Junkies - The Malignant Tumor on Society

How the fuck are we supposed to deal with people actively pursuing their own failure?

They threaten and beat up people, prostitute themselves, rob and kill; and that's just to get the money to use.

Once they are on it they are liable to do anything and sometimes think they can do anything.

They breed into the culture/lifestyle and create a sub-society to suit. They want you and your children to be part of it so they have another vessel to leech off of.

>Also, this thread isn't about weed, potheads are irritating and most are no-hopers but they usually aren't a threat.

Very low percentage of population is this way. Negligible. Legalize all drugs, problem solved. Lots of funds freed. Use to either help them or let them die off.

Junkies are mentally ill and addicted, they can be reformed.

I heard Switzerland has these government-run heron clinics where they keep people on controlled dosages but taper them off eventually

I doubt this can work in the US but it seems to remove the money stealing habit junkies have where they'll steal from their mom and perform sex acts and such for cash

You ever been around methheads?
They'll flatten your nose just for saying hi while walking past, some even just for looking up.

Of course, not all of them will. but not all rapists will rape my sister, that doesn't mean I would want her to be in a society with them.

Drug addiction is only a real problem because society is so broken. A broken society produces people who are themselves broken to the extent that sticking a needle up their arm starts to look like a good idea.

Fix society and you fix almost all drug addiction

This. There's no reason in a free society to cage people for personal drug use.

Pics of sisters feet?

name a time and place, ever, where society has been 'fixed'

Tossing drug dealers out of the helicopters Duterte style.

shut up dumb cunt i wager you havnt seen a junkie when hes gotten on, theyre fucking placid af, you shouldve seen paramatta in the 90s man

if youre talking about meth though yeah fuck that noise

my mother is a meth addict and was a meth dealer for a lot of my childhood

destroyed her mouth and made her a degenerate child neglecting whore

my uncle is also a meth addict. he's missing his front teeth and once accused me of being a secret agent. he says he's constantly being spied on. im not making that up.

Cut it with more fentanyl, the problem will solve itself

GL cutting ice with fent m8 unless its speed and no one buys that shit when crystal is so readily available

>hurr stop countersignalling no punching to the right NOT ALL

Kill drug dealers. The fuck is so complicated about this type of shit?

No dumbass. Not the cops... YOU. Yes you. Grab a gun, find a dealer and kill.

I know some speed freaks who are cool but theres always some that just turn in to fuckwits and you never can tell who it'll be til it happens.

one of my mates was committed, while in there they did MRI's and there was a smudge on it and he thinks they implanted a chip. he also thinks all electronics are spy gear monitoring us. he's an ex fiend

easy, give them access to drugs so they don't frequently fall into the medical condition of "drug seeking behavior".

then you will see they don't really do much harm to society, but are still pretty worthless slobs.


We have lots of alcoholics here in Estonia, for example, but most of them are older people, while every younger generation drinks and smokes less.

I think a good way to solve degeneracy is not exactly war on drugs (heck, we should decriminalize pot actually, I don't give a fuck) but the media and the culture that openly promotes hedonism and degeneracy.

Government should in my opinion should more keep an eye on the advertisement and the media. We should promote more healthy lifestyle, straight nuclear-family couples and family-oriented stuff.

Teenagers who want "muh rebellion and punk rock" in their media and entertainment can go and kill themselves, because mass media that isn't actively promoting white nationalism and healthy lifestyles is absolutely useless.

Ah yes, the classic tried and true Duterte Method

a recent poll I read said that people seeking help with cutting ice use had increased 80% in only one year

it sort of reminds me of the stories of LA in the late sixties, they were all about flower power and smoking weed, by 1970 they were more into speed.
doesn't take long and i'm not implying pot is a gateway drug
part of the "gateway drug" thing may be due to it being illegal and so if you want to buy pot you have to go to a criminal, and some criminals do more than one crime

law enforcement undertaken without legal authority by a self-appointed group of people.

kek at thinking this would actually work. either you'll kill a bunch of peaceful hippie kids or else get BTFO by Tyrone and his crew while fumbling around with your concealed carry holster

it's kind of a fact these days indeed that older people used to be more degenerate in their youth than young people now, and it's gonna be millenials and Gen Z who have to fix this shit society and make traditional values cool again

Deal with it like this guy

Sounds similar to methadone clinics here in the states. They don't work because the clinics profit off of their 'patients' and never actually ween them off of it. Theyre just trading one addiction for another.

