What is a woman's role in society?


fuck and suck

To pass butter

sitting on my face

To be mothers and wives, with the occasional worker if they're talented.

nah senpai

they are good at filling in when they are needed, but the 1950's gender roles are the best fit.

Depends on what she's good at. Fuck off with these dumb threads.

Homemakers and housekeepers. Wives, mothers, daughters.

there is no one fits all rule
just always try to act in a way that is best for your community

Not asking stupid questions.

Food source

>raising them
>blow jobs

To be bred. But some reason white people has fucked all of us and made laws that makes do otherwise.

Preferably pulling their own damn weight one way or another. Don't really care how, just so long as they do.

whatever she wants it to be and can reach through meritorious effort

Atm, anything cushy, not much effort, high degrees of socializing and easy to play the victim.

Notice the sharp increase in female politicians? It isn't ending anytime soon and to disagree with them is sexist.

To create a machine that spits out female babies only. Men shall go extinct and peace will reign on the earth forever.

WOW how dare u assume women have a role in society.


not wearing pants

child bearing, basically.

Bringing down civilization


Mothers and wives mostly.

In my opinion, they should be able to study and work everywhere, but they should not be forced to become career whores on default, like the feminists want, and they should be always mothers and wives first.

> to fap to her pictures
> avoid IRL

pooping out babies

Is she Esti? I really want to fuck off somewhere cold.

Devout Christian first
Then a traditional mother and wife
Then a part time feminine role if the other two obligations have been met - nurse, teacher etc

inb4 how can a nzer be so based

to be a cumdump but only if they are decent or good looking

Cattle, they're literal cows and baby shitters

they make food.

sucking dicks
rarely have I seen a competent women at work

not Eesti probably, some random pic

this pic here is Eesti tho



make babies.

Women will go extinct soon afterwards due to a collapse of agriculture.

Property that you can buy and sell. Father has the ownership.

To bring honour to her children; and if she can't have children, then her duty is to bring honour to her house (as her sister or brother may have children).

pretty narcissistic sheepshagger

but I agree


>What is a woman's role in society?

Kick ass and take names


To be quiet and happy that she even gets to live.

She has awesome tits.


>Depends on what she's good at.
>whatever she wants it to be and can reach through meritorious effort

Babies, then.