This guy explains how to doxx people "especially white supremacists"

Other urls found in this thread:


Go to 1:48 if you don't want to listen to his blabbering and watch him contantly touching his hair. "This is like, a like useful tool for journalists needing out out people.... like white supremacists."

You need to doxxx him, plant pro white materials on his accounts, then doxxx him again. He will look like a white supremacist. Also I have no idea what I am talking about.

Is there something worse than faggots doing 'podcasts' in public?

but couldn't many people click it?

>Secretary of Dance at Sam Hyde

are they stealing our memes or is OP just a faggot


This holy fuck

Interesting tactic but he forgets other people can make fake profiles too.

It was a private message.

nice trick desu , but i dont have linkedin leddit dipshit dox me i dare you

>baww someone criticized me
>im Chad, you can't do that, not to ME

>not realizing linkedin has a privacy mode

This guy was reddit tier trolling

>blabbering and watch him contantly touching his hair.

but that's the best part.

>walking around
>looking around aimlessly
>someone was mean to me on the interwebs
>faggot film festival t-shirt
>bothering to edit this garbage 2 min video
>133t haxor protips

I don't want to watch this some one explain to me how he "outs" the "trolls"
>h..hey f...fellow white supremacists, boy that Sam Hyde sure is great, heh, say do you guys post on "the chan" too?

>This guy explains how to doxx people

What about those of who only go on anonymous -chan sites and don't use goybook?

This "doxxing" only seems like a problem for people who put their entire lives on the internet.

Which he could have explained in 10 seconds.

To add this is the article he has open:

Haxx0r and reading the New York Times, how can we compete?

>People calling this pussy a "Chad".

This is some whiny bitch that thinks he's a hacker because he watched both seasons of Mr Robot.

Pathetic little bitch.

Yea, but if you are a white supremacist with a private twitter account, like he said, you will surely fall into this clever trap.


That twitter account he shows when he says to out white supremacists is American Vanguard. That's the group Ghoul from TRS is associated with that came up in his dox.



>This "doxxing" only seems like a problem for people who put their entire lives on the internet.
That's because it is only a problem for them, this idiot in the OP doesn't even talk about rootkits or phishing scams or anything that actually requires a fucking brain.

Yes I mad.

he wouldn't be an artist and a journalist if he just explained things in a clear and concise manner.

I don't put my personal name on fucking anything online
I don't have a facejew account or libkshit or Instagram or any of that crap
My Twitter acct has zero ties to my personal information minus my IP address and that just me not giving a fuck because I'm not concerned about poor doxing like this faggot, I'm invisible to his faggotry


This is how they doxxed Ghoul.

I wonder what the leftists will do when they realize their #1 most hated enemy on the internet is an anonymous site that's immune to doxxing.

Clinton would have banned us day 1 for sure.

That's what I thought when I seen this

and then Ghoul ratted out everyone else I bet.


Leave nigger

What was the result of that? Who doxxed him anyway?

At least the left is "strong" and unafraid like the weak alt-right

23% french nigger

the right doesn't need to tell itself how strong and powerful they are

What to do if someone you're trolling sends you a link to LinkedIn profile: post on an antifa message board, Twitter etc a racist tirade and leave a subtle link to the linkedin profile the guy sent you, perhaps in a messageboard profile...

Watch the clever troll hunter get dogpiled by antifa retards

>we are anarchists
>plz donate

I've got a few accounts that I use to post any unsavoury opinions, which are all completely separate from my actual social accounts that link back to me.
Absolutely no excuse for anyone at all in tune with the zeitgeist to think it's safe to attach the sort of thoughtcrime we commit here with who they actually are irl.
Whoever this guy supposedly doxxed is worth nothing but a warning to other.

They're learning....

>Thank God i'm behind 7 incognito modes

you can turn off the feature where the linkedin user is notified you viewed their profile in via privacy settings. Its actually quite easy to do.

jokes on you, I don't have any social media accounts

>would anarchists and anti-fascists ever grovel and beg a Neo-Nazi website to take down information?


Random guy clicks the link has nothing to do with the actual person.

How can someone be this retarded

I'm a jew and I instantly recognized him from our local synagogue. He is the weird guy who always wanted to play with the way younger children.

>reddit cuck is so bluepilled that he assumes extremely antisocial, analytical and paranoid people just willfully click anything sent to them
>moreover he assumes they actually maintain public personas in the way he imagines them

Ah.... I remember when i first google searched "pipl", man i felt like a hacking GOD.

These people can't do a 1/10 of shit ive seen others do.

>tfw you can't use this method to out Antifa cause they're all homeless jobless faggots.

>do you guys post on "the chan" too?
i'm a lucky guy

>having linkdin
>having xing
>having facebook
>not having a complete fake online persona for everything that requires a name