Give them free drugs so they don't have to steal your shit. It's cheaper and the problem will solve itself.
Just make drugs legal and we will not have these problems.

Men who have an instantaneous negative reaction to masculinity are either closet fags, or californian brown minorities. Both share the same reactions.

Dude looks like a monkey and acts like a monkey.
If life was good for everyone there would be no reason to use drugs that fuck your health. These people have very little reason to live. That's why they are using drugs. Why would you want to punish these people?
The problem will fucking vanish if you are only dealing with the symptoms and not the problem itself.

Meg Ryan really let herself go huh

You just go to Sup Forums to get your fix.

funnily enough since being here I have quit pot, cigarettes and alcohol
haven't touched anything in over two years, used to be my whole life

Are you finished talking to yourself? you made up a fake story, then argued it back to yourself. Are you a foreigner in Finland? Because white people don't think like you.

>I have LARP power fantasies because I'm a manly man.

No, you aren't. You're an edgy basement dwelling faggot.

Italy under Mussolini, pre ww2

>covered up the fact he's an ex pill junkie, scapegoats druggies then turns to china because USA says vigilantism is bad. ironically the ones who ship the drugs in (mostly crystal) are the chinese them-fucking-selves

This guy is a moron. He's not a genius. Just a moron. The traffickers are all chinese.

He only got elected because the average Filipino is completely ignorant about drugs.

Not surprising canada instantly reacts negativity to masculinity. Do you honestly believe the noise coming from your pseudo-vagina prevents anything?

Duterte is based, you cuck. He is actually trying to improve a desperate situation in his country by extreme measures, instead of going to the west and asking for gibs. We should support that bold man, not mock him.

And yeah, junkies don't care about themselves, but quite honestly, if the environment around them enables them to relapse, and in fact even encourages them to be a junkie, then we have failed as a society. We cannot have a functioning society when it's a norm that junkies are out in the open, among us, and glorified in the media and entertainment.

most drug violence revolves around the difficulty of acquiring drugs and the resulting anxiety, depression and anger.
most of these people are mentally ill, and we know this because there are people who can function on drugs.
drugs bring out the mental illness in people because weak people cannot handle drugs as well
if drugs were legal we could simply arrest these people for the crimes that they commit while on drugs or during withdrawals.
a free individual should be allowed to ingest whatever substance he desires, be it food or poison
free men have the right to die how they so choose
take the money used to investigate drug users and put it towards mental health programs
this does work in other countries and actually reduces overall drug use
the usa will never do it though
we have too large of a military industrial complex
we have too many people employed by the fight of the war on drugs
there will have to be an economic incentive for the government to make drugs legal that outweighs firing all the fine men and women of the DEA and many from customs and the FBI.
it is sad because the USA could be so much better for everyone if we did this
blame the government leeches that make money off prosecuting people for ingesting substances
the government owns you.
that's why you don't have the right to die.

You're a faggot.

>tfw no eesti gf

>yes master duterte tag team us with chinese communist party

he's a monkey. i swear he's trying to control the drug trade. he's a third world thug, nothing more. and i hate druggies.

no finn, you must have a nigress gf now, it's the current year

Always remember fag, attitude is no substitute for intelligence.


>Some people use guns in a way that negatively impacts society, so lets make guns illegal
>128 dead in Paris
>he actually thinks making something illegal fixes the problem

Is this common in Australia? I used to live above a heroin/meth den and the last thing the junkies want is attention. In fact most in the UK are like this. They shuffle around with hoods up trying not to bring attention to themselves

They look like women in the eyes. Rare in Seattle, Wa.

I live in Sarnia, Ontario probably the worst places in the world for opiate addiction. One of my best friends, a AAA hockey star with a bright future died from mixing coke and oxycodone at a party.

