Other urls found in this thread:
The current year is off to a good start.
>A white judge denies a minority who was wrongly arrested and blasted by the media as being a terrorist the money he deserves for putting up with us and choosing to remain in this country and invent things to make America great
I'm so shocked cumskins
So that means they have to pick up the bill of the oppositions lawyers right?
An obvious scam preying on everyones cucking to diversity was found to be a scam in the US justice system.
Shit nigger, you should be happy the next time you land in court that our legal system works
It would be fun if the damn clock exploded in that press conference
>trying to insult people on Sup Forums
>Ahmed built
>gut an alarm clock
>stick innards in mini suitcase
>bring to school
>tfw everbody calls you a hero and loves you and then Trump gets elected and you have a million dollars in lawyer fees
Rest in piss
Are you tired of winning yet?
Since he was a muslim there probably was a a good 10-15% chance it could have based off Pew data in your image
Christ's doubles are pulling this nation and each of us into greater keks.
Praise the lord.
I beleive.
Nice digits bby
As onto you so shall be on to them.
Peace my brother.
Not necessarily, that's not automatic
They'll have to receive a judgment for legal fees
>W i t n e s s e d
It was not his time yet.
SJWs will do mental gymnastics to unironically defend this
hey ahmed nice lawsuit
I want to see Ahmed's head in a vice
But I resist stooping to those levels of barbarism
brb accepting Jesus as my Lord and personal savior
You can't bring a toy gun to school, and what do you know but you can't bring a toy bomb to school either.
dammit CARLOS
But how is the current time doing?
This is Obamas legacy
Didn't this happen like 3 years ago? Can anybody objectively say they're not just trying to get easy money at this point?
It's possible but the defendants would need to sue for this to happen and it'd be a waste of time. Fox and Glen Beck can pay their own bills, Bomblet maybe not so much
>typical nigger has to bring race into everything.
I'll take the bait.
Cumskin is the equivelant of 'giving life', whereas, Shitskin is nothing but excrement; discarded bodily waste.
>pic related
You can check for yourself on my homemade clock
Nice pizza Ahmed. Wanna bring it to the toilet ?
Nice failure, Ahmed. Why don't you take it to the deportation camp?