Risk - Sea of Japan and Yellow Sea

To join state the clan you want to control and put it in your name

game only starts if we get enough people for it to be decent, otherwise ill wait until later

Other urls found in this thread:


Claiming Koguyro

btw its best you study the map a little before picking a colour, the biggest areas arent necessarily the most powerful

Claiming Otomo


claim russia

Claiming Date

if you insist on having another name aswell as your clan name please put both in your name field so i know who you are

thanks :)

Will do, too, fampai.

Had to move ro my mobile device

Notice trip code is the same as this post, post id changed

4 people so far,
would like a couple more at least first

K we will be fighting half the game I see


OK mupdate 1, but hopefully more people join

first mupdate will be purposely slow to give people time

if anyone wants to join then roll straight away pls

>4 people
really nigga

invade chosokabe

Conquer Korea,start with brown

build castle on the border to shizmau

Invade hokkaido

lol dude what a roll

this is the first time running this map so i might be about to see a load of imbalances to fix

I know it's kind of dumb but can you cede that one tile in the northeast inbetween my territory to me? It's triggering my autism.

Invade the Vesugi

Yeah, but this move was pretty lucky to begin with.

Claiming Vesugi
Rolling to annex darker blue

Place castle in newly gained territory


More Korean clay,push towards the castle

invade shizmau

OP I'm supposed to have new castle because I rolled doubles
Finish annexing inferior blue, then spread north

Oh wait never mind
Purple attacked me

Yeah fuck up the Vesugi

how many yall got

Continue taking hokaido


you can join if you want

new players are welcome

im starting slowly so people can join

mupdates are gonna start speeding up soon



Mupdates are going to get faster now though

take the rest of shizmau, remaining forces invade mouri

Fill hokkaido

Spill into brown

Invade the date plants

Place a castle near the coast

More Korea!

Kill blue

Get fucked

Mupdate 4

Still loads of space for newfags


Annex Shizmau, proceed to invade Mouri.

Take his castle
Invade him


Attack otomo seaport attached to castle and 2 territories, fill that general area

use remeining forces to defend instead, if still something is left, then invade mouri

Fill Korea,you forgot my roll mate.

Claiming hebei

sorry mate ill add both in

Roll invade brown to the north

roll senpai

added a trip, forgot

Claiming Vikata

Expand south.

push towards the sea through dark redp

Claim Sanada, roll for Maeda.

Now this looks pretty interesting


Rolling to kill dates

Attack vikata

Finish off Korea,invade Konishi and Beijing.

Finish off brown to the north, spills are discarded

reclaim lost territory from russia, if there are meiaing forces, use them to push against lost regions from vikata

oh I'm a retard, I wanted to attack whichever shade of red is north of me. Thought it was vikata but now idk

Take sourrounding land around newley captured castle

Protect against any attacks on the castle

also + 3 on even

Changing name into Korean Empire.

Expand into Kugoyro

Can someone link me to the risk maps mega? I feel like hosting a game.

Get fucked by my digits
Place my new castle in the most north eastern part of my russian territory

using all forces to reclaim vikata regions instead.

Link the thread here once you're hosting.

This is alao a +3 on even

NAP? i won't attack your region on the island and grant you the region next to you, if you let me reclaim my lost vikata region.

and if you let me keep my two islands without interference.

Lol no

Im in too good of a spot to just let you go on

Hey if you're into risk why not join the discord?

It's pretty lax on rules and we're essentially Sup Forums in chat form


>Essentially Sup Forums in Chat form

In regards to the autism levels, yes

Want a NAP of sorts?

what a cancer

no re rolls faggot

tell me if ive missed anyone
that mupdate was pretty complicated

Koguyro has declared a Korean Empire !

that was no reroll, it was restructuring of my forces with the same roll i rolled first

hmmm...I should know better than to trust a merchant, but yes

no re directing or re rolls or any of that bullshit

im using real time rolls so that would fuck up everything

invade hebei, then vikata

ok, now i know

Defend against Vitakas attack,and if I can recapture the ship,pay him a visit :^)

Sounds like metagaming jewry to me.

you missed minefor this roll sail and attack green

Don't worry.
Finish off brown, spills go to Invading otomo

Kill off date man

What about my expansion in Kugoyro? Whatever, go south, crush the filthy Hebei.


Almost no one meta games though

Put castle into most Northern Territory newly gained
Spill yellow

invading him would now mean invading this guy first cause he just recaptured that dock in japan

You took a ship from me,take a look at the map