When the prevailing drug on the streets was oxy's, it was mostly in the 80mg pill form which is strictly for people with extreme pain AND built up tolerance. Most doctors might prescribe that strength once or twice in their entire career, yet they were on the streets everywhere easily available in mass quantity.

After they finally proved Oxy's are too addictive and should never have been allowed on the market, they swept in with the latest opiate, Fentanyl. Nothing changed, they merely switched from pills to a gel in a patch.

The big question remains: how does such a highly regulated, seldom prescribed opiate get on the streets en masse??? I think it's obviously the factories dumping it directly into the black market personally.

Goddamn, those are some ugly bitches.

>Viking rape babies

I can see how we bought the good looking ones with us back home

Lol look at this SJW retard.

>waaaah life is so unfair society is broken society is forcing me to shoot meth up my arm

Get fucked cunt.

Yeah, usually they are trying to keep to themselves but they do fly off the handle easily and seemingly over trivial nothingness.
they do hang out at the methadone clinics and when they are in groups they sometimes start acting like they own the place and start shit if you don't have a spare smoke or a dollar

>how does such a highly regulated, seldom prescribed opiate get on the streets en masse???

that is a good question, I am able to get painkillers (I don't because they hide the pain, don't heal it) and a friend asked me a couple of times to sell him them if I got them.
still even if heaps of patients did that, that isn't enough for the demand out there

>Be me
>Witness death of 5yo sibling
>I was 18yo
>Start using heroin
>Spend 8 years committing crime etc etc
>get sick of it
>go to rehab for 1 year
>never touched drugs again
>now, run own business, married (White girl), 1 baby on its way
>no regrets

thx desu, cannot really imagine living in Seattle, other burgers told me there are lots of SJW's there

just average women from a single province, but the irony is that soon you guys will become rapebabies in the west and we will not

>go to rehab for 1 year
did you live in a place?
do they have them?

good on you hey, that's great

mein kek

You destroy it in my country like this

>End methadone clinics (For Good)
>Build my fucking wall!
>Stop focusing on bud and put all resources
to heroin and cocaine.
>End "Big Pharm" from making the shit that leads people to it (Will never happen unless bud is legalized)

With NO supply people WILL get over it....they will be forced to get over it as there will be NO crutch to fall back on with methadone or oxys.

*Problem Solved* Start at the worst of the worst then work your way down to the next level ie; Heroin--------> Cocaine/Crack--------->Crystal Meth--------->Pills.

yeah lived there, most users/junkies are fuckwits.
some like me used drugs to check out of life for a bit

Good on ya.

It all comes in from China and is cut in California. Once it's through the ports no one ever gets caught. (((They))) were behind the formation of pill mills that started this shit but not the current epidemic. This epidemic is being caused by free market capitalism.

You reopen the opium dens where they are free to overdose, die and be removed.

My brother in law was a junkie and saved by a literal miracle.

He had a demon. An actual demon.

He was born again and baptized, then went home and shot up meth.

He broke out in boils all over his skin. Doctor said he had some bad shit... but it was from the same stash that he had already been shooting on the regular.

He got kicked out of rehab after 2 days, and called my sister. She was going to drop him off at his mom's house in Georgia. She was done.

He stopped to pray at the sanctuary along the private road heading to the rehab center, while he waited for my sister.

When she arrived she said he was glowing, like his skin went from near death like a sick junky, to a bronze hue. He was glowing. She said he was sweaty, but he didn't have the withdrawal symptoms at all. The Lord my God took that away from him.

That was over a year ago. And after being a junkie for several years he has been totally clean and active in the church.

2 years ago I had purchased special Hornady hollow point to kill him with if he ever stepped foot on my mother's property again.

He's a changed man through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Exactly the math doesn't make sense, especially where I live which is like 72,000 people (negative growth most people try to leave) and somehow these drugs are incredibly easy to get. I could get them as easy as pot. It's really hard for me to not hate junkies living in this city, but I really hate whoever the cunts are at the top of this shit pyramid corrupting innocent lives.

China solved this problem in the early 20th century.

They executed drug addicts rather than dealers.

That could explain why my city has so much of it despite our low population.. we are on a major shipping/trucking hub at the St. Clair River in Port Huron. The presence of "Chemical Valley" is an easy mask for the extremely high traffic of freight ships.

