The Right has no intellectuals

Serious topic, little faggot virgin alt right kids need not join in. Why is it that the right wing of politics has, in general, no real intellectual backing?

There are seemingly no objective thinking, respected, intelligent spokespeople for the right, like there are for the left and have been historically, e.g Chomsky, Orwell, etc. Many famous intellectuals have been known to take a left wing stance; even Einstein. Why is it that the right is made up of the uneducated, the insane, and self-interested, dishonest, conniving businesspeople? Why are people like Alex Jones and Donald Trump revered?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Why are people like Alex Jones and Donald Trump revered?
Stopped reading there.

The right wing is educated. If you're asking why they're not in academia it's because academics live in bubbles and are disconnected from the realities that turn people conservative. In general conservatism is not interested in navel gazing or waxing poetic about political and economic systems that are only viable in theory, they are grounded and stick with what works.

The majority of successful business people lean right wing. People who have experience with the world and know how to get things done. The left wing is based almost entirely on ideas that sound good in theory but practically fail. e.g communism, letting over a million muslim refugees into your countries, etc

Jordan Peterson

(also most of right-wingers are on STEM)

Tip William Buckley, the last conservative intellectual, consequently killed by conservativism.

Nietzsche, Heidegger, Milton Friedman, Aristotle himself.

>conservatism is not interested in navel gazing or waxing poetic about political and economic systems that are only viable in theory, they are grounded and stick with what works.
>The majority of successful business people lean right wing. People who have experience with the world and know how to get things done.
Very well said

I'm asking why there are no respectable figureheads. To play the devils advocate with your examples:

>The majority of successful business people lean right wing. People who have experience with the world and know how to get things done

I think this is because a right wing view of the world is good for their ego. Of course they want to feel like theyre valuable, contributing etc. The whole idea that left wingers are head-in-the-clouds and right wingers are practical real world go-getters is bs in my opinion.

Wow, the projection.

Jared Taylor, Lord Monckton.

You stopped reading at the end of the post? Me too.

Just look at how most of this board thinks global warming is a hoax. Being "alt-right" is being anti-intellectual

I grew up listening to noam

It doesnt take someone whos really smart and uses big words to explain whats wrong with western civilization

It takes someone whos smart to dance around the issue and pretend nothing is wrong except that we just need to be more "progressive"

Left is more installed in academia while right wing educated people are usually in the professional world, specially as entrepreneurs

People who are conservative don't want to work in universities. After I got my PhD I saw academia for the fraud it was and wanted out. Leftist academics can go through their life in a coma.

>The whole idea that left wingers are head-in-the-clouds and right wingers are practical real world go-getters is bs in my opinion.
Your opinion is shit.

I prefer one Korwin-Mikke (read 300000 books in his life, a bridge/chess world champion, could lecture philosophy and cybernetics, wrote dozens of books etc.) over all of the commie faggots that you've mentioned.

>Australian intellectuals

This entire thread is projection of one's beliefs of what conservatism really is and why it's "wrong" by some braindead sheepfucker.

That's somewhat of a myth imo. In my experience the lefties I know are generally in professional jobs: eg education, healthcare, law, public service etc. the right wingers are either uneducated or are entrepreneurs/self employed/no marketable skills (who of course think they are job creators etc). I say this is someone who considers themselves right wing.

>Just look at how most of this board thinks global warming is a hoax.
It's called climate change now, user. Get with the times.

>Right wing economics doesn't exist
>Right wing authors and thinkers don't exist, nor have they ever existed

wew lad

do you consider yourself an intellectual cause top kek

This is part of the liberal meme that the right is mostly uneducated. They fail to realize those who major in STEM are more likely to be right leaning. Those who major in liberal arts (80% of grads) tend to be left leaning. So statistically you only have Starbucks degree holding education. GL

Because no one is actually an unironic republican. People that support it ironically usually view mankind as a virus, so therefor fastest path to wiping out the human race. I mean their legislature and ideals dont even make sense, you didnt think they were being serious do you?

These people are not particularly well known or respected. Lord Monckton is not good for conservatism.

>I'm asking why there are no respectable figureheads
You don't really need a respectable figurehead to convince people to be conservative. You only need the facts. Ben Shapiro is a decent contemporary conservative media figure if you're looking for someone who can articulate their position clearly. People turn conservative through life experience, not through being lectured to. The opposite is true for the left, to be left wing you need to be rather sheltered from reality and need someone to tell you what your opinions should be.

>The whole idea that left wingers are head-in-the-clouds and right wingers are practical real world go-getters is bs in my opinion.

You are, of course, entitled to your opinion. You simply have a stupid opinion.

