Trump quoted "I think it was Russia" according to the DNC hack

Trump quoted "I think it was Russia" according to the DNC hack.

It looks like it was Russia after all, even Trump is admitting it. Why did Wikileaks lie to us Sup Forums?

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he's talking about an earlier hack that was identity theft probably by a russian gang, not the wikileaks one

Did he mean the DNC email hacks? It's not always clear what hacking they're talking about. I thought those were leaked from inside. But if it was Russia, then they could have been leaked to WikiLeaks via a third party.

No he wasnt. It was specifically about the Podesta phishing.

Are we still trusting wikileaks?

Fake News

Yes, he went on to mention the DNC hacks and Putin should not have done it. He also went on to say Russia would respect America and approves of the sanctions Obama implemented.

that is going to look terrible after her first kid. it already looks bad...

It's right probably.

It was Russia along with 4-6 other countries. It was hard to not hack Shillarys private Email server

I knew this will come up but it was the only website that had his quote available right away. Rewatch his press conference again and confirm it yourself.


Fake news, sorry.


ew. fuck off. I despise faggots like you.

Dont take CNNs word for it, rewatch his press conference to confirm it.

>them digits
>that image

I'm seriously, where are the proofs that clearly say that the Russian government used FSB or whatever to hack? Anyone can get a Russian IP. I want to see documents approved by the Russian government to hack. If you don't have any of this, it's just simply bullshit and a waste of time. Literally tinfoil.

This happened because Trump in his pettiness said to CNN that he refuses to give their reporters any questions during the press conference.

Trump said releasing the report is wrong and it is illegal.

So releasing proof is illegal user, so what do we do then?

>I think it was Russia
>We KNOW it was Russia, we have PROOF, and it's because Donald Trump is in bed with Putin! We're not going to show you any of our proof though.

Trump condemned the release of the declassified report.

So what should we do then? Release the proof or not?

Doesn't the freedom of information act allows you to visit any government information?

CNN is fake news.

Why don't you believe Trump?

That's not how classified intel works at all.


They didn't kill Seth Rich for no reason. He was the mole for the DNC leaks which is why he was assassinated and the whole world has known that for months. He's clearly talking about something else.

I support Trump and Putin. But if they have any information they should release them. I'm talking about real informations not about some dude said on Twitter that he was paid by the gubmint. Even then trump will still remain president.

Fake news. Russia is a peaceful country and has absolutely no reasons to interfere in anyone else's business. You might be thinking of the Empire of Evil - USA.

But then they should not put it on media. You cannot simply report on it and say
>Well duh we cannot provide you any facts because it's classified. Too bad for you, gotta gobble down the shit we serve you.

>agreeing with your intelligence agencies
>adding all that stuff he said after that
Some people still don't get it

Trump saw the evidence and told people what he thought the evidence said, why would he lie to you?

Trump listens to the intellegence community

Wikileaks still has better record and is objectively more trustworthy

Because they were hacked / leaked by many?

Bush said that Irak had nuclear weapons.

But bush was a neocon controlled by Cheney who made money off war.

Trump wouldn't be told what to say like Bush

WikiLeaks has been taken over by Russia. Have you not seen the livestream.

Therefore we need to see facts and not listen to whatever anybody said. That's like normal human behavior.

doesn't mean trump is right.

Why would he lie to the American people though, he has nothing to gain

Man, what do you want to hear? Maybe he's a reptilian? I don't care about his motives, all I say is that if you make a claim you should be ready to deliver facts otherwise shut up. I can make shit up myself.

Sup Forums is always wrong

It was russia
Assange is fine
No evidence for pizzagate

You sad fucking losers hA ha ha

Stop it, shillface

Stop giving you facts?

>Its impossible Wikipedia and Russia both hacked the DNC.
>Its impossible the 400 pound hacker, Wikipedia and Russia hacked the DNC.
Its not a first come first serve deal.

This could make the claim that Russia hacked the DNC true.
But it means nothing since the information would have come out regardless.
And even if it was through Russia the DNC got hacked its really just the truth coming to light.

Its all a ruse to divert attention to the means and away from the information in the emails.

>Why did Wikileaks lie to us Sup Forums?
Assange is a Russian proxy.

Just watched the Trump Press Conference. He called CNN "fake news", refused any CNN questions, and would NOT categorically deny that neither he nor any member of his campaign staff met with Russian Federation personnel in the run-up to the election. He was extremely angry at the release, which lends weight to its legitimacy (as I expected, had the report not been genuine, he would not have been angry). He said Russia will "have greater respect for" his leadership than any other American Executorship in history. My conclusion: the report is real.

wew lad


>Trump condemned the release of the declassified report.
Just watched the Trump Press Conference. He called CNN "fake news", refused any CNN questions, and would NOT categorically deny that neither he nor any member of his campaign staff met with Russian Federation personnel in the run-up to the election. He was extremely angry at the release, which lends weight to its legitimacy (as I expected, had the report not been genuine, he would not have been angry). He said Russia will "have greater respect for" his leadership than any other American Executorship in history. My conclusion: the report is real.

>So what should we do then? Release the proof or not?
YES< quickly before he becomes original classification authority and it gets buried in the pages of history forever. For the sake of US National Security release the fucking PROOF.

Wikileaks will never lie. They always verify any info.

wikileaks didnt lie they just said their source isnt the russian government, it could have been some dude they don't know is working for the russian government

I remember when we were wrong about Trump winning the election too

Fuck off ding dong click clack

I almost clicked this article but then I realized it was fake news

He thinks... No one knows who it is.

Next they'll say Bat Boy also thinks Russia did it right?