Sup Forums I think I figured out how alternate timelines and realities are happening. The reports of forgotten memories, alternate timelines, and other phenomena began around 2009. This was the year that testing began on the Large Hadron Collider.
If the theory of black holes as they relate to space/time is correct, then it's entirely feasible that CERN has been inadvertently opening parallel times and realities with their testing.
Granted, many of the changes are small, but significant. This is consistent with the relatively small scale of CERN's tests. Unfortunately, we can't know for sure when some of the larger changes (Mandela dying in prison, the portrait of Henry VIII disappearing, etc) took place, but it's entirely probable that these changes occured around the time that CERN was running larger tests.
But it doesn't stop there. I have found very plausible evidence that CERN testing may have a direct relation to Meme Magic