I can tell you've done your research

Because the people you named work for the people trying to enslave you. Orwell. LOL!


Intellectual is just a word for a dumb person who is pretending to be smart.

That's just a meme that makes you feel better bro. The world isn't black and white that's why the left mocks the right. Youre proving it to me right now

Moldbug, Maistre, Carlyle, Froud, Henry Sumner Maine, Hamann, Scruton.

>Left controls the media
>Wonders why there are few well-know conservatives

Also, put down the goalposts.

You mean that's why the right mocks the left.

What qualifies you as an intellectual, because I unironically think of myself as one.

Has anyone else created their own theory of reality based on q-space?

Define right cunt.

Good post

Also Spengler, Leo Strauss, Hoppe, Plato, Aristotle, Heidegger

Carlyle is fucking based by the way, everyone on Sup Forums should check him out.

>#1 in the list is Moldbug

>If you're asking why they're not in academia it's because academics live in bubbles and are disconnected from the realities that turn people conservative

No. You're wrong.

It's because Academia have PURGED all of their right-wing intellectuals.

There used to be loads of them. They were fired, removed, bullied, badgered, pressured, beaten and purged. And now there are only progressives and liberals. Liberals think this therefore makes their arguments true because they've denied their opponents prestige, access and the ability to respond.

Read some fucking Haidt, senpai.

? Conservatives generally have a view of the world where things are either black or white, right or wrong. It's very much a military mentality.

With all due respect Nigel, no one has heard of these cunts

>is anyone else on this many layers of unironic autism

He's my biggest influence so why not

You don't get it, we're laughing at you.

Education - mostly public
Law - mostly public
Healthcare - mostly public

Good job dipshit you didn't list a single entrepreneurial field.

>With all due respect Nigel, no one has heard of these cunts

That's not my fault if you leftists are ignorant of our intellectual traditions. The answer to your question isn't that there are none, just that you're unaware of them because your society has only presented you with Official Intellectuals who are routinely leftist and preach orthodox progressivism.

you have to go to the hidden forbidden section if you want to read the good shit.

Why would the media be left leaning? It's owned and controlled by giant corporate conglomerates. It pushes a corporate agenda that promotes apathy and social inclusion for capitalist purposes.

>That's just a meme that makes you feel better bro.

No, it's damn near every leftist I've ever interacted with, and every leftist in a position of academia which I have read or listened to enough to pass personal judgement.

Think about all the Bernie people who don't even care about the fact that there is no conceivable way in which his plan could be funded, even if you seized ALL income above a million dollars and cut the entirety of the defense budget. They don't care, because his plan sounds nice, and they can't conceive of the cost being anything other than just something that racists want to use to undermine it.

>Why would the media be left leaning?

You're not very intellectual are you.

Idk user. Most engineers and mathematicians I know are hardcore right wing christians.

As a pseudo intellectual I resent what OP is claiming.

>education, healthcare, law, public service
Uhhhh those are all primarily public jobs.

I am reminded of a story of how the Saptan youth all stood up at once to offer their seats to an elderly man who was jeered by the Greek youths. "Every KNOWS what is right - but only the Spartans DO what is right", claimed the commentator(whose name escapes me for the moment).
I use this anecdote as an analogy to show that right-wingers are too busy living active lives - "doing what is right", instead of writing about and dreaming of utopias (which, as we all know, do not exist at all, save in works of fiction) - merely "knowing what is right".
I would also point out that academia in the 21st century (so far) seems very hostile to viewpoints outside of the globalist stance of universal victimhood.

There are plenty.

>he doesn't understand my theory of qualia based reality
If only you knew m8

>It's owned and controlled by giant corporate conglomerates

I don't know if you've noticed but since the 60s and the collapse of Communism, the left has made a Faustian pact with corporations whose existence sustains their ideology. They no longer want capitalism dead. They've joined forces with it and used corporate power to preach diversity and open borders.

The PR work of all corporations are pozzed as fuck because they buy into the diversity agenda.

Thomas Carlyle, Edmund Burke

real nigga hours

Because people can't handle the edge of truth.

Milton Friedman

I never said the left were entrepreneurs, faggot. I said they were educated professionals, which is generally the case. If you go to an army base and pick out a bunch of grunts, chances are they're conservative. If you go to a hospital and pick out some medical staff they're likely not to be.

I'm not even left wing. The point I'm making is that the scholars you noted are not well known. Huge problem.

True leftism has been dead since the cold war. It is now a tool used by corporations.

You know how in Germany there was this anti-islam immigrant intellectual giving a lecture on a university. They insulted him for "nazi", but presented facts which weren't refuted.

After that some left-wingers spoke, they lied, and everyone applauded and praised them while they couldn't back up their claims.

