Ask a Psychologist anything

I know a lot of you think it is a pseudo-science. Will answer questions about that too.

>Ask a Psychologist anything
What should I have for breakfast today?

I suggest some salt

who started psychology?
who get to decide whats right or wrong?
what do you think about drugs?

why does it seem that only crazy girls study psychology? Are they subconsciously aware they have a problem and are trying to justify it / fix it?

t. freshman roommate was loony & a psych major.

>who started psychology?
It was ((them)). Many famous psychologists were joos
>who get to decide whats right or wrong?
Well it all boils down to an inner moral index, but since that can be faulty(mass murderers, ect) we hawe to rely on law
>what do you think about drugs?
Degenerate. People do drugs to forget their real life issues. It's pathetic and weak

I'm a neuroscientist here to tell you psychology is bullshit

UNIL is a retard-college for retards.

16 personalities test.
Legit? Any better?

Bordering pseudoscience but potentially useful and helpful nevertheless.

i had to grow without any father figure and now im autistic manchild stuck in city without friends because all of them emigrated to either different countries or bigger cities
do i have any chance of having successful life

Well when i studied psychology we were mostly males, but i guess you are right

how does it feel to fool yourself and others into thinking that you have real knowledge about anything at all?

Yes, but its difficult. You have to fill up the void left by your father with something like an actual copy. The "Autistic" things you do are probably there to fill this void.

>who started psychology?
>who get to decide whats right or wrong?
>what do you think about drugs?

Will you be my friend?

As a fellow psychologist I agree, death to psychiatry.

Why dont Psychiatrists take you seriously?

It's ok, but many questions cant be answered by clicking on dots

Did it feel good? When you spent years paying out your ass to become a cucked liberal speaking on behalf of the agenda your university wanted to push?

Why are the Swiss so prone to depression? Have family there and they have a long history of many members getting it

About an year ago I asked to my family's medician about the Annunaki, now I want to tell him the truth of Kek.

For the same reason a surgeon wouldn't take a personal fitness trainer seriously

joke school, joke degree, joke job

How do I suppress homicidal thoughts?

>yes, maybe you want to kill yourself because you secretly want your father's cock inside your anus. that will be $500 for 2 hours of you just talking and i spewing facebook slogans :^)

>yes, maybe you want to kill yourself because you are not high enough. yolo


why suppress them?

Is the whole LTBQ+ bullshit a mental illness?


When I studied psychology at degree level I was in a department of around 500 psych students. There were only 10 of us who were male.

On the positive side, male psychologists make a lot more money, because they're better. Gender equality balances itself out in the end.

Not enough wars. Too busy trying to stay neutral and play any side to actually show a spine and stand up for themselves.

What is the reason why right wing is getting more power in western countries?

Don't know. Will maybe start some research about this

This guy knows what's up.
No psychologist worth his salt would shrug off the Meyer-Briggs test.
t. multiple degrees in psychology

I have this theory that the mere diagnosis and treatment of mental health issues has led to an increase in mental health issues. Basically because the increased public awareness around mental health modifies expectations which in turn modifies mental health itself. Has there been any investigation into something like this?

its a mental illness normalized by kikes and hollywood

why i like Sup Forums

According to the American branch of Psychology no. It's a made up science anyway.

explain niggers

It's why we can't have nice things, like conversion therapy covered by the affordable care act.

Because liberals are getting more wacky, the reasonable middle where the power is, seems to be more right wing.

Yes. It's women trying to feel special. Notice how mostly ugly women are "trans, bigender ect"

How's work at McDonalds?

why suicide and assisted suicide illegal?

we know that they're degenerate.
>depression is degenerate genes
they probably have no job
probably have mental illness

This is the laziest LARP I've ever seen. Who issued your degree? Are you just using a Swiss proxy to look smart?

The LGB part isn't a mental illness as it doesn't inherently cause distress. You can also see homosexual behavior in most animal species, so it seems like it's a normal and natural part of life on earth.

