidden well before spinokin asked after it etc.
I think MW did no wrong in that situation. (and his statement wasn't a call yo violence)
>that article
How is that even considered journalism anymore?
Lots of people post the "Gosh that's clever" meme. Which vid does he say it in?
Reminder that being moderate doesn't get you any leniency. Saying these Jews control the media is the same thing as saying gas all the Jews. You'll be treated the same in either case. You should be as forceful in your rhetoric as possible. Of all the people in the "Alt-Right" Millennial Woes is the most softly spoken and moderate and look where it got him.
That spino is the greasiest little twat I've seen on youtube and I'd love to see the little prick in real life. He's a fucking child and the epitome of a pseudo-intellectual. He's desperate for any dirt he can get on the alt-right to show what a radical (((centrist))) he is.
>Look guys, it's not just low hanging sjw fruit I go after! I cherrypick and scrape the barrel for ambiguous comments which can frame alt right bigots in a negative light as well!
Honestly these cunts are obsessed about 'muh dmcas' and think Woes is shirking from debate, they can't see the bigger picture. It's clear Woes was furiously rushing around in an attempt to stop his life being ruined for having the wrong opinions, as if he gives a fuck about some nobodies getting a dmca when his fucking life's on the line.
>that headline
Holy shit """journalists""" need to be purged
When will brits shut up and sit down
the country is not yours
Well I still think we shouldn't condone violence openly. This is to get more people who are doubtful or alt-light on our side, not to virtue signal to the lefties.
Seriously, alt-light eats this shit up 100% when they find clues that you have never condoned violence, called out to gas the kikes or said anything liberal and create a good shitstorm to trigger the leftie snowflakes.
If alt-light wasn't a thing, I wouldn't care about naming the jew or calling out to gas the kikes either, because lefties have given up on playing it nice about 10 years ago and to virtue signal to them that we are not violent is a pointless pursuit, since they don't believe anything and create their own narrative about us as always, but it's the alt-lite who observes us very closely, takes us literally and tries to counter the lefties "rationally", and we should always give them little chunks of virtue signalling to motivate them and get more of them to drop out of this Sharpio, Milo, Southern, Infowars and McInnes team, and come over to the MW, Spencer, Sup Forums and Evalion team.
That video Woes did with him was unbearable to listen to. Woes couldn't get a word in edgeways, so after a while he just gave up and let Spino pontificate on the nobility of being a centrist who believes in nothing. Then to top it all off, after the video is posted he cherry picks one of the few words Woes is allowed to say, completely misrepresents what Woes said, and outs him as an Ebil Natsy Raycis to all four of his followers. Massive shitcunt, especially as he was a guest on Woes's channel, and then backstabs him afterwards like that.
He didn't really need to leave the UK, the Daily Record is a Scottish thing, he could have just moved to Wales or England, no one here cares enough.
If just for your own safety you should condone violence. Being all wishy-washy makes the enemy go after you like hyenas after a wounded pack animal. Being forceful, hard and uncompromising in your idealism scares them away because you are sending out messages that you're ready to die and there's nothing they can do to hurt you.
>Leaving your homeland because you revealed your powerlevel.
Patriotism really is dead.
Honestly had no idea who the cunt was and what points he had to make other than not agreeing with Woes. He came across as a child.
The (((sceptic))) community is pure cancer, people will slowly wake up to it. I enjoyed Sargon in 2014/15 when this thing was novel and normies were finally taking the fight to the SJWs, but the bandwagon of cunts offering nothing other than critique is becoming nauseating. They stand for fucking nothing. Scepticism should be a quality you employ, not an idea to live your life by; it's fucking hollow.
I think I'm going to go p*trol b*omb the daily record, fucking cunts. Or just chuck acid in the face of that cunt McEwan.
110 iq retard. It's race not some historic old narcissist rulers decisions and legacy that's important
>Being forceful, hard and uncompromising in your idealism scares them away because you are sending out messages that you're ready to die and there's nothing they can do to hurt you.
not a smart move to expose your powerlevel when they outnumber you or have the authorities at their side
if estonians have learned everything from their centuries of being occupied and now being independent, it's that you should pretend to be docile and obedient, but in your heart dream of uncucking yourself, and biding time to strike the enemy when they make a mistake, one by one, weakening them, until they lose their shit and attack you, and that is when you reveal your power and crush them.
we have to be tactical, we have the duty to be, because the alt-lite looks up to us for being the main driving force in this meme war, and being clever about this wins us more alt-lite support amongst the normies, and converts from the alt-lite, which is the only way to ever see the day of the rope.
Alan McEwan? This will be why today's record article is just attributed to 'record reporter'?
Is that McEwan?
kek. It all makes sense. Dad's name and address?
who's the next unemployed nazi wannabe to be totally wrecked, after evalion and now this loser? rofl
>he is in the process of being doxxed
He's going to have heroin planted on him during an arrest
Woes has the support of the police. Hence the 3 minute response time.
1/10 back to the oven with you, you're not done yet.
I can't remember what was said exactly, but someone wrote in the comments section to one of Woes's videos that people who call themselves a "Sceptic" are just LARPing as an 18th Century Enlightnement philosopher and have no ideas or ideals of their own to offer anyone else. They are just unintelligent people trying their best to seem intelligent to their peers, and are a completely negative force, since they don't actually say what should be done to prevent bad things from happening in the future, just that things are bad now.
It's a good starting point, and I won't be too critical since I'm sure most of us were at this point before as we migrated further to the right, but if people consider themselves as "Sceptics" for anything longer than a year or two at the very most, then I have to question what their motives are other than being a generic whinging contrarian.
she is alive and well, she tweets almost every day and did an AMA a month ago
What happens when the charity runs out? Is he really a legitimate fugitive in the eyes of the law in Scotland?
>Millennial Woes
he dislikes totalitarianism
Isn't he one of those oppressed by the girlies MRA spergs?
i would just delete my account and be like what videos
>It's a good starting point
I'm with you, I've redpilled people with sceptic content as it's accessible as fuck. I'm not even saying it's a bad thing but it seems to have morphed into perhaps an atheism+ style scenario. These people have been pushing back against the left and have constantly been called racists and nazis despite being anything but. Now with Brexit, Trump & the rise of the Alt-Right they're having to prove they're not "right wing" and in doing so are going out of their way to try and equate the Alt-Right as being a mirror image of SJWs (muh horseshoe theory).
I'm going to assume you caught his hangout with Morgoth not long ago, they did a good job of discussing it, if not it's worth a watch. Same goes with Edgy Sphinx actually, he offered some good analysis of the whole thing.
Yeah. Listened to him talk with sargon for 4 hours. The guy is tame. He has unpopular ideas but they are expressed casually and subjectively. Thats exactly why theyre going after him, he is an accessible white nationalist for a normal person to hear and be swayed.
Saw his home and address posted on twitter a few days ago.
>but if people consider themselves as "Sceptics" for anything longer than a year or two at the very most, then I have to question what their motives are
Being skeptical is a fundamental view of information gathering and processing. You don't ever stop being skeptical. There is no need to.
Information is only as valid as it can be proven to be, and everything is potentially trumped by better evidence.
There's nothing "contrarian" at all in skepticism. You don't seem to understand it at all.
gtk rwn
You're missing the point, or perhaps are unaware of the sceptic "community".
>Being skeptical is a fundamental view of information gathering and processing. You don't ever stop being skeptical. There is no need to.
That's the point - it should be a given really, not your sole ideology (if you could even call it one). These people are offering nothing other than empty critique, they have no opinions or solutions, just bland, empty scepticism.
I feel sad for him. Poor guy
Yeah, both videos had great insight on this.
I'm referring to the so-called Sceptics of Sargon, Spino, Kraut and Tea etc etc. not the word "Sceptic" itself. We're all "Sceptics" in one way or another, no-one on this planet has no doubts about anything. The Sceptics that I was referring to make the mistake of doubting just about EVERYTHING that could be considered to the left wing POV or the right. They are contrarian for contrarians sake as they have no ideas of their own to offer, so they just attack what other groups have to say and go "there, that's enough to make a video with" and thats that. When they're in conversation with people on the alt-right the only thing they do is "Well what about this, isn't this thing the same thing SJW's want, just with a different name???" and that's as far as things go.