It's almost like you don't watch the ABC, or the SBS, or Channel 10.

Again, your opinion is fucking shit. Get cancer nigger.

What's your argument? There's no rational reason for the media to take such positions. There has been research on this, most famously by Chomsky. I am not left wing, but I'm not intellectually dishonest either.

I think it's more complicated than that. The left is very fractured and quite broad. They squabble constantly.

Nevertheless, so many people join the right.
Why is that?

Historically, the right was about morality, and about upholding the institutions which built Western Civilization; liberalism was never part of that. This is why intellectuals like Julius Evola come about. "Western civilization" has become a parody to those words that it's supposed to represent.

The left is surprisingly rightwing though, but they don't realize that. It takes an anti-social to go against the grain of modern leftist society, because he doesn't believe in the collective morality; he sees an objectively stable society elsewhere. While leftists believe in the collective morality, it's one created by state and capitalistic conditioning.

Someone asked me if a woman can ever be redpilled. Women are always redpilled. They're followers of a collective; the problem is that they're living in a faux collective.

Likewise, many "intellectuals" on the left aren't actually inherently leftist; they just follow society.

>educated professionals
In the public sector sure. Is it that surprising people on the teat of the government lean left? Professionals in the private sector lean right

>There's no rational reason for the media to take such positions.

The right is at this time just re-appropriating the politics of the left. The current wave of "post-truth" you see in the right is just a reinterpretation of old leftist post-modernism.

It's also because the present right has a fetish for the "common" and the "genuine". Academia is viewed as largely invalid, and the self-made man is viewed as a more genuine and "in touch" way of being. Just look at the rhetoric of the right, and how talking like a layperson is so highly valued. It's not entirely several radical leftist groups and their fetish for the "common working man".
Intellectuals on the other hand are defined as the elite, and populism is often defined by it's opposition to the elite.

That isn't to say that there aren't intellectuals in the right, or that it's entirely the right's fault that they aren't known, but there's a fundamental dis-junction between current right wing populism and intellectualism. You can't have a highly intellectual right and a right that identifies with values that do not promote intellectualism.

You don't know what left wing means. Not surprising. None of the media promote an anti capitalist, egalitarian agenda. In fact it's the opposite

If you read Moldbug, you'd know precisely why that's the case. Sad!

Because Left and Right are different.

Right (conservatives) see the existing state of the world as valuable, and change as deviation from this safe valuable norm. Or this perspective is shifted to the past, then some past state of the world is seen as norm, current state - as deviation, and any change - as further deviation, unless it's directed back to the norm ("reaction"). This is literally what makes conservatives conservatives.

Left is different because it sees current state of the world as flawed, and some different future state as desired objective. This future state is necessarily theoretic, because duh, it's future. Change is seen as good, unless it's rolling back previous change (reaction).

Now, people are differently inclined. Some are interested in tangible things here and now: technology, finances, agriculture, etc. Some are interested in hypotheticals, theory, potential things: science, literature and such. A person who likes working with land, or serving in military, or earning money gravitates Right, because he is attracted to here and now. A theoretic scientist, social scientist, philosopher or writer usually gravitate Left, because they are interested in possible, hypothetical and imagined.

Both are necessary for the functioning of human society.

It does have, but they are splintered and mostly in hiding. Gotta have a career.

The upper middle class in general is either neo-con or neo-lib. At this point it's become a class marker, which is why the dems (AKA the neo-lib party) support literaly every issue that somehow benefits upper middle class whites in places like San Fran, that can afford to live in segregated enclaves.

Their whole goal is to destroy the "other white people"

>The point I'm making is that the scholars you noted are not well known. Huge problem.

They're not well known because in our societies, only leftist thinkers are authorised by our progressive establishment. If you're right-wing you're just ignored and prevented from breaking in or being seen as legitimate.

The reason you don't know any right-wing intellectuals is because the people who control the information you see don't want you to know any.

literally wrote one the key works against leftism, not just totaltarianism and Stalin

respected by circlejerking faggots

He is a Jew after all, he couldn't help himself.

Beyond the circlejerk, sophistry and to indelligend too belief in cabidalism maymay, a lot of the videos by Millenial Woes contained more substance than the things Chomsky repeats all the time. I've listened to him and especially in his old age he got very repetetive.

>Alex Jones and Trump

media has to be moderate in order to keep masses unprovoked and dull
however, the posters here have views are so right wing here they deem right leaning centrist media as leftist.

half of the threads here can be summarized as 'librulz amirite' this place is a giant circlejerk as much as reddit is for left.

