Why do you actually believe you trolled the CIA?

"Sup Forums Claims It Invented the Trump Golden Showers Story
The forum alleged an anonymous user invented Tuesday’s bombshell about Donald Trump and Russian prostitutes—and then passed it onto a Republican operative. But there’s a weak stream of proof."

> There are no details in the post, which is archived here, about what was allegedly told to Wilson—simply that the user purportedly gave him fake information. It also doesn’t explain how this would have gotten to intelligence agencies.
> Wilson’s access to a shocking Donald Trump story had been flaunted by himself and others many weeks before the Sup Forums post. Wilson himself had been publicly pronouncing that a bombshell involving Trump was set for imminent release a month before the election, even going so far as to say that it could end the race.

One doesn't need to be a Daily Beast Libtard to see that the Sup Forums post from November contains zero proof that anyone wrote a story about golden showers and piss play.

Where is the real evidence, guys?

Other urls found in this thread:


Sup Forums isn't one person

>Where is the real evidence, guys?

After they passed on publishing this story, this is what the rest of the MSM is asking Buzzfeed and CNN at this point.

quit pretending, hacker

Again pseudo nippon. Go "teach" some japs subhuman traitor

>Daily Beast
>Washington Times

You've been at this all night. Why don't you tell us who you are?

Eh, there's more there than that.

Post it links to right before that post talks about an orgy secret sextape, which the buzzfeed report is claiming russia made.

What's wrong about golden showers?

>stream of proof

> orgy sextape

There were plenty of sextape rumors when people were speculating about threats of a November Surprise.

I am not sure about how you usually engage in sex with females, but if I had a tape of chicks pissing all over a guy, a bed, and a hotel room, I wouldn't be calling it the "orgy tape."

I trust Sup Forums's autism more than the MSM.

I just hate our intelligence community because they're retarded. Just look at this society. Look what they've done. They're so fucking inept and pathetic it is beyond the pale. They deserve no respect, no tax dollars. They're literally homosexual mental cases and I'm fucking sick of it.

>t. Eigo Sensei

I just got home from work an hour ago. Night just started here.

But I had been checking threads every few hours while at work, trying to find evidence to back up posts of people saying "we trolled them" - still haven't seen anything.

Hell, half the people posting seem to believe the hentai anime screencap, which isn't even in the buzzfeed document.

Unless the MSM start hiring some autists they'll never make a comeback.

Sup Forums archives, Japan

Which post?

This? ( archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/95568919/#95571329 )

That doesn't tell us anything. Some guy said he lied to Rick Wilson, and the lie had been combined with accusations of Russian spying.

Is our memory so short that we forgot that in October/November the media was full of stories alleging Russian support for Trump, and stories about Trump trying to sexually assault women?

I just don't see anything substantial showing that Sup Forums came up with the piss story.


I'm just waiting for the US citizenry led by trump to form a new government independent of the existing one that starts out with voluntary enrollment and ends with expulsion of those refusing to join lol
literally crowdfund a govt (the original crowdfund)

Checked. I doubt the MSM will employ autists because the MSM does not deal in fact and detail.

There is circumstantial evidence against Trump in these reports. Likely carefully pruned and framed innuendo. This shit was intentionally added to be exposed as a fake story by the right to undermine the good name of our truthful media. Trumps supporters and the right will be framed as villains because they used trickery and manipulation to obfuscate our fearless progressive government and cultural authorities.

You guys don't get it. You aren't wrong. They are scumbags that manipulate information but that is NOT how this will be presented. Podesta/DNC/Hillary emails exposed them as frauds and scum. But that's not important because they were victimized and undermined by it.

You guys need to be realistic about shit and stop assuming they will viciously devour their own because of some pol prank. These are not the apes who march on the street or post on tumblr. This is a fucking fraternity that will NEVER permit a narrative they can't control.

I'm sorry pol. I know how bad we want to beat these people into a "JUST" moment. It didn't happen with Trump. It will not happen with this.

There is none this is damage control to make daddy look better

LoL@Sup Forums again claiming something that hasn't originated from here. You neckbeards live in your hypothalamus-triggered fantasy land too much.

Anime is Chinese cartoons?

>Globalists start hiring NEETs and pay them in money and gfs
>a NEET civil war begins

Sup Forums is filled with faggot fake USA flag posters. Probably 50%+ proxy shills

Its so cringy.

I'm sure you just got off work in Okinawa, fuck stick.

If you need proof then where is the proof of the allegations that document claims?

Oh wait. Fuck you.

Nov 1 is the day after Mother Jones quoted the first paragraph of the report:

Why would Trump be into piss play when he is a well known germophobe?

This guy killed buzzfeed


Amazing that they're more skeptical that this was a Sup Forums troll than that it was an honest to god event that happened despite not a single shred of evidence to validate the claim.

It doesn't matter whether we did or not. We destroyed the credibility of the report. That's all that matters.

> If you need proof then where is the proof of the allegations that document claims?

> Oh wait. Fuck you.

??? The document has zero evidence behind it. It's unverified. So it has nothing to back up its claims.

