We will use the #pissgate scandal that we fabricated to:
1) destroy the CIA
2) destroy the full MSM apparatus
3) take control of the (((Narrative))) leaving us unconditional power


>Use your social media account, doesn't matter if fake or real, and start spamming poopoopeepee.png under the hashtags: #peeotus #pissgate. Tag @Buzzfeed and @realdonaldtrump

>Argue with people who spread the story. Mock them, make fun of them, make them cry for being such tards

>Do the same thing IRL

Trust me, this will work. Dig into the story and do as I said, and we will destroy 2 GOLEMS in 2 days. Let's report this thread so they'll stick them


Or we could just post pics of Pepe pooping and peeing on wojak trump

Bump. Go for it.

Good idea let's do this

better idea desu senpai

do we have this picture

this is really sad.

>What is ID

Time to fuck right back off shill.

not an argument

Check this out


So, I'm confused as to what the hell is actually going on.

Can someone enlighten me?

Still pretty fucking sad LARPing.


>Literally says "How it happened" at the beginning of the thread pic.


do not ask for whom the poo poos
it poos for pee

It makes zero sense.

What was the goal of the user who made up the story? What is the significance of it all?

Here's the thing, thou.

None of you guys are rebutting the observation in any convincing way. Do you believe that Trump is the type of character who would laugh as he paid Russian prostitutes to piss on him and each other?

Yeah. I do.

The point of whether or not he actually did it is not at issue here. It's merely been pointed out how pathetic it is that no one can honestly say "Mr. Trump is above such behaviors" and dismiss it with a character argument. No one can do that. He's such a douchenozzle that it's believable. People can totally picture him doing this.

You guys did the same thing with pizzagate on here every day, only you're the only people stupid enough to believe Hillary could actually be involved with a pedo ring. In the real world it's viewed as laughably absurd.

Unlike this, which is believable for nearly everyone, even if they attempt to resist admitting it to anyone but themselves.

You're an idiot OP
They're going to use this to push the "fake news" angle and sell internet censorship to shut us down.

The CIA will only get "destroyed" when Trump puts an NSA plant at the head of the organization.

>Implying Hillary is a saint.

Ever heard of framing? Literally the reason 90% of the people are leftists. Not because they actually believe in the ideology. People that come across as the most morally sound are usually the most fucked up.

How is the NSA any better than any of the other shitty US agencies?

They can all fuck off.


he probably actually typed in desu and senpai

idk if you are retarded or optimistic. The CIA has done worse to discredit itself. Is pol used as a platform for something?

NSA seems to be somewhat anti-globalist, along with the FBI.

Praise Kek!!

Are you being unhelpful on purpose?

What is the point in fabricating a story about Trump getting peed on by Russian prostitutes?

If it is to make the MSM and CIA look bad, how are you going to prove that the story was made up for that reason by an user?

What if the MSM just uses it to push more of their "fake news" rhetoric?

Seriously, what is the goal of the whole thing?

Are you seriously proposing that the idea of possibility of a known fiction is more important than someone who lies to you to get their way?

>Be an user on a shitty anime website known for putting excessive time and effort in trolling people or insitutions.
>Being this much of newfag.


user.did it for the lulz. If.you were present in the period of the story, nevertrump faggots created a webpage to talk bad about trump. Sup Forums flooded them with frogs, gore, jews, trolling etc
This is howvit happened

Probably a white trans ""woman"" with a proxy.

Hey journalists: Sup Forums has absolutely nothing to do with pissgate. We made up the fact that we made it up.

So it's just some gay #CutForBieber Sup Forums-tier faggotry?

I don't even see how this could possibly be lulz inducing.

"Omg the MSM is making up false stories about Trump again, hahaha so many lulz lel kek"


You mean people who don't know any better actually don't know any better?

Meanwhile real problem here is that people who are being paid to know any better don't know any better.

Liberals say Russia made a mockery out of your election, but it's not like you need Russia's help to be a complete joke.

>Thinking there is a point all along.
>Still being this much of a newfag.

it probably is true but who even cares what's true or not any more kek

just encourage enough people to think about it and it might as well be true

If there is no point to it, then why are we going to spend time spamming Twitter?

>did not read the fucking thread memo.
It does not matter if there is a point newfag.

I've read the whole thread.

Even when Sup Forums just a raid, there is a point (lulz and things).

You're asking us to expend energy doing something, and then being a fucking douche when asked "why"?

This is pathetic.
Smile for the screenshot! I'm sharing this with the rest of the internet so we can all mock you in unison!

>Sup Forums is a hive mind.


Doing it for the lulz is doing it for a point (goal).

What is funny about making up stories about Trump when the MSM already does that?

I used the word "us" for the very reason that there is more than one.

>OP pic that I haven't posted in this thread


>t. victim of fluoride overdose
>lmao he probably is a fucking leaf

I remember when Hillary was asking for dirt a while back, anons went on and posted tons and tons of extensive, completely over-the-top, stories about Trump's sexual escapades, throwing people out of his hotels, etc. it was great fun.