I think one of the primary reasons a lot of conservatives disagree with climate change, is because the left tends to lie on so many other issues that the conservatives automatically assume climate change is also a lie.
It's also about the typical political pressure, the rhetoric and the ass backwards solutions used by the left to push climate change, not to mention the effect it has on local industry. Not a lot of people want to lose their jobs, pay carbon taxes or be forced into other expensive alternatives, when China keeps burning coal and pumping out pollution.

Very very good post, damn boy

Nope not true about academics. The truth vehind academics is that they're funded by government. Most left political parties want more funds to go towards education. Which would mean that it'll be easier for researchers to get funding.

Research should be politically neutral regardless, education shouldn't be influenced much by politics.

Did you miss that the clinton campaign was directly coordinating with media outlets? Did you notice that the same stories being fed to american outlets by the clinton campaign were being reported world wide. Wonder why that is.

>promotes apathy and social inclusion
Those are left wing qualities mate

>The whole idea that left wingers are head-in-the-clouds and right wingers are practical real world go-getters is bs in my opinion.
No, left wingers are actually: how-to-ruin-a-country-in-10-easy-steps and my-ideology-and-system-have-failed-in-every-instance-they-were-tried-but-I-don't-care-because-indoctrination

Orwell literally fought for anarcho syndicalists in Spain against fascism. He is an anti authoritarian leftist, which anyone would know if they read his stuff.

Trump and Jones are some of the best known faces of the right. That's my point.

How is genociding non whites not moderate?

It's not like I'm saying we should rape them too


In EU you won't get any funding for research that would be highly critical of the benefits of immigration. Or you can take the globalising world of business as well. If you get no funding it becomes very hard to do the research. Even if you actually do the research it would be mocked regardless of how good the methods were that you used or how good of a discussion page you wrote.

>Jonathan Bowden
>Roger Scruton
>Julius Evola
>Edmund Burke
>Peter Hitchens
>Oswald Spengler

Those are just a handful off the top of my head. It's quite a mixture of individuals, but they all espouse right wing views to various degrees.

If you truly think the right is somehow anti-intellectual I recommend watching this:

Well what do you expect when academia and mainstream discourse has been under leftist/liberal control for over half a century

you forget that anything resembling "the left" as we know it has only existed for 300 years at most. The right is eternal. Pretty much everyone before roughly 1700 was arguing for monarchy, traditional values, and preservation of culture. But even since then, we've had people like Joseph de Maistre, Edmund Burke, CS Lewis, and TS Eliot, off the top of my head. Just stop reading liberal propaganda, OP.

Are they among the living

I highly doubt that Alex Jones is a well known/respected figure of the right outside of Sup Forums.

Like I said, if you don't understand how leftist ideals helps people control human beings, then you aren't very smart.

What does Hilary Clinton or the Democratic Party have to do with left wing ideals? Nothing. Just like the Republicans have nothing to do with right wing ideals.

There's a disconnect between the rights intellectuals and its followers. The average person with right wing views has never heard of these people. They are not at all academically inclined. Why is academia under leftist control? The right lost the battle of ideas?

the left used to have intellectuals, but after 100 years of communism failing over and over there soon won't be any. the right doesn't have any intellectuals, of course you're right about that. intellectuals are present pretty much only among classical liberals since that's the only non-retarded political ideology

Everyone in your country's a hardcore right wing christian, Manuel.

Scientists who believe in FSM aren't scientists.

The Left unirionically believes that Russia blackmailed a millionaire into becoming president.
>Left claiming intellectual high ground

That said, why is it always this flag making this post? Literally every time I've seen the "no conservative intellectuals" post it's a boomerang chucking dijerydoo playing strayan?
Not even fucking leafs have made this post that I've seen.

Sure, because this board is patrolled be 'leftists' amirite?

Hypocrites tend to be deceived by cult of personality, I noticed. It's difficult to stand out in a group formed of individuals who prize logical and ideological continuity, unless you're doing it wrong.

>you forget that anything resembling "the left" as we know it has only existed for 300 years at most.
Not at all, both are basic principles that always existed in human nature. It's just values that change in time, but both tendencies always remain.

He gets shitted on for being a Jew, but Mark Levin is a legit intellectual. In politics, that is. Well in science, that's a bit tricky. Many walked out of class whenever evolution is mentioned, so it will be tough to find those ones. I'm sure they exist, and they show their power levels at the ballot. They just want to keep their careers.

Alt-right is memers, literally people that know little of politics but vent about things that they hate and try to manipulate public opinion to match theirs more. Sup Forums being an important alt-right thing shows the kind of reationary shitshow it really is.
Unless Trump actually does what he said he would do opinion on Sup Forums will start to swing more and more towards the left. Again.

I see you're replying to my post I deleted, I had to update it because I linked the wrong video, see here: