Third worlder here

Guys I am posting this as my loo is getting installed.
There are so many things that the first world has that my country does not have.

can you list a few?

How is life in the first world?

I earn $380 per month.

I even have the id

more like p0o

>There are so many things that the first world has that my country does not have.
>can you list a few


kek, but user niggers give some good video reactions.

We also have lots of muslims though.

>That ID
Serves you right for building a toilet. Traitor.

We have some of those in my city, they're banned from many clubs and condominiums because no one likes the shit they do

I'm from Poona by the way

Last week I saw a nigress for the first time in a long time.

Sup Forums has spoiled me so much that I was going to go to her and say "ayo hol up!' then I realized it's not Sup Forums.

Chile has good helicopter tours

what's a helicopter?

better luck next life

Tell me about EspaƱa, is it first world?
Do they get

Should have posted Vishnu instead. Gautama doesn't believe in reincarnation

I'm a canadian in Spain.

This place is pretty ghetto in some parts, but its still decent.

my nigga siddartha believes in reincarnation, just not of the recognisable self, but yes. your nigga vishnu would've perhaps been more apt for our mutual poo a loo friend.

Can you please take your family back (gypsies). I really want them to leave.

I won't mind if you will come, Pajeet. But, please take the "roma" people back, where they belong.

No. Gautama literally denounces Reincarnation. The only reincarnation of Hinduism is the path towards "Brahmaloka" or "VishnuLoka" or whatever equivalent you would like to call them.
>t. HimalayaNigger

China & Pakistan ;)

>I'm a canadian in Spain.

what's the major difference between canada and spain.

>Can you please take your family back (gypsies).

Are they potty trained?

reminder that the entire Indian coastline is rightful Portuguese clay

Holy lol

>can you list a few?

If your country does not have bidets on every bathroom in addition to toilets you are not first world sorry to dissapoint our American friends.

Well, they go in Sweden, France, Spain, Italy to beg. Making tons of money. They don't poo in normal toilets only in golden toilets.

Does this mean you won't get into Hindu afterlife?

Yes. Take India make us all Poo-rtugeese.

>sorry to dissapoint our American friends.

What do you mean by this?


They seem to be uncivilized, we will take them.

I have met some Romanis, who is "Hungary" guy that they keep mentioning? Is he a hacker?

Why does Hindustan speak about 10 different languages? Does no one want to make your country mutually linguistic?

We updated the rules, heaven only for candy asses and roody poos.

think a life of convenience, think a life where everything you could ever want is on your doorstep, where work is easy to find provided you have the skills and it pays well enough to live a comfortable life, its an easy life,

What about built in bidets my black friend?

>There are so many things that the first world has that my country does not have.
2 cars, one gasoline and one electric (electric is allowed to use the bus lane here)
Consumer Shit the kike merchant tricked me to buy

how long could you live decently in india with 100k usd?

~10 years if you live a middle class life.

>Why does Hindustan speak about 10 different languages?

excuse me, we speak more than 50 languages.


Define 'decently'
like where do you want to live, what things you absolutely need, and what are the things you can compromise on.

you can't you will smell shit when you step out the door and even in your house

Where do you live?
I see a few nogs in Delhi.

somewhere where i wont get robbed or killed. and i dont need much just a normal apartment with internet and toilet to shitpost on Sup Forums and play video games

What is that?
Why does Scandinavia have 2 of everything?

2 houses (1 summer 1 winter)
2 cars (1 electric and 1 gasoline)
2 husbands (1 whitey and 1 nigger)

Shush now Robert, we need the tourism $$$s

I have made at least 60-70k/yr since 21 years old

I just sold my sweet ford diesel truck for 40k last night that was 70k new

I don't really use technology or social media except for iphone

I'm married to a 10/10 Slavic blonde hair blue eyed goddess of a woman with an 850 credit score, an engineering degree, beautiful fake tits, savings account, oil well royalties and who legitimately loves me more than life itself

I prefer eating mcdonalds dollar menu

And my wife and I are currently getting our private pilots licenses and looking to buy a Cessna

Idk just a couple retarded money related first world things from Texas

I have rarely seen nogs because I live in Gujarat. They can't outbeg us, nor can they outjew us.

10-15 years. Easy.

>fake tits

in align with his post.

The Japanese have them so I approve.
The Jews fear the Samurai.

I like them, she was pretty flat chested and these balanced her out. They were done in LA and are the best looking fake tits I've ever seen

She doesn't flaunt them though, far too conservative and hates whorish girls but her being a 115lb girl with 32DD, great ass and beautiful face? It's literally like fucking an anime character irl

Pls Post wife pics, just for reference. I'm sure lots of anons here are with engineering degrees and want to see a perfect wife.

>scientific purpose only.

ch.eck e.m.

We both got our basic needs covered,the only thing different is that we (including Norwegian neets) got money enough to buy extra consumer stuff, like two extra TVs etc.

Ill list one, which is absolutely essential if you want to be a 1st world cunt:
>Clean tap water

Also, I'm getting $1000/month from the government while studying, to put your life in perspective.

Norway is pretty much my fav country at this point.
Only if the cost of living was a bit low.

Checked, double and triple.

>I'm getting $1000/month from the government

why do you get money to study? who pays for that?

So don't people just not work? They're getting free money anyway, and working just upgrades their life a little more.

Most delivery boys earn 350 euros after taxes here lol

pls pay denbts Greece, this is unfair.

What do you do user?

Fuck dude, and i thought earning 800usd per month was shit.

failed engineering, took a call center job.

I work for Verizon and i talk to retards from USA every day.

Dropped out?
What do you plan on doing in th the future?

Verizon Home Phone, Internet, and TV.

if any americunt wants answers to basic questions I might be able to answer them. (inb4 i break some clause in the non disclosure)

I have one last chance to pass but I don't think I can. I only have to pass 3 subjects.

>What do you plan on doing in th the future?

No idea.

Best of luck pham.
Try learning some programming language and apply for jerbs.Most of these "engineering" graduates don't know jack shit and are overpaid anyways.

>Best of luck pham.

Thanks my man.

>Try learning some programming language

I know some already but I have this mindblock that if I don't have the degree I am not as 'equal' as them

>Most of these "engineering" graduates don't know jack shit and are overpaid anyways.

absolutely agreed. Most of them have no aptitude for the program, yet they joined because it is cool.

meanwhile people who actually loved it got fucked because programs concentrate on copying rather than innovation.

I might sound bitter, but that's the truth, and I do accept that if i failed it's my fault.

Are you in Canada posting behind an India proxy?


which classes did you fail?


which ones? i'm in engineering too but i'm only one semester in

Can any poobros comment on the northern parts?

I want to get the FC4 Kyrat experience.

Engineering mathematics 1, calculus etc, that's the basic from 12th grade and just upgraded a little.

then complex numbers

and again calculus but with all the formulas.

they're beautiful places,come during summer.

Just buy a gyrocopter and a gun