What fucking timeline are we a part of?

What fucking timeline are we a part of?

The global hierarchy is falling like dominoes because of a few neckbeards on Sup Forums.

>a few neckbeards

You're giving yourselves far too much credit

Shoulda given us a job

This is fake news Sup Forums had nothing to do with this leak

>What fucking timeline are we a part of?
the best one

Shouldn't you be serving lunch to all the muslim refugees?

Can anyone refute the fact that the timeline isn't adding up for Sup Forums to have been responsible?

The user said he gave it to many journalists. Why does everyone think it was Rick Wilson?

crisis is over.

It depends. When did Rick Wilson insult Trump's followers?

Keep it up and Sup Forums's going to get BLACKED by the intelligence agencies.

Can you refute Sup Forums having access to time travel? It would really explain a lot.

This is worth reading until the end, trust me.

>June 20 at the latest
What archive did the CIA give this turd access to in order to prove that?

The same intelligence agencies that bought Trump's piss party with no evidence?


I shaved my :^(

What are the odds Trump gives all Muzzies in America 24 hours to leave?

They will have at least several weeks. Trump isn't Hitler

>no one could ever put a fake date on a document

To eliminate all Muzzies, we would have to eliminate 20% of the white enablers population as well.

so progressive.

If you were writing a document in Nov would you date it for November or back-date it a bit to maybe July?

Hitler gave them years.

Look up Madagascar Plan and related information. There are also other similar projects I don't recall the names of right now.

>bong claims to have submitted the info pretending to be mI6 while using their keys
>CIA report claims their source is a mI6 agent with an extensive network in Europe

I don't want to believe it because the bong didn't have proof, but damn.