Most likely there's a spectrum of sexual attachment from male to female and everyone lies on it somewhere. Not everything we're attracted to is gender specific, so if I were to show a straight person a video of two women or two men having sex, there's a good chance they'd still become aroused.

Transgenderism is however full blown neurosis, no different from body integrity identity disorder. BIID would describe someone who feels as if their arm doesn't belong to them/disgusts them/feels wrong and wants an amputation. Amputations generally do make them happier, but it's not what I'd call a cure. You don't cure OCD by buying a compulsive handwasher more soap.

i know my psychologist for 10 years and she never took any money for visits

What do you think of evolutionary psychology and race realism?

I agree with the bong

she wants your D your stupid fuck
that or has a fetish for hearing other's people misery so that she can feel like a saint
>im doing this for free! im such a good person! :)

I wish I could remember all the notions/phenomena descriptions I see forming in my mind that I suspect have a proper name in psychology.
That said, do you believe that too many notions/phenomena don't have a proper name yet? Have you experienced that yourself?

>"well today im going to grab a knife and chop off my own testicles and penis"
>it doesn't inherently cause distress.

t.Ahmed Abdul Al-Zhafar

What would you suggest anyone with shizophrenic episodes should do?Wait
Never mind charlatan

Am i just lazy or depressed?

1) Are you one of us living in Switzerland?

2) Did Freud intentionally want to damage people with his theories?

hero complex os very common in women but they lack the confidence to say anything that might really be helpful like stop being such a little bitch Johnny you aren't a girl, go clean my car.

Depression can cause laziness. Generally feeling as though everything is pointless and nothing matters (an accurate existential view of life by the way) can prevent people from feeling motivated. Interestingly research shows that depressed people generally have a more accurate view of the world, while non depressed people's happiness relies on more delusional thinking.

I'm starting behavioral research. Looking for a thesis and tenure. Are you on the medical end or the research?

What do you think of B.F. Skinner?

What do you think of Carl Rogers?

Is it possible to erase memories

As a male psychologist I can confirm this, many patients I've had weren't helped by previous female clinicians for this reason.

Getting past mental illness isn't an easy task and you can't tiptoe around the hard serious work that needs to be done and the difficult topics such as death and meaning that have to be confronted.

Skinner drastically underestimated the abilities of children.

Carl Rogers was a pretty cool guy, but I'd go with Rollo May rather than the hippy Rogers stuff in terms of usefulness.

Around what year do you think Neuropsychology will take off as the primary method of behavioral analysis?

When will the mind of human machine be well understood?

Know much about Wilhelm Reich? I fucking hate Rogerian shit.

Do you think psychiatry is pseudoscience? Since most of us are thinking of psychiatry when we talk about pseudoscience.

Conditioning will never die.


Look at research by Karim Nader.

Why do all the crazy people go into psych? Literally feel its the crazy leading the crazy.

I think of most mentalism as a pseudoscience. It has it's place in therapy though. Radical behaviorism is the hard science of psychology. Psychiatry is often about getting the right cocktail.

I have constantly feel tense and anxious. I ache all over, but especially my neck and shoulders. My hands shake and I have trouble sleeping. What should I do, the anciety gets so bad sometimes I almost feel disconnected from my body. It makes me feel horrible and don't know what to do

According to the human machine theory, conditioning will be better understood and better practiced once the human machine is better understood.

>thinking there is a right cocktail and not a creation of dependence.

It already has, but because neuroscientists are just as fucking stupid and lazy as other researchers in psychology, this won't change anything but how expensive it is to conduct research.

I meant to eliminate the symptoms. What good is a dependence if it doesn't change anything? Anti-psychotics are justified because they reduce violent behavior and delusions but they have the nastiest side effects imaginable. I don't disagree though, something like ADD or anxiety should be handled with cognitive-behavioral therapy instead of dosing people up on amphetamines and benzos.

t. 10 year benzo user.

Too many things are subjective and/or cultural.

