CNN on suicide watch!
Jewish bolsheviks killed 68 million people. wonder why they don't teach that in school. 100k jews died during WW2. not even 1/650th of what they caused and they are victims?
Oh noo, that sucks
>le jews are bad!!! xDDDDD
neck yourself senpai
I wonder who posted this.
+5 shekels
I wonder who's behind this post.
"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize" -Voltaire
quit shilling for people who don't care about you OR your white family. no sympathy to people who are pushing this anti-white narrative that is making life so difficult for my fellow white brothers. the people who made this country can't get jobs because jews are pushing "diversity." we were warned about this before.
So this is how will they operate now? Make a narrative ask a friend to put a gov stamp on it, publish it as legit leak from gov whine about no responsability of content and say its not verifable content when damage is already done.
Trump should sue them with +1 billion dollars for difamation and lack of evidence.
I’m very late to this, can somebody brief me on everything thats happened so far?
This. Haven't been on here in 2 days, what's this shit about trump pissing on people?
Someone makes a fake 35 page intel report on how Russia has dirt on Trump, including video tapes of him hiring prostitutes to piss on a bed Obama slept on. Somehow they send it to some dickheads desperate for any dirt on Trump and they push this fake intel to several journalists but they saw this was probably bullshit and only BuzzFeed was stupid enough to publish it. Some others mentioned it in different ways, like how CNN said that Russia can blackmail Trump (never mentioned the pissing). Now it has also made headlines in other countires who probably havent yet figured out its fake.
Hahah who would buy this
I look forward to when we bully and dox her enough to complain to Jack get one of our alts banned.
Can confirm, the biased leftist media picked it up fast here.
I say we create an international turn off the t.v day and get as many people as we can away from t.v and the msm we need to create a trend for people to turn off their t.v's and start getting back to their lives and what is important and getting them away from the brainwashing of the msm.
Why are leftists always so condescending?
Surprised there wasn't any baneposting in the documents
Why do Leftists do this?
They insult, riticule, make up really fucked up lies, and unabashedly accuse Trump of crazy shit while treating his supporters like 2nd class citizens and when Trump responds to this vitriol "OH YOU PUSSY IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE IT YOU CAN'T BE PRESIDENT!"
They are so fucked up in every way.
JIDF kys
High horse, elitism. They believe they can do no wrong even when they are confronted with facts about how wrong they are. There's a word or definition that explains how people double down on beliefs even when confronted with overwhelming evidence to the contrary. it's like permanent damage control. They're essentially children.
I would love to see the full document.
Guys, all my employees are talking about it.
And will never find out how it's all fabrication.
The damage has been done
Maybe you should explain it to them you faggot.
I honestly think its the same couple thousand leftists that still believe the media in the first place, and they believe E V E R Y T H I N G
Came here to say this. Our radio morning show on KPNT in St. Louis actually said they didn't believe 4chins did it.
Lol, what kind of a person would take unsubstantiated claims from "sources" and then use them for a political witchhunt???????
not confirmed true doesn't mean confirmed fake.
New info came. Pic related.
How will drumpf save himself from this?
A Jew spent some time on photoshop
It's all real. Sorry guys.
@20committee: FYI the raw intel dossier leaked by BuzzFeed has been circulating quietly for months. It did not come from Sup Forums, Sen McCain or any American
Buzzfeed is fucked.
They actually didn't though...CNN stayed surprisingly far away from this whole thing. Not even an opinion piece was written.
No one watches Tv anymore except old ppl who can't use social
Media . How bout turn off the internet.
Make it for some bullshit African cause or something.
I'm just a worker for a construction firm. Tbh, they don't care and are just amused
They aren't in an autistic rage like reddit buzzfeed
How is she not right?
Donald Trump can dish it out but he can't take it.
If he wants to shitpost to the world, then he is going to, in turn, receive counter-bantz from a world of people he's pissed off (and on).
Bahama Shill back again. David taking out the big arms now. Tell him he still owns me some buns
Aren't they false exactly because they are not corroborated? If you can't verify something it's a huge red flag.
You've all been conned by some dude who said HE was the one that leaked it. But what you don't understand is that this document has been circulating IC and journos for months. Anyone that's in the IC has known about this. It just got so big that they had to show it to the public.