Likewise, there is zero credible evidence backing up the claim that Sup Forums came up with the piss story and fed it to the CIA/FBI.

Both are pretty much garbage claims, but people on Sup Forums are completely swallowing the unproven claim that Sup Forums was "trolling" the CIA or the MSM.

A couple vague posts from November doesn't prove that Sup Forums users were behind this.

There's an earlier reference.


>I just don't see anything substantial showing that Sup Forums came up with the piss story.

It's not Sup Forums, it's one guy who boasted about it on Sup Forums. But whether or not he specifically did it or not is not really the point. All this illustrates is that the report in question has absolutely ZERO evidence and there's no more substantial evidence that it came from a British intelligence officer than that it came from a random nerd on Sup Forums. The only reason such ridiculous, unfounded allegations were taken seriously by anyone is because they concerned Donald Trump. It's FAKE NEWS at its very core.

Where is the proof it started before November/October?

Well the report is obviously a fucking joke soo..

>CNN voted least trustworthy news outlet
>MSM news only trusted by

>report openly says these are unverified claims with no evidence
>Sup Forums: we did this, here's the timeline, here's some screenshots from 2016 saying we sent the dossier. I mean, screenshots can be faked but here is at least something to back up our claims

I mean, the first fake story is fine because it fits the narrative, right guys?

The fact you think that story is real is hilarious.

We must become the jews of we are ever to survive. It won't belong now. They shall initiate a purge to exterminate us.

Yes, I have seen this many times today.

There is nothing in that that suggests this piss fan fiction was written by somebody on Sup Forums.

Some random user said he fed Rick Wilson some lies about a Trump scandal.

Some people speculated it could be a sex tape.

At a time when there were numerous rumors of tapes about to be released. The MSM was launching an all-out attack on Trump with two main narratives:

1) Russia is helping Trump

2) Trump abuses women

It's no surprise that, among millions of Sup Forums posts that were made during that time period, there was a lot of speculation about sex tapes and about how the MSM was stupid for blaming Russia.

But there is nothing - absolutely nothing - in that pic of yours that shows Sup Forums was behind this specific document or the pissgate story.

The document, as I have written already, is pretty damn fake looking. The piss story is ridiculous.

But where is the evidence that somebody from Sup Forums created this piss story?

>It also doesn’t explain how this would have gotten to intelligence agencies.

Yeah 'cause Sup Forums totally isn't monitored

>There is nothing that suggests
You understand the difference between suggests, and proves, right?

Oh right, you're the retard who thinks this story is real XD

There is nothing in that screenshot indicating that this specific dossier came from Sup Forums.

It just takes some vague statements about feeding Rick Wilson lies about a scandal, and mentions how somebody added Russian involvement to the rumor.

This was happening when the MSM had aired the pussy tape, was claiming there were a dozen women accusing Trump of sexually assaulting them, and was claiming that Russia was backing Trump.

>Where is the real evidence, guys?

You can't really ask for counter-evidence until you've been provided with asserting evidence first.

Everybody knows we need the emails / etc to actually *prove* it retard.

Insinuating that there is no reason to believe it coulda come from Sup Forums or even worse, that the report is true, just makes you like like a faggot.

> you're the retard who thinks this story is real XD

Somebody would have to be a retard to think that your screecap convincingly proves that somebody on Sup Forums is behind the pissgate story.

If somebody was going to go through the trouble of setting up fake twitter accounts and cultivating them for months, I would at least expect them to "leak" a believable story to Rick Wilson. The Russian hotel piss story is beyond ridiculous.

There probably wont be any proof of who did it, but we do know some here were trying to fuck with them, and they got fucked with. Thats as much as there is to it.

The fact that the user said they added a russian spy angle to it after the msm used an excerpt from this exact document pushing the russian spy angle is quite suggestive.

People on Sup Forums are making the extraordinary claim that an user made up this specific piss scandal story, and they don't have any evidence that shows that to be true.

I am not asking for counter-evidence. I am asking for evidence.

Sup Forumslacks have gone back and tried to find some posts that are so vague that they could "prove" almost any claim. That isn't evidence of anything.

Oh theres at least one meme hidden in the document where Donald Trump screams to Putin "You've gotta go back".

50% of asian posters here are CIA/Hillary shills

Enjoy your pizza while it lasts


wait, the evidence for what, exactly?


prove what, exactly?

It doesn't prove anything.

It suggests it.

You claimed there was no suggestion.

Were you even on this board back in November? The MSM and anti-Trump people were adding a Russian spy angle to EVERYTHING.

>People on Sup Forums are making the extraordinary claim that an user made up this specific piss scandal story, and they don't have any evidence that shows that to be true.

Claim: Donald Trump went to the Russian hotel and found out which bed Michelle and Barack slept in so that he could pay hookers to piss in it.
Counter-Claim: A Sup Forums shitposter made up the story to fuck with desperate media.

There is no evidence for the Claim, and a Claim with no evidence can be met with a Counter-Claim of equal evidence. They're of equal validity at this point.

