
What's the solution?

Date a traditional well brought up Vietnamese woman, it works fucking well for me.

money over bitchesss

clone megan fox

Just don't pay any attention. It will die out soon enough. Just treat everyone with indifference, and you'll be fine

Realising that 99% of women pay only lip service to it and can be completely ignored.

using the power of cock and shove it in every good looking woman mouth or vagina

Unfortunately Islam. Or Christians uncucking themselves and acting like a legit religion again.


Guess what: I'm a woman

I've been using Sup Forums for 8 years now. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I'm voting Trump. I'm not a feminist, however, I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.

Wether you like it or not, females are comperable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for looks and I'm actually attractive as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.

I won't show you my tits, I'll be your CEO one day.

ISLAM??? What a fucking retard

> Women


Stale copy pasta.

Transgendered women doesn't count buddy.

A sound dicking.


Megan Fox looks like such a bitch

Nice thumbs, cunt!

How many feminists do you have destroying Islamic countries? None.

Because you are too busy ruining it yourself to even give them a chance.

Hard to have feminism destroy your civilization if you don't have one worth destroying. On another note, Islamic extremists kill themselves in the name of their religion, feminists kill traditional Western values with their religion (feminism). I dislike both but Islam is less detrimental to us in the long run. We ( American white males) have a physical and tangible enemy in Islam. You can kill people or destroy places, feminism on the other hand is a war of ideas and opinions, it can never be fully defeated. My solution is to glass the muzzies and repeal the laws that benefit and protect women. This is the solution and the answer to both problems.

ok imma be real with you

the answer is no

Yes, basically this. I'm not muslim btw

No, anything related to islam is retarded. By defending this you are making a fool of yourself.
Daily reminder that feminism does not apply to the men, women desire. It is an individual problem, not a society problem.

I want to make babby with Megan Fox.

>implying that i would work for a noman

yes because islam is destroying islamic countries, feminist will have their turn as well when islam is reformed kek :DDD

do you really want to go back to ww2 era just to fugg up feminazis? i am pretty sure it wont be a good experience.

>vietnamese race traitor
i live in the asian capitol of the usa and redpilled, traditional, smart asian girls date asian guys. They know white guys are a better match but still give asian guys a priority

did you actually fall for it or baiting the bait

Artificial womb and gas chambers

>I'm voting Trump
The elections were over 60 days ago .
I think you are an impostor, and by extension , a liar.

megan fox is my waifu 4 real

>Guess what: I'm a woman

stopped reading there.

>Just don't pay any attention. It will die out soon enough.
You've been saying that for years.


I'd be fine with this government - granted all the women tried it for 5 years first. If they still think it's a good idea when they're not able to leach off men, then let's do that shit.

>2/10 whould not bang

Reminder that money exists so genetically inferior (ugly) men can fuck genetically superior (beautiful) women.

>automate every job essential to our survival
>ban useless things
>like those eyelashes you can put on your headlights
>we don't need a thousand different brands of the same thing
>as in there's Dasani
>Nestle's water
>Ford vehicles
>Honda vehicles
>BMW vehicles
>Burger King
>Dairy Queen
>remove the idea of capitalism
>remove the idea of money
>figure out telepathy so no one can lie
>gas the kikes
>......or at least have a White's Only land
>Asians can join, I guess
>but fuck everybody else
>figure out healthy, nutritious food in pill form
>make space exploration the number one priority
>the Internet is now just a gigantic Wikipedia
>ban all religions
>if you're caught practicing any religion, your options are to stop immediately and forever, or death
>combine science and spirituality
>meditation is mandatory

....just off the top of my head.


>homosexuality is now illegal
>penalty is death
>did I say gas the kikes, already?