I'm not saying don't ever listen to these videos. They're useful as entry-level guides to what is wrong with the left. But now they're focused their iro on the right, it's clear that they have no solutions to what the left is doing, they just want to criticize and offer nothing themselves. It's stagnant.
poor lad, he is such a sensibile and creative truthseeking soul like this strugling artist
Why tar a valid way of thinking because some idiots misuse it?
>not part sheep
*ire sorry, not iro
and this user summed it up much better than I did. It's just a fancy name for having no views themselves other than opposition to certain things.
stay safe M DubZZ, well hook you up
The thing about them is they don't have ideals and mindlessly pull things down like toddlers pulling vases off shelves so all the other toddlers laugh and think they are the coolest toddler.
That subway video had me cracking with laughter. He doesn't post a video for ages, then all of a sudden that one pops up and he's in the ghetto wearing gangsta clothing and talking about train seats.
All the comments below were like: "Damn, Woes has seen some mad shit".
The video: youtube.com
He kind of exposed himself though
>Showed his face
>Made his points
But the fucking record made it so people NATIONWIDE could beat him up
Nice Jewnornism
It's not the media you need to be concerned with since they are predictable, but you should still stay truthful in case a third person is listening for a chance to red-pill them.
Sceptic is shorthand for these people atm, I agree with you but in the context of this thread we're talking about this niche group of youtube (((sceptics))) and not scepticism in general.
Sorry for the confusion, but if anything it tells you everything you need to know about these people. They feel so smug, smart and superior because they're such hardcore, radical (((sceptics))) who're above us ideologues.
>when you believe all the mra/mgtow memes
Spot on. It's a circle-jerk about how alternative to the mainstream they are while offering no actual insight into what the mainstream should be instead.
Maybe I'm being far too harsh, but I got fed up after a while of all talk no action. Yes we KNOW blm activists are absurd and the media is a lazy shitfest, so what are we going to do about it? I don't want to know about how stupid a feminist is in a rising octave voice and with words increasing pulled out of a thesaurus to make you look clever. It's old-hat. Stale.
>he's in the ghetto wearing gangsta clothing and talking about train seats.
it reminds me of those hip hop videos from the 90s, really wu-tang vibe there. his leather jacket looks horrible
He should've stabbed the fucks that showed up on his doorstep to death
Dox the reporter
Dox the reporter's family
Burn it all down
love his cargo pants and oversized leather jacket combo. Need a better look at his autism shoes though...
rumoour has it that he escaped in the secret RWDS Hydeout owned by MDE100%Real mafia
its very romantic look
Woes-Chic will be in-vogue imminently, mark my words. While the fascists had blackshirts and the commies had red scarfs, our movement shall proudly don the purple shirts and leather jackets of the Haggis Vanguard.
Well played. I am larfin
Time to buy shares in Coca Cola and Lambert and Butler?
Pepsi and Marlboro are in for a rude awakening.
That would be fucking awesome. I wonder if Woes and Sam would get along, I'd be worried about Sam bullying him :\
The Woes aesthetic is the master aesthetic.
The green of Kek & the purple of Woes will provide us with our daily dose.
It's the look of a man that says to the world "Yes I may look like an eggplant or a ripe grape, but if it's good enough for the Byzantines, it's good enough for me" (in a Edinburgh accent of corsh)
Imagine the power levels reached with the Woes and Kek aesthetic.
OMIGOD he's a raycist! Raycists are EVIL! Time to kill him like the subhuman he is because He's RAYCIST!
Exactly why the doxxing is the worst move they could have done. Woes has gained 2,000 subs in the past 3 days because of it.
Shitlibs always go after easy targets who can't fight back. It's what really pisses me off about them. They dare to claim to be heroic when all they're doing is bullying the weak.
Yeah I thought this would happen, Woes is going to blow up .
Thats why i subscribed yesterday
>Woes is going to blow up
Christ, he's not joined ISIS has he?
Of coursh he didint, fuckin' jocka