Alex Jones

Tell me about Alex Jones

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why hasnt he been on infowars for days?

I think WaterFilter is a pretty cool guy

eh kills globalism and doesn't afraid of anything

He's on vacation. You should try it, you stupid nigger

Is there something wrong with getting a waterfilter ? is the water quality where you live so good you don't need one ?

itt we post our best alex jones'

He's preparing for his role on the Trump administration.

he's a big guy

Mother F*cking gay frogs!

For jew

His real name is Bill Hicks. Everything he does is satire.

he wasn't wrong though.

He has traditionally been in the game of fostering concern and anger against anything and everything he can muster up for ratings. Recently (last few years) he has started to adjust his methods in the face of mass mockery, and has began filtering the more insane news stories out to seem more credible. Once a moron always a moron as far as I am concerned. More often than not these days his views align with Sup Forums's and he is branded as the face of incorruptible media and honest reporting. Anyone that behaves like he has done in the past is a nutter and everything he says should be taken with a large grain of salt. Any news source that sells its own brands of survival supplies is questionable in my opinion.


He is a great man


Seems legit. How did you obtain this information ?


Humble water filter salesman by day.

Secret advisor to Emperor-god Trump at night.



How many pictures prefixed aj do you have access to ?




The advertisements are targetes at dumb, fat redneck Americans which is who his audience is.

PJW needs to do his own thing.

He believes that the bohemian groove worships a giant owl.
>most listened to radio station in America
>fuck this country

I buy their toothpaste and coffee. Real or not, its endless entertainment.

Also the tooth paste doesn't have that foaming agent large brands use that fucks up my mouth. Hard to find that.

He's the man with the master plan
He fucks with the liberals
Catch me if you can

Obongo try to stop him but he don't know
He got natural steroids in his blood flow

Voice so scratchy he like rhandy savage
When he fucks white bitches he destroys the muff cabbage

If I get one liberals will make fun of me and act like im a flat earther

>t. Paul Joseph Watson

Ive heard your ads.

You have raised valid points. Thank you for this information. I will use it wisely

Why, he's just a humble water filter salesman!

look up Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). Its a documented irritant, and EVERYONE uses it.

He is insane. Do not trust the stuff he says.

t. not government

Hitler took the DMT
Stalin took the DMT
Mao took the DMT

He knows a lot of history and has contact with some big guys so he breaks a lot of stories that sound insane until two years later (((MSM))) starts covering it, but by then he's already been smeared. If you filter out his stream of consciousness hypothesizing anout current events and just take away the facts and actual news that he presents, AJ is a pretty fun guy to listen to. You don't need to believe in everything someone says to agree with some of the things they say, quite unlike seemingly every fucking person (including Sup Forumssters) seem to believe.

He is very clever with weaving in factual information with inflamatory rhetoric and opinion. Infowars is an elaborate sales platform but ill give it that it's still more reliable than main stream media.


this. theres a lot of hyperbole but theres still actual incidents I'd never heard of that they'll cover. shouldn't be your only news source in any case

He provides the filters you need.

It does rustle my jimmies how much he is shilling for israel at the moment though and even praying for them during a broadcasr. He did call out liberal jews a few days ago though for being part of the globalists.

theres some red-pilled zionists out there, if you don't consider that a contradiction

magelan is lot cooler then bieber!

He has figured out how to exploit stupidity for personal profit. I don't think he has any nefarious motives for telling all the lies he tells, I just think he wants to make money and knows idiots will buy it up.

Epic dude, he's actually "red-pilled" unlike a lot of the neckbeards on here who spout "hurr durr da jooz!.

Niggers dont work, so they dont know what a vacation is

I listen to his show every day via podcast. I bought the Berkey water filter and will never drink regular water again. I also tried Supermale vitality. I ran out fast and didn't notice anything different. I love the Iodine. I can tell when I forgot to take it. It gives me energy and makes you feel better. His silver bullet is a rip off, you can find better on Amazon. Brainforce too me is just caffeine. I try to purchase as much as I can from his store because he is the tip of the spear and a true patriot. He is a gift from above. He isn't perfect, but who is?

I'm gonna buy one of his water filters one day.


He's just a humble water filter salesman.

He's a humble snake oil merchant

He actually has named the joose as well though.

Jones is a pill salesman. Red, Blue, doesn't matter. He only meets demands.

What can I say about Alex Jones?

He's Alex Jones!