>"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize" -Voltaire
But he never said that, faggot.
Wrong.. if it was circulating and verifiable it would of been a big bomb before election.
Explain this:
I hear the angelic choirs singing, praise kek.
I wonder how man newfags, agents and media shills came on this board today.
I wish it were only a couple thousand, but I know it's at least several million.
Fuck the media, all journos need gassed
> "You have to go back"
Holy fuck, MSM and CIA are fucking retarded.
what's buzzfed?
WHat i understood from this is that things that Sup Forums say in this timeline had became major statements and are published as news all over major news corporations around the globe too bad they missed one most important bit
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
this is what they don't understand
It's been circulating since October of last year, when it was invented.
What's funny about this dumb cunt is that Jews literally took the original piss-party line and added in a bunch of Russian spy shit that was NOT a part of the original Sup Forums troll.
What's better:
McCain just confirmed he was the source for the intelligence agencies
So in effect, Sup Forums trolled Rick, who is a fucking idiot and forwarded the information anyway to his fellow neocon fetching circle, who then Jewishly added in a bunch of bullshit to keep up with the Russia-smear game, and it ended up in McCain's hands who then forwarded it on to the FBI/CIA, where other Jews took it at face value because it suited their agenda.
Trump needs to purge purge purge.
Will give CNN credit, they stayed away as they didn't bite.
Going from this, Putin seems like a cool guy
Have a a (you) you lazy Greek
What a good for nothing whore. The best thing she is good at is slobbering some knobs.
fuck you
Your evidence that it has been circulating for months is some guys tweet? Come on man you have to supply a little substance.
Why so pissed, user? You sound salty and sour.
So is it real?
Pay Denbts!
It's done.
Didn't stop CBS from asking about and alluding to the documents.
This wasn't in the documents published by Buzzfeed. If it was, do you have the page number? It appears to be an edit of page 2.
It's called Narcissistic personality disorder
Leftists are literally mentally ill
You guys realise if this they find out that Sup Forums was responsible, the website is at risk to get shut down. Sure it's fun to fuck around with stupid people but this time maybe it will be different and maybe they will do something if they believe Sup Forums had something to do with this.
please explain how one can be both acidic and alkali at the same time, lord faggot?
Media still tries to implant the idea of fake-news in order to centralize the media even more. Having gained acceptance in the political left, they now fish for acceptance inside the political right spectrum.
I'm inclined to believe it's all BS. Given the fact that they have also blamed the Russians for hacking the DNC.
It seems like the Salt is now lashing out at its pantomime enemy (Ru)
trsprudence could prove beyound any doubt that it was him by providing us a clear version of the section of pic related. Simple, amirite?
Funniest thing — we are supposed to trust these """intelligence""" agencies on Russian "hacks" w/out even gram of evidence because muh secrecy. Wouldn't be surprised if "russia haxxx elections!" comes from Sup Forums too, they've seen all those "Clinton will blame her loss on Russian hackers" threads and decided its good angle to pursue.
CIA should be disbanded, all higher-ups there should face criminal charges.
>pretends to be emotionally strong
>probably cried like a small child on November 8
What exactly was his response?
The way I see it Trump just speaks his mind and the truth so complaining about bullshit allegations about him is necessary for him to stay in character, ignoring it would make him a little bitch.
It's something that blew up big last night during Obamas farewell speech. Sup Forums user made a fake fanfiction about Trump having a golden shower orgy with Russian prostitues to Rick Wilson, he fed up the foodchain all the way into the CIA who reported it as real! This morning some MSM is backpedaling fast but given this discredits the CIA and gives Trump actionable reason to sue BuzzFeed, Trolls win the internet , /pol always right as usual.
>Confusing sour for tart
>having a shit palate
Canadian citizenship check out
Are you stupid? They had a huge banner up about it for 12 hours.
I don't think he made the document, he just made a fanfic that ended up being reported in the document.
Not gonna lie, you sound like a kike
Coz shutting down the website is totally going to get rid of everyone isnt it. No doublechains or anything
can't believe i fell for this again
not confirmed =/ not true
I'm immunized by Trump Golden Holy Water, it trumps any one of these images including ones that ignore normal immunities.
CIA is rogue
>jews are not horrible
nioce b8 m8