Watching all these billionaire oligarchs Trump is nominating for his cabinet is hilarious...

Watching all these billionaire oligarchs Trump is nominating for his cabinet is hilarious. You faggots are served shit and you eat it up.

It seems just fantastic, user. At worst it'll be fun.

It's really fun when you know Trump's own voters will be hurt the worst by his polices.

Are you some kind of communist?


look at communist trying to invent a slur word for capitalism

It was worth it.

So what? You wanted Trump to have a bunch of faggoty bureaucrats in his cabinet? Be happy he didn't have McCain as Sec. of State. I bet some GOP cuckservative would have done that had he/she been elected instead of Trump.

Yeah capitalism in America has worked great over the last 40 years!


>We should appoint losers and welfare addicts
You're why this country is currently garbage





I'm so glad about Devos at education, a public education foe is the greatest thing to ever happen to that department. Public education and its mechanisms here in America are one of the greatest evils ever perpetrated against our people, no one should have to survive what I did.




Yes, those damn Goldman Sachs Democrats in Trumps cabinet!

>Trump's campaign platform was hiring poor retards!

Pretty sure everyone expected a hard ass businessmen to fill his cabinet with other hard ass businessmen.

Y'know. To put America first and fuck other countries and businesses in the ass.

I don't understand when people fail to grasp this concept.


So you are an elitist who looks down upon the working class, while claiming to support the working class. I can't begin to understand you liberals and marxist, all I need to know is that I hate everything you stand for. And I will enjoy watching you suffer. That's the nice thing about not being ideological and driven to the point of not caring.

So you would rather public tax dollars go to private Christian fundie schools to educate little shits to go join private Christian mercenary organizations like Blackwater, the organization DeVos' brother created?

It's fun when you're not an American. Haha, holy shit, that country is fucked.


This is how the government was intended to be run. Career politicians was not supposed to be thing - private citizens were supposed to take the time and do it every once in a while, think of it like civil service.

Obama's policy hurt his voters the most. Look at how black people are doing.

what would hillary's cabinet look like if she won?

>putting america first

You need to keep abreast of current affairs cunt. It is the Invisible Cabinet of Poligarchs who run shit now.

>Obama's policy hurt his voters the most. Look at how black people are doing.

They will do even shitter under Trump, along with every else.

Literally better than everything you cunts have had before, so..

Aye, not bad

give no fucks
straightup lie, he hasn't changed the secretary of commerce
muh COD

Also a wellknown billionnaire with years in experience
Kill yourself OP

>tax dollars go into "public education" aka Social Marxism brainwashing for the multicult
>or tax dollars go into Christian PMCs

Holy shit, I'm not sure how you managed to spin your argument so hard against itself.

Christian PMCs sound awesome as fuck.



at least trump doesnt like gay or black people... thats good enough for me. so much better than communist social welfare snowflakes. huge benefit is getting to keep my guns and the repeal of the '89 gun ban



what capitalism? all i see is cultural marxism, the spread of dependency on the state, and bureaucracy removing jobs from the US and keeping capital abroad

Make America Great Again isn't about race, it's about making the US a leading exporter again.


>R-rich means globalist!

Sideways France please stop



What is SBA? Who is getting nominated? Vince McMahon?




No, globalist means globalist.


I really want to see libtards faces when America becomes greatest than ever.
>"B-but this isn't Trump's work! It was the works of AMERICANS! Not him, he didn't do anything #NotMyPrez"


Yes, I'd rather the public tax dollars follow the children, so that the parents can make those decisions with the children, ending the control of our federal government over the education system.

I witnessed actual adult racial violence in a public school at age 12, I participated in violence to defend myself throughout my time in those places, not once was I assigned a counselor or therapist even though the school knew well what I had done/witnessed. Children in public schools are just numbers for government stooges to collect checks on behalf of, they do not matter as human beings in those places one bit.

And don't even get me started on the food.


>forced women to hold funerals for abortions

Fucking amazing

trump is successfull because he knows how to have competent people on his side. Picking successfull people who can run big companies is smarter than picking up some shitty lawyers who decided to become politicians, which is pretty much 90% of the politicians in western countries



oh baby is upset.

>when you know
Either you're a time traveler(not), or maybe you should wait until his eight years are over to talk shit. Likewise, now's a good time to discuss Obama and his impact on his supporters.



Nice deflection I guess it makes up for everything


>smarter than picking some lawyers
The government writes, applies and reviews laws.
That's literally all it does.



Keep your guns? What do you actually think would have happened to them?

Please share the incredible story which would explain that astonishing fucking hyperbole.



Congrats Sup Forums. You've ushered in an era of corruption and scientific illiteracy that Clinton could only dream of. You've doomed is all.




But they already were in the government, just hiding beneath a layer of dirty politicians. Or do you think big corporations don't have a say unless they are elected?

Also, I'm thrilled to see what America will become. I'd like to volunteer when the Great Meme War begins


>But they already were in the government, just hiding beneath a layer of dirty politicians.
Exactly. Trump didn't stop lobbying, he just made it more effective by cutting out the middle man.


>Successful people are bad because they are corrupt. (Class warfare indoctrination.)

>Hillary would have appointed corrupt people based on evidence of corruption In her emails. (Actual reasons for corruption not just calls warfare Marxist shit.)



9/11 was an inside job.


Please tell me how witnessing niggers fight until bloody as a 12 years old in the public school system wasn't damaging to my young mind. Tell me how that was no big deal and we should all just suck it up seeing government sanctioned violence.

And then tell me where you live so I can come slam your fucking head into the pavement until it cracks open like a watermelon you mongrel.





is this the leaf faggot with an US Proxy?


How will cutting public schools budget fix that problem?



They may not be Angels but he needs powerful influential people on his side


I think OP is trying to set new level of going full retard.


Compared to the other alternative I think America will be just fine

>"muh expensive healthcare"
>literally the best healthcare in the planet
>literally have 9/10 of the 10 best hospitals ranked worldwide.
>literally have 28 of the best 50 best hospitals in the world.

This one is my favorite.

It reminds me of the Simpsons where they try to discredit Bart's run for class president by putting up signs that say "A vote for Bart is a vote for anarchy" and then it pans over to Bart hanging up his campaign signs that are the same thing.

I'm not sure what the point of your ass-mad spamming in this thread is.

He won. People wanted him to win. No amount of spin is going to make people suddenly go "OH NO, I SHOULD HAVE VOTED FOR HILLDAWG INSTEAD, I WAS A FOOOOOL"

1/2 of those are literally perfect

If Hillary won, all of them would be shit