Just look at something basic like depression. Neuropsychology can tell us about how the brain is adjusting to depression and how depression manifests physically. You could extrapolate from that an individuals bevaiour, ie. that they're depressed.

But that doesn't really help, it doesn't tell us what life is like for that individual or why they're depressed. It also leads to a crooked cure as psychiatrists aim to alter brain chemistry to change behaviour.

So you treat the depressed person as a brain to be fixed with drugs, failing to notice that they're depressed because they've come to the realization that all life is meaningless suffering, stemming from their experience of having a suicidal mother who killed herself on christmas eve when they were 6 and a string of adult relationships scarred by a all encompassing fear of loss and interpersonal isolation. You know, symptoms and causes of the actual behaviour that needs to be changed.

Eliminating symptoms is only good for a small while.

Well you wouldn't want someone unfamiliar with the terrain guiding you, would you?

This is an acknowledged phenomena.

Is slapping your child harmful to him? What to do in such situation when he flies into a tantrum?

>le animals are gay so that means gay is natural and good
I thought faggots were supposed to have above average IQs.

Still not disagreeing, most things can be controlled by good socia, physical and mental health along with learning how to control your thoughts and adjusting behavior. Systematic desensitization in phobias, OCD and OCPD is a good example of this.

It's not really scientific, but it is a useful (mostly) working model.

If psychology is real then explain this 5

>>what do you think about drugs?
>Degenerate. People do drugs to forget their real life issues. It's pathetic and weak

From the guy studying this pseudoshit.

The problem is CBT doesn't really work.
It's mostly short term and focuses too much on changing behaviour rather than understanding their cause - a cuase which will remain and may manifest in other ways once therapy is over.

CBT can be a useful tool, but too many psychologists use it as if it were a strict therapy by numbers cure and can usually cause more harm than good.

That's not to say therapy isn't the best option, but good therapists are difficult to find and will usually rely on the best parts of psychoanalysis, existential therapy, CBT and other therapies to different degrees depending on the person they're trying to help.

Is psychology and art or a science?

I personally believe it is an art.

Yes, I would never physically harm my child. Develop trust and try to understand his perception and find out the trigger or stimulus that is making him lose it.

I'm taking Dopamin antidepressants
on a scale from 1 to goldman sachs - how jewed am I?

explain why this faggot have CIS in the first 3 letters of his ID

I mean I don't think CBT is perfect or that even therapy is the right solution, all I do know is that pharma is not a good solution.

>I can't read

They want to understand themselves. Honestly, depending on the disorder, I wouldn't worry about that. I'm far more concerned about the ideologues and sociologists who only major in psychology so they can lie about how science supports them.

What are Dopamin-AD's?
Can you write the name of the Drug?

Well, it's probably not particularly useful to slap the child. Behavioural studies have shown that positive reinforcement works better than punishment. The best thing to do when the child has a tantrum is to talk to them, help them understand their own behaviour and make sure you don't have an immediate emotional reaction of your own that will complicate the issue further.

So my advice to both parent and child there is to grow up.

Have you tried fixing your problems naturally first? A good nutritious diet, social life and exercise can often sort out depression. And by depression I mean something you perceive as causeless that has been going on for over 6 months. If you're experiencing stress over the death of family or work related issues, that feeling is natural. Treating that with chemicals is more harmful than good. For antidepressants it's always best to start with the most mild and work on changing behavior. It should never be a long term solution.

Yes. Negative punishment is a better solution in basically every situation.

That said, spanking your kid once or twice won't kill them. But it won't help either.

What if I want to just do some MKULTRA shit and know I'll probably die from a random heart attack when I'm no longer useful?

They've gotten better about avoiding that stuff because of investigations.

You would probably have to go straight to the government to get involved in that. Or a shitter country.

No, slapping is an effective attention getting technique. Humans are learning animals, learning is impossible without memory, pain makes memories stick out.

Can you do us all a favor and stop spreading your hippie bullshit all over the thread?

What´s youre opinion about C.G Jung´s psycholigical types

How does it feel being a quack?