ITT: Sup Forums users we recognize

I'll start:

>The Spanish commie faggot
>The leaf that keeps spamming the copypastas
>The nazi Brazilian
>The Malaysian, you know who you are

Other urls found in this thread: artist formerly known as Mr. Westmount /

Génie Bouchard-posting French Canadian. He goes by 'The artist formerly known as Mr. Westmount' artist formerly known as Mr. Westmount /

>>The leaf that keeps spamming the copypastas
you have to narrow that one down

That one Serbian shill

ohhh yeah that guy

The one Israeli who's relentlessly shilling against trump
The fucking machines Israeli

>The Malaysian, you know who you are
we all do

The leaf that spams "city people voted for Hillary
And the leftist strayan cunt

That Australian fag that posts nigger dicks

kek. i dont know how that fella keeps coming back every night.

>that american guy who thinks it's ok to have sex with your own loli daughters.
>that greek guy who spergs out against trannies and weebs
>that other american namefag pedo who keeps getting banned everytime he makes a post (i miss him though)
>that romanian who always argues with said pedo and spams spiderman pictures
>that german deer poster
>that british mummy poster
>that brazilian guy who always makes pro racemixing threads with kuruminha in the OP

The brit mommy poster who keeps posting that russian politician

The bong who is obsessed with Poklonskaya. Not sure if he is rusing or if he really is such an autismo lord

Also, where did brushie go?

i kind of have sympathy for him, he's like a part of Sup Forums

>the brazilian that writes really well and structures his thoughts beautifully
that's me

The guy that keeps posting that piece of shit Assclowns United song.

The Bangladeshi shitskin that posts Pro Trump threads instead of learning to shit in a toilet

>That one irish poster that waits for an Ireland/Ulster thread and spams it with shit copypastas

never ever, bognigger.

here's a photo of that brazilian guy in action

Donald Trump.

Yep I know you

the pol sci american copypasta w/ lube in the picture

>bogdanoffs posters
Literally the best threads

The "suburban retards" leaf.

That guy that always calls me a faggot, fuck you dude I'm straight as fuck

I think he got a romanian proxy now, same style

kek. saved.

the "Obama created a shit ton of jobs" leaf

what happened to him anyways?


The Jap English Teacher, and the based Italian dude

this is guy was the thing that pushed me over the edge and now i report all leaf post indiscrimantely

Nah I'm the crypto nazi one
Can prove by answering ideological questions

I was recognized several times as a russian in france who knows that particular asuka cosplayer

The Egyptian guy who does the same thing

the malayasian who always replys to brazilians with the copypasta

That one liberal Serbian cuck

What was Hitler's position on Christianity?

Yes, the jew obsessed with fucking machines is an odd one

Drawfag Trumpette is pretty easy to recognize, mostly from filenames.

The handsome Australian with a big cock

>The Malaysian, you know who you are

The german antifa poster

Has anyone mentioned the "fuck drumph and fuck white people" Serbian shill

I always recognize that one guy from Cyprus. Probably the only postet from there.
I'm also pretty recognizable as 10 dudes tops post from here.

That Estonian tooth-brushing waifu

The German deer poster.

Oh yes, the mum poster

What happened to Eternal Anglo turk?


That one awful UK poster who makes identical threads every month about fitness and atheism
You know who you are

The Italian who thinks he's a Roman.

Go away mike

Ngeselin, sombong

>Be Brazillian
>Not shit-tier intellect.

You're one in one million.

im not mike

nope, i remember you

I havnt seen him much lately

>that one dude posting from Guam

I know you're out there dude

You are the guy masturbating on birds, aren't you?

Lathe gore socialist
Frogposter that says >leaf
Cuck porn Aussie
60% white Argie
City people all voted for Hillary
Serb shill for hill
Yfw god is real
Egyptian we wuz guy

The "Eternal Anglo" German

I was gonna say this too.

>the fucking faggot with a jap proxy

That one guy that keeps spamming pictures of his pink hair girlfriend

I'm The American

Hello English teacher

That one fucking Norwegian that always goes on about how America is shit as if anyone (besides me) actually cares.

I don't even know what you're talking about.

fuck that trap loving tripcuck

You forgot to mention the pole that posts dank nasheeds

>the brazilian huehue who starts a thread about the balkans
>the nip who shits on his country

That one's a classic.

Malayfag, destroyer of drawthreads.
The "Fuck Drumpf", Hillary pepe poster
And finally, the Greek guy who posts Lewd 2hu. I miss him so.


>that one south african jew shilling for israel

Too bad its the same as other leafs being total shitposting faggots all leafs get painted with the same brush so all malays are mike.

So fuck you

Unemployed and couldnt pay for Internet anymore.

hello negro

Idk, because I've heard him both saying that his movement is Christian while the facts show that he was involved in occult and paganism, as well as the fact that nazism is secular on the surface. To be honest I have not checked probably because I don't want to be disappointed that natsoc was anti Christian.
You got me, I don't know this, but I'd love it if you'd tell me what you know.
Maybe I should have said fascist instead of nazi, in retrospect. I am not very familiar with the natsoc ideology to perfection, but I do know that I believe in many fascist and nazi ideals.
Yeah. Especially since he puts a happy merchant on his webms.

PK from antarctica

we're all faggots here.

fuck dude that spanish commie gets me super saiyan trig'd

kek, what is it about?

The cuckposting american expat living in japan that says >tfw nip

You may know him from the ban guns thread
he also posted the trump already on list of worst us presidents

a Leaf summoned him with the gif yesterday. He's around.

the leaf who shills for obama

>Swedish 30 years war/le germanic empire autist
>Diaspora croat from Brazil
>Czech cuckold
>American forcing Hillary Clinton as a winner, because muh popular vote

that faggot slav that loves hillary for some reason

The big Black one?

i thought that was all germans

>how to summon the malaysian

the Argentinian that thinks he's white

I forgot the estonian guy who organzied sjw protests before he took the redpill

>the Canadian who makes anti-Trump or pro-democrat repost threads a few times a day
>the same Canadian's Serbian proxy that he is confirmed to use
>Hungarian redditfag who spams about LE PRAISE KEK XD
>Malaysian Mike
>The American guy who watermarks his images for some reason

There also was an Israeli guy who used to react with “reddit frog“ to every pepe

The canadian 8gag shill

Does anyone remember the Jewish Zambia who was shilling for Zionist world order?

Too many people called him out on
>you're defending the guys that bombed your country

how do you feel about the Jews then?