You cannot demand MORE evidence from a Counter-Claim than the Claim itself offers.

Evidence that the pissgate story is from Sup Forums or pol.

This desu senpai, Niptard is sperging out like anyone gives a shit.

I b-leaf in you.

Will there be a golden shower at the inauguration?

Seriously though, why is McCain doing this? Is there still a strong anti-Trump opposition within the republicans?

That's not the point I'm making, dingus. They used an excerpt from this document on Oct.31, on Nov.1 the user said that the document he fabricated had been used and altered. Unless the people really wanted to keep user updated on their fraud he had to have seen that somewhere in the news, identifying his own forgery.

> They're of equal validity at this point.

Thanks for recognizing that there is no evidence behind the claim that Sup Forums created pissgate.

>doesn't realize we've been fucking saying that this whole time, reverts to assuming he's still correct without evidence.

What excerpt, dingus?

You realize that this document could have been written after November 1st, and could have used that "excerpt" as part of its fake intelligence report, right? Given the evidence available right now, that is just as likely.


Uh, yeah, that's what I said. No one knows if user's story was the pissgate story because there's no indicators.

This is irrelevant since it is a Counter-Claim to a non-substantiated Claim.

thegatewaypundit.com/2017/01/fake-news-buzzfeed-cnn-fall-trump-piss-story-Sup Forums-prank/

Gib anime.

> This is irrelevant

It is not irrelevant if half this board and all of the_D are acting like Sup Forums was obviously behind pissgate.

You and I may agree that both the document and the counter-claim from Sup Forums have no credible evidence behind them. That doesn't stop the fact that there are tons of Trump supporters who are parroting the Sup Forums line and actually believe it.

The evidence are old posts and Rick Wilson admitting he knew about it and indirectly admitting that he was Buzzfeeds source.

>implying the neets wont sperg out the moment they try to push something in a direction they don't like
They created us like this
Now we will destroy them

>It is not irrelevant if half this board and all of the_D are acting like Sup Forums was obviously behind pissgate.

Why not? It's all fanfiction at this point, people can assert whatever they want about it. They can assert Bigfoot leaked the documents because Lizard People were blackmailing him over his involvement with the 9/11 demolitions. Who cares?

That's what makes the troll so funny.

I have no reason to believe the CIA ever actually included this in a report.
The evidence Buzzfeed provided was fake.

You are being disingenuous leaf. You know the nip is right. All of Sup Forums currently thinks pol trolled the world.

I don't really care that much if Sup Forums actually did it, the important thing is to convince people that Sup Forums did it. Once it's accepted canon, it doesn't really matter who originally fabricated it. Such is the nature of meme magic.

>What excerpt, dingus?
The one used by Mother Jones in the link: >this document could have been written after November 1st, and could have used that "excerpt" as part of its fake intelligence report, right?
So your counter-theory is that someone forged a document that Mother Jones claimed they have already seen to give their forgery a bit of credibility? Even if your theory wasn't completely pulled out of this air, it doesn't invalidate mine. It just invents a second fabricator.

>not putting some sick defence/border wall pun in there

Here is a pastebin of the "proofs" it was Sup Forums who did it, but so far to be honest we can't really tell.

Don't fall for the shills, they're really hurt, so they're trying to put doubt on you.

The truth is irrelevant what matters is what people believe. Getting bogged down about the dossier being fake is a terrible meme war tactic. Nobody cares

If I'm going to go and try to troll someone who is so anti-trump they'll take anything, irrespective of its rediculousness, and use it against him I'd go with something lubricious like pissgate. If I wanted to tell a believable lie, it would be the classic coke and hookers.

To me the whole point of this trolling exercise is to show that anti-trump people (including the media) will take ANYTHING they're told, irrespective of how idiotic it is, as gospel as long as they can bash cheetoman with it and he's a bad guy and they're good guys. This shows more the gullibility of the population at large more than anything else, and how the media controls and sculpts what's put out there to support or discredit any political party. The fact that fucking buzzfeed leaked it, knowing that it was littered with errors, unverified and potentially unverified claims against Russia and trump.

Here in bong the guardian got hold of a copy of this a couple of weeks ago, decided not to publish it because every single claim made was unverifiable. And the guardian fucking hate trump, so they've surprisingly shown some vague form of journalistic integrity there

I can't find shit for sources. My only conclusion is that Sup Forums was a place of tits and timestamp or gtfo. Now half these newfags will believe anything to think there "smart". The fuck is this?

pol autists are relentless

It happened. I remember the posts

Urine is sterile



>But there’s a weak stream of proof

No it's not.

Well that's offensive Mr. Trump

The LEAF is right

we have to push this

Yes it is unless you have an UTI.

Mother of KEK...

We are entering another era.

>nazi germany
what did he mean by this?

Google Says no.

Praise kek

>Claim: Donald Trump went to the Russian hotel and found out which bed Michelle and Barack slept in so that he could pay hookers to piss in it.
Do you honestly think it wasn't one of our autists who made this? This is poo poo pee pee incarnate.