I don't believe you've ever met a meth head in your entire life. In fact I doubt you talk to people in general.

Did you say junkies?

that's how I feel as well, they are fucked but the cunts pushing are the real assholes

my cousins mate sells ice and he gets these professional thieves (that's what he calls them) to take power tools from Bunnings

he got a Makita drill that costs $300 for 2 points, that costs him like $100
they rock up all the time trying to trade shit they steal for drugs
i'm talking to you, but seriously I was raised by them. they're everywhere

Continue to tell children and teens that harmful drugs are not worth it.

Bring back stable, healthy, wholesome family units to keep people from growing up to be degenerates

Rehabilite these druggies and don't let them back on the streets until they are clean as can be. If they reoffend, lock them up for good (well, maybe a chance for parole if they keep clean again)

Think that about covers the non-edgy ways.

>solved this problem

>Continue to tell children and teens that harmful drugs are not worth it

We already do that

>bring back stable healthy family units

Wholeheartedly agree

>Rehabilite these druggies and don't let them back on the streets until they are clean as can be. If they reoffend, lock them up for good (well, maybe a chance for parole if they keep clean again)

This is where I disagree. They still have rights you can't just lock them up for that. It just doesn't work.

Hence why I said continue to.
Of course you can lock them up for that. This is how it works... you change the law. And you let them know that once they are on the streets again they keep clean or they go back for good (but like I said chance for parole for extremely good conduct).

I don't see what right would be broken after all those chances.

pooinloopharmacy dotcom et al.

However, having friends who've tried to import similar things, diazes and so on, this stuff gets picked up at the border by customs easily if you're just a regular yokel. More so if you're talking about opiates, especially in non-trivial quantities.

More importantly, pooinloo pharma tends to be obviously generic stuff, often of doubtful quality. There's still a lot of authentic, made-in-the-west quality stuff that gets around on the street.

Basically, if companies can and do launder guns, oil and narcotics, pharmaceuticals are absolutely nothing in comparison. That's how junkies get this shit.

Pharma will sell it to a shell company abroad and then sell it to another, and then give it to a foot soldier to give it to a junky. Lots of points of profit along the way.

Nobody wants to be a drug addict. Punishing them just hurts the most vulnerable in society.

I am here to remind you that there is desire to escape from brutish reality within every single person.

no there isn't

don't kid yourself mate, there are plenty of junkies who are junkies for life, they knew before through parents etc what was install for them and do it anyway.

Junkies are the worst of the worst. I have several in my family. two relatives died recently of long suffering diseases. In both cases my relative-junkies stole their pain medications as they laid in beds dying. One was my Grandfather, the center of the family. The other was one of the junkies own mothers. One of these junkies recently lost a leg due to shooting up in his foot and infecting his bone there. He continues to shoot up in his other foot. He and his wife do not have a single tooth in their mouths combined. Another junkie relative has been in prison twice for his addiction-driven crimes, has been raped violently in prison, and prostitutes himself AND his wife to Mexicans and Blacks and white trash for their next fix. Junkies deserve to be put out of their own misery. Im fed up up with them. Stealing my Grandpas pain meds was the final straw. Im 100% okay with public executions of repeat offender junkies. You get one chance at rehab then its a bullet to the head. Fucking disgusting people without souls.

I agree that I exaggerate. Not every single one, yeah sorry, that's my belief. Do you really think that majority of human population is okay with how things are?

exactly true

nice sermon


>Punishing them just hurts the most vulnerable in society.

so punishing them hurts cripple kids how?

Fucking comedian.
China has no addicts, right?

They easily ship out at least half the world production of meth.

THINK before posting.

Kill drug dealers and drug users.
No more supply and demand.

stralia's fucking retarded drug problem pisses me off to no end. there's 16 year old white kids with well off families smoking meth like a fucking party drug

>kill all drug users and drug dealers!
>kill all alcoholics!
>kill all smokers!
>kill all energy drinks addicts!


free governemnt drug centers where they give junkies free drugs and also offer addiction treatment if they want it. It's the only solution that actually makes sense.


>What happened to me personally must be true universally.